
作者&投稿:夕树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Linda: Wow ! Look at that !

  琳达: 哇!看那!

  Joy : That's Tower Bridge.

  乔伊: 这是塔桥。

  Linda: It's marvelous. This is the first time I've seen the


  琳达: 真了不起!这是我第一次看到这座桥。

  Joy: So, let me take a photo of you in front of it!

  乔伊: 那么,让我以它为背景给你照张相吧!

  Linda: Yeah! I'd like to send the photo to my parents.

  琳达: 好哇!我想把这张照片送给给我父母。

  Joy: Where do you want to go next?

  乔伊: 你还想去哪里呢?

  Linda: What about Big Ben?

  琳达: 大本钟怎么样?

  Joy: Great. Let's go.

  乔伊: 好。我们走吧。


  Linda :Wang Bin, what's your favourite film?


  Wang Bin:It's hard to say because I like many films. For example, Titanic, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice and Home Atone. Among them, I think Titanic is the best.


  Linda:I agree. The story is so romantic and the music is so wonderful.


  Wang Bin:But the story is so sad. It is terrible to see Jack gone with the "unsinkable" ship .


  Linda :Do you know why he didn't leave the ship?


  Wang Bin:I think there weren't enough lifeboats, and he wanted the women and the children to leave the ship. Now it's your turn to tell me your favourite film.



  Jack:Oh, no! Look at the time! I'm running late! I needed to leave for work five minutes ago


  Ken:Jack, you're always running late.


  Jack:No, not always. Just most of the time.


  Ken:Well, what's the problem this time?


  Jack:I can't find my other shoe. It's not in the closet. It's not beside the door. It's not undermy bed.


  Ken:Why don't you wear another pair of shoes?


  Jack:I can't. My other shoes are too dirty. Besides, I can't find them, either.


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