
作者&投稿:蹉看 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My grandmother is my favourite person.She likes leading a simple life. And she likes wearing clothes which are made by herself. She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people.She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them.

After the dinner, the whole family makes the game, guesses one of family members. daddy said: “in the world only fishes all day to me talks incessantly says, looked that which isn't pleasing to the eyes, the yawn scolds, raises hand the human who hits.” I do not have not understood what is heard. daddy also said: “I want to hit her every day, does not dare, shouts all day our master, wants to get rid of the human who she does not give up.” I smile refer to mother. daddy then said: “also disliked that my foot is smelly, sleeps does not clean the teeth, dislikes me to be sloppy, begs for food likely, only then a person dared such to say me.” I said mother. " in world only, is worrying day and night both of us, buys clothes to us, makes the food, does laundry, has had a treasure daughter for me, fell ill has looked after me, not in the least complaint, regardless of I have been old, she will shut never out me the person, supported by the arm is passing through the life the person, even if one day of me to become the vegetable, also will not abandon me the person . “ then, our family of three elephants were the same in the past, smile are rolling pour on the bed, in wife eye sparkling. the happy day, we should one minute one second place, think the years from our side glide, we are unable to make them endlessly to lengthen, but can engrave them deeply.

正文: My grandmother
My grandmother is very kind-hearted, his face with a gentle smile always, just as the morning ray of sunshine shone on the ground through the woods, feel very comfortable. Although my grandmother has white hair and wrinkled hands, but she always asked me some things popular now, we can see my grandma old heart is not old. Grandma do cook, when I went to his grandmother at home, the grandmother will always make a large table of delicious dishes. Grandma loves me, and I also love my grandmother, where his grandmother and I say: "Grandma, I love you."


My grandma likes gardening very much. She's over sixty,but she is still busy with her work. She grows all sorts of flowers and plants in her small garden. It's interesting that all the flowers and plants in her garden grow well. No matter when you come to visit her garden you can always find beautiful flowers there. My grandmother doesn't just work hard in the garden. She sometimes sits in the middle and listens to music.She says music helps the plants grow well. Maybe that's true.She's really a clever lady.

My Granny

The one I love best is my granny. The one who loves me best is also my granny . She is so kind that everyone who knows her likes her very much. But I'm sorry to say that my dear granny got cancer.
It was a cold day, but my heart was even colder. I could not accept the fact that my granny got cancer. Facts are facts. Only an operation could help her. The doctor told us she was too weak to be operated on, but my granny insisted that she could stand it. So the doctors did the operation. After the operation, my granny could not sleep, or eat, or say a word because of the pain .
Every one of my family felt sad. My granny noticed this, so she tried her best to nod and smile to us . We smiled back. Every day, my granny said she felt better but actually the pain was still there. Once, she said to me, “Yangyang, my dear. I'll be all right.”
My granny was growing thinner and thinner, but she was still smiling. The smile gave us hope.
The other day , I went to the hospital to see my granny . She said , “Spring is coming. Though I'm in hospital, I can feel the warmth. Yangyang I think I'll go home soon.”
How I hope she would be home soon!


我的奶奶优秀作文1 中秋节前,我们又和往常一样,早早地就把“老奶奶”接来团圆了。 想知道我家“老奶奶”是谁吗?她可不简单,她是我妈妈的奶奶,我的祖奶奶。她今年都89岁了,但身体很棒,喜欢跟我们孩子玩,像个“老小孩”。我们家小孩都喊她“老奶奶”。因为老奶奶,小表妹一家也从深圳赶回来过团圆节了。

我的奶奶作文1 我的奶奶年近七旬,一张饱经风霜的脸布满了一道一道的深沟寺的皱纹。头发已花白。佝偻着身子,走起路来颠巍巍的。奶奶是不慈祥和蔼的老人。 别看奶奶年纪大了,可他人老心不了,除了爱你越细致,外奶奶还非常喜欢看报纸,了解国家大事,每到吃饭的时候啊,走式焦看到的新闻告诉我们有一段时间全国各地流...

