
作者&投稿:直耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Riot的《The Man》 歌词~

歌曲名:The Man
专辑:Shine On

I would fight not to ever fall too deep
Never sure that love would grow
Now at night as I lay me down to sleep
I could never let you go
And lying here with you, I still cant believe its true
Never thought that I would ever find a love
That lasts forever
Be the man thats mine
Find the love that never goes away
Be the heart I know will be
The one that beats for me, be the man
Used to be scared if I would ever get this close
Im not afraid to touch you now
Long before I knew, Id be making love to you
I dreamed that maybe I would one day
Lose myself in someone, someday
Be the man thats mine
I always try to find the love that never goes away
Be the heart I know will be
The one that beats for me, be the man
Take me where I have never been
I will follow you, youll never be alone
I will run, run to you
I never thought that I would ever find a love
That lasts forever
Be the man thats mine
I always try to find the love that never goes away
Tell me we will always be together
Make us stay in love this way forever
Be the heart I know will be
The one that beats for me
Wherever you may be


I would fight not to ever fall too deep
Never sure that love would grow
Now at night as I lay me down to sleep
I could never let you go
And lying here with you, I still cant believe its true
Never thought that I would ever find a love
That lasts forever
Be the man thats mine
Find the love that never goes away
Be the heart I know will be
The one that beats for me, be the man
Used to be scared if I would ever get this close
Im not afraid to touch you now
Long before I knew, Id be making love to you
I dreamed that maybe I would one day
Lose myself in someone, someday
Be the man thats mine
I always try to find the love that never goes away
Be the heart I know will be
The one that beats for me, be the man
Take me where I have never been
I will follow you, youll never be alone
I will run, run to you
I never thought that I would ever find a love
That lasts forever
Be the man thats mine
I always try to find the love that never goes away
Tell me we will always be together
Make us stay in love this way forever
Be the heart I know will be
The one that beats for me
Wherever you may be

