
作者&投稿:丛荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Customer cause success is our maximal pride. Set off from "the customer for this " angle , put self's whole heart to be that the customer provides the valuable service pattern, the effort using up 100% satisfies different customer product need. "Start from customer need, the customer is finally satisfied " exactly be person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship converging eternal run after!

Respond the intelligent degree is the marking of the reaction speed that measures the object, this respond the speed and also can be measure by the instrument.For example in the daily life, can pass the instrument to measure the intelligent degree of a person's reaction.But a test of reaction instrument physical volume that this time design is small, measuring the accuracy high.Can carry on the test that responds the intelligent degree to the athlete, pilot...etc..Its test accuracy for 1% second, namely ten.Test the scope is a 0.01 s ~ 1 s.Measure the result directly from figures the tube reads, use simple, convenient.
Respond a test instrument to mainly be constitute by three pieces of CMOSs integrated circuit, among them have two pieces of CD4026s, go to count to complete through a string two count and show the function;A piece of CD4013, complete to respond the intelligent degree control part that tests the instrument, the electric circuit is simple.Pass to manufacture this electric circuit, can also master to use these two kinds of integrated circuits of CD4026 and CD4013ses.

This is the second week since the term began , when I have been ajusted to the surroundings of the university . Today , I , a sophomore , is going to practise in hospital , which is so expectable . Our new teacher is very beautiful and young . She teaches rather better than the one who taught us last year. I feel easy in the study , so I will study English hard .

It's the second week of this term. I have been adjusted to the life of the university bit by bit. I'm a sophomore now. I'm looking forward to go to the hospital as an internship this weekend. This term is light-hearted and I'll work hard on English. Our new teacher is pretty and youthy.What's more, her lessons are more attractive than my former teacher's. All my calssmates like her very much!

This is to go to school for two weeks, slowly orientation school of life.Big two, today period the end want go to hospital practice, good expectation!The lesson is still light loose of, I be good friends with good study English.The teacher in last year teach of not good at all, this year of the teacher be very beautiful very young, teach of also very good.The classmate in the class is also all very happy she!


A:小李 你好 李さん、こんにちわ B:你好 最近好吗 こんにちわ、最近元気?A:恩 最近有点忙 学校快要考试了 下个月还有日语的等级考试 还要做找工作的准备...うん、最近ちょっと忙しいのよ。そろそろ学校の试験だし、来月には日本语能力试験があるし、それに就职の准备もしなくちゃ.....

上面的这段用的是男性用语,"お前"也可以用"君"来代替.下面是女性用语 あなたのことずっと気になっています。あなたのいないこの间、いつもあなたのことを思っています。なんだか言叶になれない感じ。どうして连络してくれないかわかりません。勉强で忙しいせいなのかって、いろい...

本人具有较好的理论基础和实践技能,思维活跃,极富创造力,易于沟通,具有较好团队的意识,能够高效率地完成工作。 我热爱贵单位所从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这一光荣的事业添砖加瓦;并且在实践中不断学习、进步。I have adept theoretic knowledge and practiced skill. Vivid thinking...

If it is true ,what will we do ?If there is traffic jam, be careful!

帮我把下面这句话 翻译成英文
黄晓强喜欢天使一样纯洁的惠婷虽然不能在一起 但也希望惠婷可以永远的幸福开心 Huang Xiaoqiang loves Huiting who is as immaculate as angels.Though they can not be together he hopes that Huiting will be happy 这是中文和英文的意思,希望能帮到你 ...

Butterfly blink eyes, only a few times learnt how to fly.The night sky spread full of stars, but a few star will be born.My flight, but you fall occasion.Very near, still hear breathing.I'm sorry, but I didn't catch you tightly.You don't know why I leave you,I ...


