
作者&投稿:濮之 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
交通工具 英语怎么说~

1、读音:英 [trænspɔː'teɪʃ(ə)n; trɑːns-] 美 [,trænspɔr'teʃən]
2、解释:n. 运送,运输;运输系统;交通工具;尤其指大众交通工具
The boxes were ready for transportation.

1、读音:英 ['træfɪk] 美 ['træfɪk]
2、解释:n. 交通;运输;贸易;[通信] 通信量
The traffic was terrible.
1、读音: 英 ['kærɪdʒ] 美 ['kærɪdʒ]
2、解释:n. 运输,输送;(旧时载客的)四轮马车;〈英〉火车客车车厢;运费
Visitors can marvel at the enormous range of locomotives and original wooden carriages.

Which Transportation Vehicle Do You Prefer?

Modern transportation in urban areas has provided us with vehicles of various kinds, the four in the pictures being the most popular.
I think the private car is the most comfortable and driving it is really a lot of fun. I long for a car of my own and I always admire those car-owners. However, I don't have so much money to afford such a luxury , not to mention the annual taxx
Although less comfortable, the taxi is convenient.It comes with a wave of hand. Besides, I don't have to take the trouble of caring for it. Nevertheless, I have to annually pay a handsome sum of money if I go to work/school by taxi .every day. This is beyond my financial budget. In addition, I am
afraid of meeting hostile taxi drivers.
I will firmly refuse the motorcycle, It's dangerous.I am always shocked by the flying motorcyclists and worried about the potentiat accident s.
So, riding a bike leaves my preference. I feel free riding a bike and riding among the multitude of bicyetesls a sort of enjoymefit. A bicycle is far much cheaper than any of the other three,means of transportation. If my bike should be stolen,I would have no hesitation to buy a new one.
In short,I prefer riding my bike,buy that doesn't mean I don't like the.car.Sooner or later, I Will have a car of my own.



Which Transportation Vehicle Do You Prefer? Modern transportation in urban areas has provided us with vehicles of various kinds, the four in the pictures being the most popular. I think the private car is the most comfortable and driving it is really a lot of fun. I long for a car of my own and I always admire those car-owners. However, I don't have so much money to afford such a luxury , not to mention the annual taxx Although less comfortable, the taxi is convenient.It comes with a wave of hand. Besides, I don't have to take the trouble of caring for it. Nevertheless, I have to annually pay a handsome sum of money if I go to work/school by taxi .every day. This is beyond my financial budget. In addition, I amafraid of meeting hostile taxi drivers. I will firmly refuse the motorcycle, It's dangerous.I am always shocked by the flying motorcyclists and worried about the potentiat accident s. So, riding a bike leaves my preference. I feel free riding a bike and riding among the multitude of bicyetesls a sort of enjoymefit. A bicycle is far much cheaper than any of the other three,means of transportation. If my bike should be stolen,I would have no hesitation to buy a new one. In short,I prefer riding my bike,buy that doesn't mean I don't like the.car.Sooner or later, I Will have a car of my own.

飞机 plane
火车 train
公交 bus
小轿车 car
卡车 truck
地铁 subway
直升飞机 helicopter
轮船 steamboat、steamship
小船 boat、ship
摩托车 motorbike、motorcycle
自行车 bicycle、bike
电车 trolley bus

ambulance / 5AmbjulEns/ 救护车
bike / baik/ 自行车
bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行车
motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托车
cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车
carriage / 5kAridV/ 四轮马车
car / ka:/ 小汽车
jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普车
tractor / 5trAktE/ 拖拉机
lorry / 5lRri/ 重型卡车
truck / trQk/ 卡车
bus / bQs/ 大客车
coach / kEutF/ 大客车
van / vAn/ 厢式货车
taxi / 5tAksi/ 计程汽车,出租汽车
subway / 5sQbwei/ 地铁
railway / 5reilwei/ 铁路
train / trein/ 火车
locomotive / 5lEukEmEutiv/ 火车头
express / iks5pres/ 快客列车
boat / bEut/ 小船
ship / Fip/ 船
yacht / jRt/ 游船
vessel / 5vesl/ 大船
warship / 5wR:Fip/ 军舰
aeroplane / 5ZErEplein/ 飞机
plane / plein/ 飞机
aircraft / 5ZEkra:ft/ 飞机
airplane / 5ZEplein/ 飞机
jet / dVet/ 喷气飞机
spaceship / 5speisFip/ 宇宙飞船
space shuttle / / 航天飞机
helicopter / 5helikRptE/ 直升飞机


vehicle ['vi:ikl, 有时发'vi:hi-]n. 车辆;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物 transportation [,trænspə'teiʃən, ,trænz-, ,trɑ:n-]n. 运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放

通讯工具的英语翻译 通讯工具用英语怎么说
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transportation用英语说是:[ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃn]。transportation,英语单词,主要用作为名词,译为“运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放”。短语搭配:transportation system运输系统;交通物流系统、public transportation公共交通,公共运输;公共交通工具、urban transport...

