
作者&投稿:奚昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood. 看到那些画,她想起了自己的童年。

2、Having made full preparations, we are ready for the examination. 我们已经作好了充分准备,现在可以应考了。

3、Not knowing his address, I can't send this book to him. 因为不知道他的地址,我不能把这本书送给他。

4、Being ill, he didn't go to school yesterday. 由于生病,他昨天没有上学。

5、His father died, leaving him a lot of money.   他父亲死了,留给他许多钱。

6、She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces. 她非常生气,把玩具扔在地上,摔成了碎片。

7、Going straight down the road, you will find the department store. 顺着这条路一直走,你就会发现那家百货商店。

8、Working hard at your lessons, you will succeed. 如果你努力学习,就一定能成功。

9、Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 尽管知道了一切情况,他们还是要我赔偿损失。

10、Working hard as he did, he was still unable to earn enough money to buy a car. 他虽然努力地干,但仍然挣不够买车的钱。

11、Seeing from the top of the hill, we find the park even more beautiful.从山顶上看,我们发现这个公园显得更加美丽。




例:sweep-sweeping    read-reading


例:take-taking  make-making  have-having


例:shop-shopping  sit-sitting  swim-swimming

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