求用英语介绍北京巧克力梦公园 急~最好加上中文翻译

作者&投稿:郜匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hello, everyone. my name is chenbo. 大家好。我叫陈博。
i am from quxian county, sichuan province.我来自四川省的渠县。
i like playing basketball and pingpong. 我喜欢打篮球和乒乓球。
i am also good english and math. 我还擅长英语
my dream is to be basketball player in the future.我的梦想是将来当一个篮球运动员。

Yuanmingyuan Park, situated in the northwest of Beijing, is the most magnificent royal garden of Qing Dynasty in the Chinese history.
Yuanmingyuan Park was named by Emperor Kangxi. "Yuanming" means round and brightness.
The implication of "Yuan" is moderate and the "Ming" means that the brightness can cover the whole nation.

Yuanmingyuan drew on the characteristics of Suzhou gardens and inherited the cream of Chinese ancient gardening.
Yuanmingyuan was also like an art museum which collected numerous curios and art works.
Yuanmingyuan Park was the home of various sorts of exotic flowers and unusual trees. No wonder that Yuanmingyuan Park was reputed "the most beautiful garden in the world".

The World Chocolate Wonderland Theme Park in Beijing begins to accept customers from January 29th, 2010 to April 10, 2010. Located on the north side of Bird’s Nest National Stadium, the park is the first of its kind in China. The Chocolate Wonderland is consisted of five indoor halls, including the World’s Chocolate Hall, World’s Candy Hall, Wonderland Theme Hall, Sweet Experience Hall and Sweet Gift Hall, as well as the outdoor activity areas of Sweet Stages and Sweet Shopping Street.The Chocolate Wonderland is meant to provide a visual feast for tourists from all over the world. In the theme park, tourists are able to see the lifelike chocolate-made miniature of many famous China attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses.On entering the theme park, you will start a sweet journey which enables you to appreciate the distinctive chocolate-made artist works and the performances of expert chocolatiers. If you are interested in the craft of chocolate making, just ask the experts for assistance. The Chocolate Wonderland is built to allow visitors to “see, touch, taste and smell the delicacy on their own”. This year, lovers are able to spend a sweet and romantic Valentine’s Day in the theme park.Information about Beijing's World Chocolate WonderlandOpening Date: from January 29 to April 10
Location: On the north of Bird’s Nest
Ticket Price: 80yuan.
Telephone Number of Ticket Booking: 400 610 3721
How to Get There: Take Subway No.8 to the stop of Olympic Green, and get out of the subway station from the southeast exit, and then walk eastward for about 50 meters. There are also a lot of Buses that can take you to the Olympic Green.

仅供参考,点个采纳,谢谢:Chocolate dream park is China's first with the theme of the chocolate dream world theme park - "dream park" will settle chocolate nest north square. Then, the world's largest chocolate, chocolate wall of dunhuang grottoes, etc, warriors will appear on the works of art, chocolate dream park. In addition, still can taste and their characteristics of chocolate.
According to the introduction, the chocolate dream park covers an area of nearly 2 million square meters, into the dream park gate, a sweet trip will start from the chocolate museum from 3,000 years, the legend of chocolate, through Belgium, Swiss, Italy, France, etc. To chocolate country, look at the characteristics of landscape and various classic chocolate, and China's first chocolate falls, the world's most expensive chocolates, all kinds of exquisite of chocolate art feast your eyes, and for your master chocolate show superb chocolate process. Come across the hall candy fairy tale of candy, candy in the jungle, bleaching magic the five continents to enjoy colorful candy to bring joy and happiness, skeletal sugar, insects such dozens of novel candy sugar will bring you more surprise.
The chocolate dream park besides the chocolate museum and the world outside, candy in China and China's boom is proud of the theme park spindle dreams, will bring us back to thousands years ago time tunnel through the ancient civilizations, the world's largest chocolate wall, warriors, dunhuang grottoes in extremely magnificent manner, the world's largest chocolate present sculpture group, the world first chocolate painting, fine workmanship, unique creativity. Dream of another theme park is fashionable life, delicate and fashionable clothing, shoes, blue and white porcelain, motorcycle, automobile, etc are chocolate and candy.
In the park visitors can also make personalized commemorative chocolate, candy, also can taste various peculiar candy, enjoy happiness with large stage show acting, Visitors can close interaction with lovely chocolate mascot photos, taste and flavor characteristics of chocolate, candy, easy to enjoy a happy surprise sweet feast.
The chocolate dream park, Beijing organizers taixiang general manager of limited company ZhengYaoTing paddy planning, worldwide, chocolate is diverse, the world cultural and creative park with dreams of chocolate for development. Therefore, the company held in Beijing this project is to use "art and cultural value of" innovation, cultural and creative concept, will the world of fashion in Chinese culture, make chocolate world saw sweet for tourists in Beijing new appearance, expanding knowledge, chocolate, chocolate charm brought rich experience of chocolate technology culture breath, also for Beijing's winter tourism new fashionable originality new stroke. 附中文翻译:巧克力梦公园是中国第一座以巧克力为主题的梦幻主题公园——“世界巧克力梦公园”将落户鸟巢北侧广场。届时,世界最大的巧克力雕塑群——巧克力长城、兵马俑、敦煌石窟等艺术作品,将亮相世界巧克力梦公园。此外,市民还可品尝并亲手制作特色巧克力。


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神木县13341889820: 北京巧克力梦公园 怎么样 -
钊果甘羟: 不知道您在哪,总之您最后要坐上地铁8号线,到达奥林匹克公园站下车,从D口(东南口)出来后,右手边您会看见楼梯,您就上楼梯,上去后就会看到鸟巢在您眼前,然后您向东走,走大概50米,过马路,您就能看到巧克力梦公园了.门票...