[Hook] Iwantedakiss,kiss,kiss 我要一个吻,一个吻 [Verse1:Royce] NickelNina,niggaTωitter-beefing,firstrappertoIshotafan 我是Royce59,我在微博上树敌,第一个敌人就是我的粉丝 Gucci'myabsolutestateofmind,likeWaka'man 古奇是我的最爱,是匪帮们的穿戴 Chopper'brand,gettingheadinthecarpark,newGallardo 兰博基尼里停在停车场里,女孩埋头给我口丵交 Thibitchsuckingmydicktoday,callyesterday'snewstomorrow 她不停的吹箫,却把昨日称作新的明天 Stretchaniggaout,I'mthenewTae-bo,'bouttocrossover,I'mthenewIver 监狱生涯结束,我是新生的有氧搏击运动,将要穿越这一切,我就是如此帅气 'bouttosavesacoupleofthesebitchesthat'sright,I'mthenewBible 我就是圣经,婊丵子们读我的歌词就好像的到了救赎 You?You5.0,me?I'mallgroundedtopunishment,butI'mtooflythough 你?警丵察?我已经承受了惩罚,现在是我飞升的时刻 Y'allniggabewinin',IshouldcallyouMoscato 黑丵鬼们又赢了,我应该尊称你为莫斯卡多 [Eminem] Lookdownatthefloorboard 低头看看地板 ItlookslikesomeoneleftapairofstilettoshoesinmyTahoe 好像有人在车上留下了一双高跟女鞋 NeverknowwhattypeofahoinsideofmyrideImaylet 我从未想过会让什么样的女孩上我的车 Lastnightat5AM,andsheain'tevenrecoverfromlastFridayyet 昨夜凌晨五点,女孩的高丵潮甚至从上周五持续到今天 Hoesallovertheridelikeit'sanicecreamtruck,Icanseewhytheyfret 车厢里全是**,就像个冰激凌卡车, IalreadyranovertwohoesandIain'tgetupthefuсkingdrivewayyet 我已经搞定了2个**,而且还在继续开车 SoonasIopenthedoor,youtrytoresist,whatfor?Getingirl,don'tpushshorty 车门一开你就开始抵抗不愿下车,为什么?进来吧,别推搡了 Your,fightin'awar,it'suseless,titsonawhore,littletitsonawhore 我们激情碰撞,我的小鸟在洞里激情的乱撞 Gotamackandit'sscreaminglikelittlekidsthrowingfitsonthefloor 像是情场高手让你尖叫的就像少年的野战 Getinthewhip,butyouain'tturning,afrogintoaprince 上车吧,你不是我的真命天女,我也不是你的青蛙王子 Whatyoutrynakeepyourhandsonmefor? 那么你把手放在我身上还有什么企图? [Hook] [Verse2:Eminem] NowyouinmywhipjustlongasyouunderstandthatIcan'tbewhipped 你在我车上呆的太久你应该明白我不会被你击败 Yousickofmeandshit,I'magigolosoyouknow,I'malwaysonthego 你让我难过,你知道的,我只是个小白脸,总是漂泊不定 Iain'tgotnotimetoslowdownfornorelationshit 我根本没有时间开始另一段狗血般的恋情 DropthePandaddaT,yaeh,youcangetmadatmeallyouwant 没错是shit,不是ship,你可以对我发泄你所有的不满 ButI'mghostbeforeyoucanevensayboo,hunletalonecallmeone 但是无论怎样我都不会让你满意,宝贝,不要在束缚我 Aone-nightstandisonlyoncebutafemalefanyeahonelegstanding 无论夜里我们多么缠绵,一夜情就仅仅是一夜 Sobytheonenightstandthibedroomhastwolampsandonlyonenightstand 所以此时此刻房间里的我们只是普通朋友,故事只有一夜 Getthehint?Oohyeahboo,ew!Iain'tgonnaarguebutwhydoyouthink 明白了吗?我根本不想解释,但是你又是怎么看呢? Theycallitboo?Yeah,causethesoundofit's'posedtoscareyou 又想鄙视我吗?那是因为你们都还未谙世事 [Royce] Hhoe,wecanshareyouinthebackoftheMclaren,Idon'tgiveafuсkwhat 嘿,女孩,我们可以在迈凯轮赛车的后面缠绵 Yournameis,I'llcallyouHottentot,Hopenbot,howcomeyournameisSharon? 我才不管你是谁,我叫你Hottentot,Hopenbot,你的名字怎么会是莎伦? SlowtheflowdownsoIcanwhat?Thesameface 我得缓缓我的flow好好看清楚你的面庞 WhenI'mshootingthegunsthesamefacethatImakewhenIfuсk 这是不是我嘿咻时颜丵射的那个脸庞 Thebackofmyhandonyourneckpressingyourfaceagainstthesheetsit'sinsane 我们在床上激情的缠绵,快要疯掉 Youbeenchanged,causeI'moutofthisworldgirlIgotthatMilkyWaydickvein 你变了,因为我要离开这个世界,我抽搐的JB射在了女孩的脸上 I'matanall-timehighwithhighness,I'matanall-timeflywithflyness 我高丵潮不断,我是你的殿下,我机智而敏捷 Andthisisexactlywhattheysaywhentheybowtoyourhighness 这就是当你向你的殿下鞠躬时所听到的故事 [Hook] [Verse3:Royce] NickelNina,niggaTωitter-beefing,firstbeefandIshotyourfans