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traffic是什么意思英语翻译:交通。交通造句 1、请为我的交通卡充50元。2、市民及时提供线索一起重大交通肇事逃逸案告破近日,一名群众及时提供重要线索,乌海市海勃湾警方迅速出警,80分钟内就破获了一起重大交通肇事逃逸案。3、包租,包船,包机雇佣或出租飞机、轮船或其他交通工具,尤指一群旅游者使用的...

你好,原文:各种交通工具 翻译:Various means of transport

根据我在百度翻译查询的情况:中文:交通工具的简称 英语:Abbreviation of means of transport

关于交通工具的英语单词有哪些???急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急_百 ...
bicycle \/ 5baisikl\/ 自行车 motorcycle \/ 5moutEsaikl\/ 摩托车 cart \/ ka:t\/ 二轮马车 carriage \/ 5kAridV\/ 四轮马车 car \/ ka:\/ 小汽车 jeep \/ dVi:p\/ 吉普车 tractor \/ 5trAktE\/ 拖拉机 lorry \/ 5lRri\/ 重型卡车 truck \/ trQk\/ 卡车 bus \/ bQs\/ 大客车 coach \/ kEutF\/ 大...

monkey猴子,hen母鸡,elephant大象,mouse老鼠,tiger老虎,ant蚂蚁 4、人体部位:leg腿,chest胸,eye眼,ear耳,hand手,head头,ankle脚踝,shoulder肩,mouth嘴,nose鼻 5、交通工具:bike自行车,bus公共汽车,car小汽车,train火车,ship轮船,plane飞机,subway地铁,motorcycle摩托车,truck卡车 ...

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禹会区13631172524: ''交通工具''用英语怎么说 -
塞霭欣普:[答案] 交通工具 vehicle

禹会区13631172524: 交通工具用英语单词表示 -
塞霭欣普:[答案] vehicle ['vi:ikl] n. 车辆;交通工具

禹会区13631172524: 交通工具用英语怎么称呼 -
塞霭欣普:[答案] 交通工具:vehicle ambulance / 5AmbjulEns/ 救护车 bike / baik/ 自行车 bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行车 motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托车 cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车 carriage / 5kAridV/ 四轮马车 car / ka:/ 小汽车 je...

禹会区13631172524: 各种交通工具用英语怎么说 -
塞霭欣普:[答案] ambulance / 5AmbjulEns/ 救护车 bike / baik/ 自行车 bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行车 motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托车 cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车 carriage / 5kAridV/ 四轮马车 car / ka:/ 小汽车 jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普车...

禹会区13631172524: 用英语来写交通工具例如汽车就是bike subway 等等 -
塞霭欣普:[答案] bus 公共汽车 driver 汽车司机 double decker bus 双层公共汽车 coach,motor coach,bus 大客车 taxi,taxicab 计程汽车,出租汽车 trolleybus 无轨电车 tramcar,streetcar 电车,有轨电车 underground,tube,subway 地铁 stop 停车站 train 火车 railway system,...

禹会区13631172524: 交通工具用英语翻译 -
塞霭欣普: 飞机 plane 火车 train 公交 bus 小轿车 car 卡车 truck 地铁 subway 直升飞机 helicopter 轮船 steamboat、steamship 小船 boat、ship 摩托车 motorbike、motorcycle 自行车 bicycle、bike 电车 trolley bus 暂时想起了这些...让我想想还有没有其他的..

禹会区13631172524: 交通运输工具用英语怎么说 -
塞霭欣普:[答案] vehicle 交通工具 tools for communication and transportation 交通运输的工具(很直白的翻译)

禹会区13631172524: 所有交通工具的英语 -
塞霭欣普: car 车 carriage 马车 rickshaw 人力车 bicycle 单车 scooter 小型电单车 motorcycle 摩托车 taxi 的士、出租车 motor-car 汽车 bus 巴士 school bus 校巴 coach旅游巴 jeep 吉普车 orry(美式) 货车 truck(英式) 货车 peak-tram 缆车 wagon 蓬车 light-...

禹会区13631172524: 交通工具用英语怎么说 -
塞霭欣普: Vehicles

禹会区13631172524: 交通工具用英语单词表示 -
塞霭欣普: vehicle ['vi:ikl] n. 车辆;交通工具

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