
作者&投稿:漫壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

好词:嗜好 无与伦比 称职 愚蠢 肆无忌惮 得意扬扬
好句: (1)一天,城里来了两个骗子,他们说他们织出的衣料无与伦比,而且用这种衣料做成的衣服有一个奇妙之处,就是最不称职的官员,或者最愚蠢的人是看不见的。
读后感: 读完这篇文章,我觉得皇帝和大臣们太可笑了!睁着眼睛说瞎话。天真可爱的小孩子,说出了事情的真相。我佩服这位小孩子。

Once upon a time, there was an emperor is very like to wear beautiful clothes.The tailor gave him a new style of clothes every day, but still don't meet the emperor.One day, to the two cheats, a fat a thin, they say they can weave the most beautiful cloth in the world.The skinny man said, the clothes made of this cloth, incompetent and stupid people can't see.Hearing this, the emperor thought: if I wear that dress.Then, the emperor ordered the two weavers weaving garments for him, gave them a lot of gold.Two weavers shut in the house, on the two looms pretending to knit together.A few days later the two weavers and asked the emperor for a lot of gold.That the city and the people to know wagging look forward to see the wonderful clothes.A few days later, the emperor sent a minister, and see; and minister in a look, loom, what also have no!Two weavers deliberately said: "you look how beautiful this pattern, this colour is beautiful!"Secretary, afraid of himself as a incompetent person, had to put on AIRS ground to say: "it's beautiful!"Soon the emperor sent another minister, and see; and the two weavers then asked: "this piece of cloth is beautiful not beautiful?"Although what also didn't see it, but the secretary said: "yes, it's so beautiful!"The emperor heard the report two ministers decided to go to have a look.The emperor in the secretary escorted to the front of the loom.Oh, my gosh!He saw nothing!Two weavers smiles to say: "your majesty, you see the colour of the cloth and design beautiful not beautiful?"If let others know what also can't see yourself, not that stupid?So the emperor praised said: "how beautiful!"His entourage also echoed said: "the cloth is really beautiful and exquisite and novel!"The emperor and given two weavers a medal, seal them for the "royal employer woven division".The celebration ceremony of the previous night, two woven worksite up dozens of candles do new clothes for the emperor catch they pretended to take the cloth from the loom with scissors to cut off, with no thread sewed up.Bring your knights and come the morning, the emperor new clothes two weavers the emperor wear new clothes, please.The skinny man said: "this clothes very light wear it on as if nothing."Knights although can't see anything also chorus.So the emperor to take off the clothes, the two weavers pretended to put on new clothes one by one to the emperor.Emperor satisfiedly say: "now can go to the parade, only clever people can see my new dress!"Under the secretary and the knights of crowding round the emperor grandly up in front of the parade.People see the naked emperor has no clothes, but who also dare not say.The emperor gloat, really think is unparalleled in the world of new clothes she wears.At this time there was a naive child in alarm: "the emperor what clothes did not wear!"Burn the child's father said: "god, you listen to the sound naive!"So all the people said: "the emperor is what clothes did not wear the emperor know be cheated, but he denied it, and do as he didn't want to let people say he is a fool!

Long ago and far away,there lived an Emperor.This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes.He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace.
The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed.He had to choose his outfit,preferable a new one,and the shoes and wig to go with it.Mid-morning,he invariably changed into something more formal for his short meetings with his counsellors and advisors.He would change again for lunch,and then again for a rest in the afternoon.He just had to change for dinner and them again for the evening!
But the Emperor is a wiser man now,and spends a lot more time with his advisors and far less with his tailors.

· 1.皇帝的新装英文版摘抄好句. Long ago and far away,there lived an Emperor.This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes.He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace. The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed.He had to choose ...

· 1.皇帝的新装英文版摘抄好句. Long ago and far away,there lived an Emperor.This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes.He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace. The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed.He had to choose ...


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裴忽利巴: I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often ...

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裴忽利巴: This story is about an emperor who loved clothes. Every day the tailor to do new clothes to the Emperor. One day two brothers came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor. The emperoe had to give them silk and gold ,but they kept ...

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裴忽利巴: Many years ago, there was an emperor, in order to be well dressed, do not hesitate to put all the money. He was not concerned with his army, also don't like going to the theatre, he also didn't like carriage Parks -- unless it is toshow off his new ...

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裴忽利巴: 度The story is about a silly king who is cheated by two charlatans.The two charlatans claimed that they can make a wonderful coat,but only wise men can see it. In order not to be thought as stupid, all the officials and the king himself didn't say ...

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裴忽利巴:[答案] Long ago and far away,there lived an Emperor.This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes.He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.They filled his spare bedrooms and ...

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