
作者&投稿:孙宁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The bear was called moon bear, the Himalayan bear or Tibet bear, The bear's bodily form is only medium, head to the trunk about 120-180cm tall, female bear are smaller than the male, perhaps only half of the male. The bear's hair is thick and generally black (also have brown). Chest has a very clear white or yellowish-white markings, so they was called moon bear .But this striped in different size and shape has a big difference between individuals, some may be just a pretty thin line, some is a great piece of triangle spot.
熊也被人称之为月熊、喜马拉雅熊或藏熊,黑熊的体型只能算中等,头至躯干约120-180cm高,母熊的体型比较小,可能只有公熊的一半。黑熊的体毛粗密,一般为黑色(也有棕色)。胸前有一块很明显的白色或黄白色的月牙形斑纹,因此也被人称为月熊(Moon bear)。不过这块斑纹的大小和形状在不同个体之间有很大的差异,有的可能只是一条挺细的线,有的则是好大一块三角斑。

Black bear
The bear in my impression is very big and powerful and stupid. It is very tall, let a person from the heart feel afraid. It 's a very powerful, bear down, heavy is dead, light, at least a concussion. It is very stupid, how otherwise speak others are stupid bear!
Today I and small partners to Hongshan zoo to see the big and silly hercules. We arrived at the animal performance hall, watched many animal performances, I a little surprising - which I have seen on television. Then out of a group of bike of the bears, I froze, these stupid bear how to perform well, they would have ruined the performance, when they perform, I am extremely surprised surprised me, did not think of these bears have performed so well, so superb technology, a joint one, not a ride to sway sway over, no one is a hit the front, then hit back, we humans also ride but they. They are so united, smart. The so-called stupid bear has a great gap with them, we will stop shouting stupid bear.
In fact, bears and more tragic fate in life, some people put these lovely bears in cages, their body cut directly bear bile. Some lawless elements, actually kill them, take the bear's paw.
Each animal has its own self-esteem, we should not look down upon them. Sometimes they make things better than we humans. We should protect them, because they are suffering families, have their world.

  介绍狗熊~~Bears are big and strong .They have small eyes,black or brown fur and sharp paws.Bears can walk upright.They are good at swimming and climbing trees.Bears like to move around slowly in the daytime .Because of this,they look a little lazy.They seldom hurt people .

Bear 英语熊的通称——其前身古英语Bera可溯至印欧祖语,为“棕色”之义,系古人对极恐怖动物的间接称谓。其它各种“熊”和与“熊”有关的单词:黑熊Black Bear 棕熊Brown Bear 北极熊Polar Bear 熊猫Panda Bear 玩具熊Teddy Bear 迪斯尼维尼熊Winnie the Pooh 或 Pooh Bear 狗熊胆小鬼Coward, Chicken...

中文里的狗熊泛指熊类,而英文中泛指的话bear就可以,不过有brown bear, black bear等

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非洲象,狗熊狮子红狐狸狼以前各有多少只,现在各有多少只。The African elephant,the bear,the lion,the red fox,the Wolf,how many of them there were before,how many of them there are now。重点词汇解释:1、many det. 许多 pron. 许多;许多人 adj. 许多的 n. 大多数人 2、...


〈〈大森林里的小木屋 〉〉读后感英语

直接bear 就可以了。Black bear 是黑熊

dog bear ,。。。

历下区15816874491: 用英语介绍狗熊特点 -
巢朋氯化: bear

历下区15816874491: 写一篇狗熊英语的文章 -
巢朋氯化: Black bear The bear in my impression is very big and powerful and stupid. It is very tall, let a person from the heart feel afraid. It 's a very powerful, bear down, heavy is dead, light, at least a concussion. It is very stupid, how otherwise speak others are ...

历下区15816874491: 狗熊的特点 -
巢朋氯化: 写作文用么~? _熊是卤莽的,基本没什么顾及. _熊上肢有力,爪子锋利,能给木本植物的茎造成数公分的伤痕,但他不经常这么做. _一般不攻击不移动的物体,所以见到熊最好保持不动,如果相信自己够清醒,体力也够充沛,并且相信能比熊跑的快,那就赶快跑. _熊爱吃蜂蜜. _肉食为住,但也吃植物种子充饥. _熊会冬眠. _熊一般每次产子一个. _熊手脚掌厚实,冬眠时会自己舔手心或者脚心来缓解饥饿,它的愚蠢可见一斑,但亚洲人民是视其手脚为每食珍品.

历下区15816874491: 熊的 特点 用英语 怎么 写三个 句子 -
巢朋氯化: The bear is a big.The bear very likes honey.The bear likes hug.

历下区15816874491: 书面表达请根据所给提示用英语介绍北极熊是大熊一只成成年北极熊,重约,三百五十千克到七百千克北极熊住 -
巢朋氯化: The polar bear is an adult polar bear, weighing about 350 to 700 kilograms. the polar bears live in cold and icy places in the polar . they like eating meat and mainly meat of seals. although they live on land, but they usually spend most of the time in ...

历下区15816874491: 用英语介绍熊加汉语用英语介绍一只熊,加上汉语 -
巢朋氯化:[答案] A bear is a strong animal.It usually has four feet.Its body color is usually brown or black,except that the color of a polar bear is white.Bear is an omnivorous animal,which means that it eats everything,includng bananas,honey,meat,to name just a few.Most ...

历下区15816874491: 用英语介绍bear -
巢朋氯化: common characteristics of bear are large body with stocky legs, brown or white hair and big, strong pawns.Bears love to eat fruits and they like to eat honey as well.Bears are usually fr...

历下区15816874491: 形容熊的英语有哪些 -
巢朋氯化: strong : 强壮的 tall : 高大的 huge : 巨大的 big paws : 大爪子 brown or black in colour : 颜色为棕色或黑色 fierce : 凶猛的

历下区15816874491: 描述动物的英语用英语来描述8种动物!描述它们特征来猜之类的,比如:蛇、熊猫、兔子、狗、猫、猴子! -
巢朋氯化:[答案] 蛇:Theyonlymovebycreeping.Andmanykindsofthemarepoison. 熊猫:Thereareonlyblackandwhitethesetwocolorsontheirbodies. 兔子:Theycanrunveryfast.Andtheirtailsareveyshort. 狗:Theybarkwhenstrangerscomeclose.Andthey'repeople'friends. 猴子...

历下区15816874491: 各类狗狗的英文简介短点的 最好多说几个 不同品种狗的特点 -
巢朋氯化:[答案] Golden Retriever (金毛寻回犬)General AppearanceA symmetrical,powerful,active dog,sound and well put together,not clumsy nor long in the leg,displaying a kindly expression and possessing a personalit...

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