
作者&投稿:通重 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)









琴Guqin 棋Go 书Calligraphy 画Chinese painting are the four arts in ancient China and these are the symbols of many artistic elements in traditional Chinese cultures. If one who equipped with these four arts, it can reflect his elegance personality, knowledge and cultivation to a certain extent. Guqin can shape one's temperament. Go can improve one's mind. Calligraphy and Chinese painting can build up one's sense of asethetic. As a chinese student, we are not only to learn these four arts, and must try our efforts to flourish them and let them go out of China and become a main branch in arts of the world

Today I read an article about our ancestors Yao, Shun and Yu. Maybe everybody knowsthis story but I will try my best to write it in English. We may read that Yao, Shun and Yu werethe first three great kings in China’s remotepast. And they all made great influence onChinese history. So for thousands of yearsafter, all the people hope that they can havesuch kings in our country and the courtofficials would yearn for yet never get toserve monarchs such as them. As we knowvery little about them a part from legend, wecan only speculate that they were probablytribal chieftains during the transitional periodfrom primitive to slave society. It is said that Yao was a descendent of Emperor Huang. And historical recordsportray him as being open-minded asthe sky and as wise as the gods. Peopleloved him in the way sunflowers turned tothe sun and longed to see him like dryland thirsting for rain and clouds. Sucha ruler could not incur human dissent,but then an immense flood, of a scaleno smaller than that described in theBible, deluged the country. King Yaoappointed Gun to harness the flood.For nine years, Gun did all he could tostop the waters from running amok,but without success. King Yao grew fatigued after 70 yearsas monarch. He transferred power toShun, rather than his morally corrupt son.The father did not want “the people to sufferin order to benefit his son.” King Yao didn’tmake the decision imprudently: He hadobserved Shun in every aspect, evenmarrying his two daughters to Shun so asto gain a closer understanding of his moralcharacter. Shun lived up to Yao’s expectationsby accomplishing many of Yao’s hoped-forobjectives, amongst which was the tamingof the great flood. Upon taking office, King Shun killed Gun forhis dereliction, and placed Gun’s son Yu incharge of tackling the floods. Drawing lessonsfrom his father, Yu resorted to diverting, ratherthan blocking, the waters. He joined the peoplein this hard work and didn’t take time to visit hisfamily for 13 years,

三年来,学校坚持开展传统文化进校园特色教育活动,并将弘扬中华传统文化列入学校德育工作的中长期规划,促使校风、学风、班风有了根本转变。学生言行文明,教师爱岗敬业,学校温馨和谐,让我们充分感受到了传统文化教育永恒的魅力。 5.关于弘扬传统文化活动总结 学校把传统文化教育与学生的专业技能教育相结合,开展剪纸、手绘脸...

中国传统礼仪,应是体现精神价值的生活方式,传录它可以使我们的礼仪化发扬光大。 传统礼仪毕竟是中国传续了几千年的血脉,若血脉堵塞,中国只能被称为是一个现代国,而不能称其为中国了。中国传统礼仪文化博大精深,它足以使国人和海外人引来容耀和自豪,它是中华民族重要的凝聚力,没有它,国人将迷失自我;没有它,中国...









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易史保儿: good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " : The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of ...

塔城市15219586535: 关于中国传统文化的英语作文 -
易史保儿:[答案] Culture of China The Culture of China is home to one of the world's oldest and most complex civilizations. China boasts a history rich in over 5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific advancement. Though regional differences provide ...

塔城市15219586535: 求一篇关于中国传统文化的英语作文,要求200词左右,写得好有加分 -
易史保儿:[答案] Some Chinese netizens have questioned, even criticized, the Ministry of Education

塔城市15219586535: 关于中国传统文化的英语作文 -
易史保儿: The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no ...

塔城市15219586535: 求一片有关中国文化的英语演讲稿,在线等!急急急急急 -
易史保儿: 2008 Olympic Games, will be the product which the traditional Chinese culture and the traditional Olympics culture unifies. But two traditions breed are already not disorderly piece together the thing, is also not another tradition, but is one kind of ...

塔城市15219586535: 求~一篇关于中国文化的英语小短文....大概在3 - 5分钟内,不要太难,内容要新颖,谢谢啊!!
易史保儿: Dragon Robe (龙袍) Even though the dragon is an imaginary animal, it was long regarded as a god in China and was loved and respected as the highest symbol of good luck in the animal kingdom. The dragon thus became a symbol ...

塔城市15219586535: 有什么关于中国传统文化的英语作文,请告诉我好吗? -
易史保儿: The Great Wall was first built in the Spring and Autumn Period and it have a history over 2.000 years. The Great Wall, that is called “the ten-thousand-li Great Wall”, is actually more than 6000 kilometers long, 6-7 meters high and 4-5 meters wide. ...

塔城市15219586535: 英语演讲开场白,主题中国传统文化 -
易史保儿: ladiesandgentalmen,thanksforyourappreciation.iwouldliketointroducemyselfhere.(thenyoutellthemaboutyourinformation)

塔城市15219586535: 老师要求写一篇关于中国文化的英语作文,里面要写:中国文化丰富,历史悠久,丝绸和西安的兵马俑闻名世界,二胡则是中国古文化的一部分,美食更有北京烤鸭、兰州拉面、饺子等.不少于60词.谁能帮帮我,急用! -
易史保儿: Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout China. Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the ...

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