神木县13341889820: 2010年情人节有什么好的去处没有?今年初一是情人节,请问北京有
钊果甘羟: 世界巧克力梦公园介绍:在这个巧克力构成的世界中,满眼都是巧克力制作的艺术品,到处散发着巧克力独特的香甜味道.用近8吨巧克力构筑的长达10米的长城,蜿蜒的...

神木县13341889820: 急!帮我写个英语小短文A A wonderful day in the Beijing World Park(80词左右) -
钊果甘羟: ....1楼语法一般嘛 Millie and her classmates took two-hour bus to the Beijing World Park on Sunday[On Sunday 放前面也可以]. Millie felt sick on her way there. However, once got in to the park, she was immediately attracked by hundreds of man-made famous place in the world.They had a nice trip.

神木县13341889820: 急需,用英文简单介绍下北京! -
钊果甘羟:[答案] 去找找看有关北京的介绍词,然后翻译成英文就可以了! 给你个例子吧: 内容如下: As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china.So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,...

神木县13341889820: 巧克力梦公园票价与简介 -
钊果甘羟: 门票八十.能领点儿星座糖.一共三个馆. 第一个有世界各国巧克力的展示.巧克力瀑布什么的. 第二个主题馆,有巧克力做的长城,兵马俑,莫高窟,清明上河图什么的. 还有宝马.比较有的看. 第三个馆能领糖,然后就是让你消费的.DIY巧克力,纪念品,外面难买的一些巧克力.外面还有表演,不同时段的.还有卖小吃的地方.去记得带相机. 要不你真的就基本是白去了.要想买点儿巧克力纪念品. 就多带点儿钱. 不够花的.

神木县13341889820: 谁能介绍一下巧克力梦公园的情况?有去过的吗? -
钊果甘羟: 世界巧克力梦公园,今年在上海东亚展览馆举办.徜徉在巧克力奇幻森林、 挑战惊险刺激的巧克力火山、到玛雅市集交易可可豆、在故事屋了解巧克力的制作, 到魔法学院亲手做个“爱的礼物”,更有「巧克力王国历险记」歌舞剧精彩上演……

神木县13341889820: 世界巧克力梦公园有多少个展馆? -
钊果甘羟: 有4个,梦公园主题馆,世界巧克力馆,巧克力生活馆,巧克力魔法学院,每个馆的话内容都很丰富,我最喜欢那个魔法学院了,可以自己DIY巧克力

神木县13341889820: 最近有没有什么好去处啊,玩的地方.庙会呀什么的... -
钊果甘羟: 北京巧克力梦公园 1月18日,首次落户北京奥林匹克公园的世界巧克力梦公园对外展示了一批精心制作的巧克力雕塑群.据介绍,世界巧克力梦公园是国内首家以巧克力文化为主题的公园,距鸟巢仅200米,将于1月29日开放.占地2万平方米的园区由主题馆、巧克力馆、世界糖果馆、甜蜜体验馆及甜蜜礼品馆5个室内场馆和舞台区、商业区组成,共计使用各类巧克力80吨.市民在这里除了可以体验巧克力文化之外,还能现场看到由巧克力制作而成的万里长城、秦始皇兵马俑、敦煌莫高窟、青铜器等中国古代文明景观.

神木县13341889820: 北京是否开乐一家巧克力公园.求大神帮助 -
钊果甘羟: 是..好想去看啊. 全球首家以巧克力为主题的“甜蜜世界巧克力梦公园”将于2010年1月29日在北京“鸟巢”北侧广场开园. 巧克力梦公园总占地面积近2万平方米,主要由世界巧克力馆、世界糖果馆、梦公园主题馆、甜蜜体验馆和甜蜜礼品馆5个室内场馆,甜蜜舞台区、甜蜜商店街等室外活动区组成,游客还可以体验巧克力艺术所呈现的巧克力长城、巧克力兵马俑及巧克力时尚工艺,如巧克力精品包、服饰、高跟鞋、世界名画…… 该园将展示世界各地具有当地文化特色的各类巧克力与糖果,并有中外著名工艺大师现场演绎精彩的糖果与巧克力制作工艺,游客还可以亲手制作个性化的纪念巧克力、糖果.

神木县13341889820: 2014年春节期间北京鸟巢巧克力梦公园还开着吗?麻烦今年去过的朋?
钊果甘羟: 首届世界巧克力梦公园于2010年在北京鸟巢开园,将3000年来的巧克力文化和当下流行的巧克力时尚艺术引入中国,让人们体验感受巧克力的魅力,为奥运后的北京带来了...

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