Custom equality First time hires the family nursemaid since birth, her hands and feet does not stop busily, I am idling helplessly, thought is not familiar with very much.Uses nursemaid's friend to enlighten continuously to say that,From the very beginning I also so, slowly on be...

was playing piano, it was just squatting next to me and listening to it. Unfortunately, it has been given to others. Now we all miss it very much!绝对正确,非在线翻译!翻译的我好累啊!!希望对你有帮助!检举: 白痴路人等人 使用的是在线翻译!还骗人说没用在线!强烈鄙视!

帮我把下面这段文字 全部翻译成日文平假名 速度!
繁忙中这种话不会说的,但是你要相信,这都是为了我们的将来 但是老实说,现在立刻就想见你啊,现在就想把你抱紧 以前你在我旁边坐的位置上已经空空如也 不过,那也是没办法的。想说的话并不是那些 事到如今,附上一直都想说的话,寄出不会送出的信 宝贝,女孩,我在这里,哪儿都不去地等待 你...

南通市17744076613: 帮忙把下面一段话译成英文想再告诉你——我是那么爱你.你却再也听不到了……我多么后悔,后悔平时没能多看你一眼,多说一句平时我不好意思说的这句:... -
才旦杨耐信:[答案] I Want to tell you again that how I love you. but you can't heare it any more.it makes me regret that I can't see you more time.I want to say the word I love you that makes me shy. you leave me alone. leave the love that has pass,while the flowers flourish on ...

南通市17744076613: 英语翻译求帮把下面这段话翻译成英文,--------------------------------------------------------------上午我们安排了游湖活动,可以在指定区域内划船,欣赏西湖春天的美... -
才旦杨耐信:[答案] Morning we arrange tours Lake activities, we can go boating in the designated areas, enjoy the beauty of the spring of West Lake, boat race between us will organize various departments, each departmen...

南通市17744076613: 帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语
才旦杨耐信: 爱着我是真的深爱着:I was really in love with love, 也知道你也是真的:and that you are really,我想牵着你的手走完我们的以后: I would like to hold your hand finish the看着我的眼睛你会相信的: later we looked at my eyes you would believe, 亲爱的我们究竟怎么了my dear how we really had?

南通市17744076613: 帮我把下面这段话译成英文春 游上周星期二,我们去了趟春游,是去野炊!我们非常非常高兴!8个人为一个小组.在去的路上,我们一直说的说,笑的笑.(... -
才旦杨耐信:[答案] Last Tuesday,we went to a field trip,it was a picnic.We were very happy and excited.And we have groups of eight people.During the trip,we were talking and laughing all the way through.The sun was shin...

南通市17744076613: 帮我把下面这段话话翻译成英文
才旦杨耐信: Anyway, I never regard you as a puppet, I really just joking with you, that's not true, but thank you can forgive me.

南通市17744076613: 帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文
才旦杨耐信: If you don't love me any more,I will forget you in my whole life;If you are bored with me,I will leave you forevre.

南通市17744076613: 麻烦帮忙将下面这段话翻译成英文,谢谢 -
才旦杨耐信: I am very interested in this item though I am aware that I am not the only one want it. Such that please inform me of how much you expect or others' offer when you are going to sell it. We can negotiate the price.Besides, I had been planning to buy ...

南通市17744076613: 谁可以帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语?求准确.
才旦杨耐信: “If you don't hurt you, you don't care too much about. Because I really didn't mean, let you be wronged. Because don't know love, so choose hurt. But please believe that I really love. I'm stupid, stupid, stupid to even love could not say a word.”

南通市17744076613: 帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文,谢谢 -
才旦杨耐信: 我不能确定你要找的是哪本书,我查找了库存没有符合你要求的,所以我在网站帮你搜索到两本,不知道是不是你所需要的,希望可以帮到你,非常感谢你对我们的信任和支持!I'm not so sure which book you are looking for now,and I cannot ...

南通市17744076613: 请把下面这段话翻译成英语,谢谢那是一个很美的春天,校园里到处都是
才旦杨耐信: 那是一个很美的春天, It was a lovely spring. 校园里到处都是盛开的花朵 和鲜艳的人群, There were the blooming flowers everywhere and showy crowd in the campus. ...

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