Royce59在微博上树敌,我的第一个恩怨就是和你的粉丝产生矛盾 Herbottom'sdark,buthertopittan,herprivateparts 女孩的屁股是黑的,他的私处也已经湿黑木耳 Gotitonthepoleliketheoppositeofherpapa'splan 我猛烈的嘿咻,就像他爸爸的阴谋 (Comeonstripper!Let'shitthestrip180anddropthetrance I'minthetrance,lookingatthibitchdance) 来吧舞娘,尽情的脱吧,伴着迷幻的音乐,我入神的看着她扭动 Lookingatthisgirl,likewhatyouwearinggirl,quitplaying 女孩我喜欢你的穿着,真是挑弄人心 (Youwearingthemscrachandsniffpants?Wellletmescratch'em Letmesniff,yeah(What?)DidIsaythat? 嘿你真是太火辣太性感勒,让我在你身上打一排药吧,什么?我又说要嗑药了? I'monleanlikestyrofoamcupsandkickstand 我欲火中烧,就好像是发泡塑料杯,感觉就要脱缰而出了 [Eminem] Middlefingerstuckonfuсk,sniffpantbutgirlyougotabutt 中指不停的挑弄着女孩,女孩你的屁股真是美妙 Like(?)socanwiththehell,maybe Awhell,Shady,he'lltellitlikeitis SotellKatiePerryhe'sonthetail,he'stailgating 告诉KatiePerry她已经快要追尾了 ThesebellsaremymaidencallandI'mhere,bell'sraidingandtellLady 这是我接的第一个电话说明我的电话已经打得通了,所以 Gaga,shecanquitherjobatthepostoffice,she'sstillamalelady! 告诉LadyGaga他可以辞去邮局的工作了,因为不管怎么样他仍然是个女邮差(阴阳人) Whatthefuсk?Andwithherdick,youheard,theverdict'sin 怎么回事?他有阳器,我的结论就是 He'sallergictoD,doesn'ttakemeClevistohim,himdon'tgiveadamnhowBeaverdoing 他讨厌生殖器,别让我和他在有交集,我才不管他的阴丵户是如何做的 Whatademon,abehemoth,eviljustseemstobeseethingthroughhim 真是个魔鬼,真是个怪兽,邪恶好像正灼烧着他的身体 [Royce] Ilikethestripteaseyoudoingthisevening,youandmegon'find 我喜欢无娘们今夜的挑逗 3morechickadeesandhaveamenagelikeNikki 再叫三个脱衣舞鸟然后我们玩3P就像Nikki做的那样 YouhotlikeaDickieoutfitinTexaswithoutshitunderit,sweating 你火辣极了就像挂空挡穿着迪基装一样 Suckmydick,webothgetstosteppintomylogic Suckmydick,我们一起步入饶舌的殿堂 [Eminem] Mypatrick,mydickisashardandthickasayardstick 我的JB有粗又大硬又黑 Whatwegonnado?Ridearound'tilwe'recarsick 我们该怎么做?到处兜风知道我们晕车 ThenI'mgonnaputthisshitinparklikedogshit 然后将车停在某个公园 Andyoucanblowmeinthedarkintheparkinglot 让你开始给我丵干口丵活,就在昏暗的停车场里 Outofthetrailerparkbythegarbage 在拖车场外的垃圾车旁 Whatyouwaitingon?Metorollupthecarpet? 你还在等什么?要我铺上地毯吗? Thecondomsareintheglovecompartment,let'sstartit! 避孕套就在储物箱里呢,让我们开始干吧! ThinkI'mjoking?What,amIsittinghere 你以为我在开玩笑,废话,不然我坐在这里干嘛? Tryingtomakefakefartswithmyarmpits? 想用我的腋窝做放屁的声音? AmIheretoamuseyou?Stopit 你以为我来这里就是和你开玩笑的吗?闭嘴吧 [Royce] I'minyourpocketoutsideofachurch 在教堂之外我藏在你的口袋里 Theotherhandisatthebottomofyourpurse 另一首却放在你的钱包下 Yougivingmeheadinaboxingstance 你的嘴像个拳击手一样急速的在我胯下套弄 Mydick'ssobigyoucoulddropitindirt 我的JB太大以至于你都不能吞下 I'mnotyourman,we'resparringpartners 我不是你的喽啰,我们是一对陪练 There's5thingsyouareinchargeof,that's 只有5件事是你能管的 Suckingadick,suckingadick,suckingadick 那就是口丵交,口丵交,口丵交,口丵交,和口丵交 Suckingadick,suckingadick [Eminem] Ifyouain'tsuckingadick 如果你不想做口丵活的话 Whyyousittingtherewithpuckeredlips?That'scollagen.. 你为什么要坐在这里摆弄嘴唇 Motherfuсkingbitch,whatyoumeanhow'dyou 婊丵子,你到底想怎么样 (Youshouldbesuffering,youshouldbecooking Youshouldbebucklingyourseatbeltwithovenmitts) 你应该受尽苦难,你应该赶紧配好我要磕的药,你应该带上手套扣紧安全带 ExcusemewhileI'mmakinganassofmyself,butit'sonly 抱歉,我又闹笑话了,因为 CauseIjustwannaget.. 我这次是故意的 [Hook] 注明来源eminem吧~~

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