
作者&投稿:戎胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in chinese, this sentence means...
help me to translate what uncle and aunt said into Chinese
This is chinese food my mother cooked.Help yourselves
第三句:请问您吃饱了吗? would you like to have some more food?
Let's hang out
do you know the name of the place you live?
My families can't speak chinese.
my family is a small one .But it's warm and happy
I really wish you could live in china for a longtime
welcome to my family.All of my families are very happy to meet you.
第十局:在中国,几乎没有讲英文的学校,所以你女儿必须得学习一些基本的中文,我很乐意教她中文,也希望她能交我英文。There's hardly any school which only teach in English, so your daughter has to learn some Chinese ABCs. I'm very glad to teach her Chinese,and I hope she can also teach me English

Today. I learn to mother's appearance put water into the pan, then take a little m wash, pour into the pot and then put the pot on the electric meal bao, press the switch, so they're done, as long as 30 minutes to eat. Next up is cooking. I just want to cut food problem immediately to the house and food to take how much? : Knife to how to hold wouldn't be to row? To cut into large or small piece of...... So many of the problems came close to me down. I look to the body, the father in watching father immediately came along, and taught me the right and took the knife method, also told me, food generally want to take three root, to cut into medium shape... In this "dad" under the guidance of the famed, I finally passed the cut vegetables shut. Now to the cooking, hum! Cut vegetables all difficult not me, cooking is not pediatrician? I show the appearance of contempt. When I was about to put the dishes in the pot, suddenly feel the back of a hot, "oh! Good hot!" I can't help but with a scream, and are watching television father a scare, he impatiently say: "ZhaoYing ah, does your zha so afraid of hot! Be brave, know?"
"Know!" I have confidence to answer them. And I put the dishes up and prepare to a brief, "yi......" Dish one into the hot pot, I immediately lowered her hand, mouth can't help quietly hum the >, thankful for my hot pot didn't. Ha ha!!!!!All goes well, I learn to dad's appearance "skilled" to put the dishes and stir-fry until done, this simple dish but I a great result, oh.

值 Value
符号记号 Symbol mark
质数 Prime number
不大于 Inequality
假设 Assumptions
方程 Equation
根 Root
平均数 Average
最接近 Closest to
半径 Radius
正方形 Square
圆 Circle
整数 Integer
奇数 Odd
偶数 Even
行 和 列都是 Row
差 和 相差都是 Difference

至于几分之几 就比较特殊 比如

2分之1 就是 one half
3分之1 就是 one third
4分之1 就是 one forth
5分之1 就是 one fifth


134分之1 就是 one, one hundred thirty forth

Symbol mark
Prime number
Not more than
Closest to
A fraction of a few

Value mark symbol prime number is not bigger than supposition equation root mean value closest radius square circle integer odd number even number line of to arrange in order to miss several point several the difference

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felt under the weather means that she felt ill.第一篇暂时介绍这10个TKT术语,欢迎大家持续关注后续文章。剑桥TKT教师资格证书在国内英语教师中越来越普及,不仅仅是因为当下各大英语培训机构把TKT证书作为上岗的基本要求,更重要的是TKT系统的英语教学专业知识能够为老师们的专业发展奠定坚实的基础。

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并怡卡泊: 数学英语词汇表 公理 axiom 定理 theorem 计算 calculation 运算 operation 证明 prove 假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题 proposition 算术 arithmetic 加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数 augend, summand 加数 addend 和 sum 减 minus(...

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