
作者&投稿:朱良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


请问这两个人是什么情况,年龄,性别,在什么场景下的对话呢?建议上爸 妈网查一下,那里有丰富的原版资源可供参考。

W: Hello.
Y: Hello.
W: Would you like to live in the city or in the Suburb?
Y: I like to live in the city.
W: What are the advantages of living in the city ?
Y: Oh ,Yes. You know, life in the city is easier and more convenient, In the city, there are more schools, more hospitals, more shops and more changes for each of us to get a good job. So the living standards are higher. What do you think about it ?
W: Yes, In the suburb, the air is fresh and there is a lot more space for us . There are not as many people in the suburb , and there are a lot more fresh vegetables and fruits , But in the city , there is more loud noise around us , and there is more people there. Frequently we have to wait for a long time to do something , for example, shopping , going to the hospitals , even going to the toilets , and so on .
Y: Well ,there are few changes for the young people to get a better job , and it isn’t convenient to life , for example , going to schools , going to see a film ……
W: Oh , I think you have your own opinions , and I don’t think I can convince you .
Y: Yes ,Neither can I.

W: Hello.
Y: Hello.
W: Would you like to live in the city or in the Suburb?
Y: I like to live in the city.
W: What are the advantages of living in the city ?
Y: Oh ,Yes. You know, life in the city is easier and more convenient, In the city, there are more schools, more hospitals, more shops and more changes for each of us to get a good job. So the living standards are higher. What do you think about it ?
W: Yes, In the suburb, the air is fresh and there is a lot more space for us . There are not as many people in the suburb , and there are a lot more fresh vegetables and fruits , But in the city , there is more loud noise around us , and there is more people there. Frequently we have to wait for a long time to do something , for example, shopping , going to the hospitals , even going to the toilets , and so on .
Y: Well ,there are few changes for the young people to get a better job , and it isn’t convenient to life , for example , going to schools , going to see a film ……
W: Oh , I think you have your own opinions , and I don’t think I can convince you .
Y: Yes ,Neither can I.

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Reporter1:Allison. Student1:Benny.Allison: Well here I am at the Brooklyn Academy of Dramatic Arts. We are asking different students here about their favourite forms of artistic entertainment. Pop or classical concerts? Art galleries or the theatre? The ballet or the opera? The ...

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堂易冰珍:[答案] W: Hello. Y: Hello. W: Would you like to live in the city or in the Suburb? Y: I like to live in the city. W: What are the advantages of living in the city ? Y: Oh ,Yes. You know, life in the city is easier and more convenient, In the city, there are more schools, more ...

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堂易冰珍:[答案] A:hi,b,i heard that your parent will give you a present for your birthday.and what`s your opinoin? B:i`m worry about it now.i think a dog is what i prefer most.but my mother hates dog.she loves cat. A:oh,that`s a matter.but i suppose you can choose some ...

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堂易冰珍: m:how do u do ? w:how do u do ! m:uhh,it's fine day ,isn't? w:yeah, it's a fine day . 这是我初一课本上的,还要不.

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堂易冰珍: On the Way to Schoolthis morning,my father took me to school by bike.i sat at the back of the bike,eating a banana.after i ate it up,i threw the skin onto the street randomly.no sooner had i done this than i realized that i had done something bad to ...

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堂易冰珍:[答案] A:hello. B:hello. A:have you read the newspapers today? B:yeah,there is something attracting my attention. A:what do you mean by that? B:let me tell you,it's a piece of news about the Chang'e rocket.I read that four rocket arms support it in the launching ...

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堂易冰珍: Title: Two Friends Waiting For Buses Mary: Good evening,John! John: Good evening,Mary! Mary:How are you doing? John:I'm doing fine,thanks.What's new with you? Mary:Nothing special. John:I am wondering whether you could come over for a ...

城区17343561775: 求八句简单的双人英语对话,和翻译.不要太难得,6年级水平即可 -
堂易冰珍: a: hi! how are you? 嗨,你好吗?b: i'm fine. 我很好.a: what's your name? 你叫什么名字b: my name is bob.how about you. 我叫鲍伯,你呢?a: my name is jack. nice to meet you. 我叫杰克,很高兴见到你.b: nice to meet you too. 我也很高兴见到你a:good bye. 再见b: bye!再见

城区17343561775: 急求一篇英语双人对话,5分钟英语,5分钟翻译的,谢谢各位了. -
堂易冰珍: 1Hi,nice to meet you2,nice to meet you too .1 did you finish you home work ?2oh ,my god,we have home work?1what ?you did not do you homework? I guess you must had a funny weekeds,did't you? 然后你自己说说周末干什么了,,说些简单的去打球啊,出去买东西逛街然后帮谁干活等等开通是大写不过你说的就不用讲究了

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