奶奶还有个与众不同的特点,一笑起来声音就哑哑的,哑得让人听不见。 我的奶奶很勤劳,尽管上了年纪,每个月还有退休金,但是她仍然辛苦地在医院打扫卫生,每天4点就起床头,6点去工作,回来时常常满头大汗,可无论家人怎么劝说,奶奶就是坚持工作,说是趁着身体还行,多攒点钱,为儿女减轻负担。 奶奶一心只为别人着想。

我的奶奶作文1 每当我看到我的床时,我就会想起我的奶奶。 我的奶奶对我特别好,每天都给我做好吃的,早上起来会给我做汤圆、粽子、馄饨、银耳汤,每一样都特别美味。 在家里,奶奶是最能理解我心情的人,生活中,对我的照顾也是无微不至,每次我一回到家,她就会问我:“饿不饿呀?要不要吃点什么?赶紧把书包放下...

我的奶奶四年级作文400字 篇1 在生活中有许多值得敬佩的人,比如不分昼夜都在打扫卫生的清洁工人,比如一直在维护着社会安全的警察,但我最敬佩的却是我身边的亲人,我的奶奶。 奶奶的年纪大了,一头花白的长发,满脸长长的皱纹,看上去要比同龄人大好几岁呢! 那奶奶为什么会这样显老呢?原来奶奶每天都要照顾她的妈妈...

我的奶奶作文1 我有一位可亲可敬,又十分疼爱我的奶奶,粗糙的手,满脸的皱纹,一双不大却炯炯有神的眼睛,乌黑的头发里,参杂着些许的白发,嘴角总是扬起慈爱的笑容。 奶奶非常的疼爱我,过年时,或者有人来家时总会买一些东西,但那些东西,她却都留给我。自己不舍得吃,如果吃就是我挑过的或者扔在桌上不喜欢吃的。

我的奶奶的作文1 我有一个慈祥和蔼的奶奶,她的头发已经白了一半了,她脸上的有许多皱纹,笑起来的时候,脸就象开了花似的。奶奶的手非常粗,因为她在家里干了许多活。 奶奶很疼爱我,虽然现在她的手不太方便,常常会痛,可是她一有时间就会从家乡出来看我,看看我的成绩是不是好了,看看我是不是懂事了,听大热恩...

我的奶奶的优秀作文1 “我的爱如潮水,爱如潮水将我……”这是我和奶奶最喜欢的一首歌,每次一听到这熟悉的旋律,鼻子就会莫名的发酸。 前年的冬天,奶奶突然的喜欢上了一首歌——《爱如潮水》。每次当我看见奶奶,她的身边必定会环绕着音乐的旋律。 奶奶多次喊我一起听歌,但我总是以各种理由拒绝:我作业还有很多...

我的奶奶优秀作文1 大千世界,到处都有爱。爱是一种不需回报的东西,爱是一种无形无色的东西,爱是一种你每时每刻都能感觉到的东西。爱是多么的纯洁和美好呀! 去年暑假,妈妈和爸爸准备带我去我的奶奶家玩,可爸爸临时有事,便不能陪我去我的奶奶家了。到了我的奶奶家,妈妈接到一通电话,神色紧张起来,急急忙...

我的奶奶优秀作文1 我眼中的奶奶是一位勤劳的人,而我的爸爸就比较懒惰了。因为奶奶在家做家务比如洗完、拖地、整理厨房的时候,爸爸会在那里休息看电视或者在上网,只是偶尔会在家里煮饭、烧菜。 我要说的还不只这些能说明奶奶是一位勤劳的人,还有好多呢,我记得以前奶奶帮我织一件毛衣的时候,奶奶就坐在家里的沙发...

合山市15818222870: 英语作文:我奶奶的一天.70字 -
廉祝悦子: 正文: My grandmother My grandmother is very kind-hearted, his face with a gentle smile always, just as the morning ray of sunshine shone on the ground through the woods, feel very comfortable. Although my grandmother has white hair and ...

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廉祝悦子: My Grandmother's Birthday Today is my grandmother's birthday. My family get together to celebrate her birthday. They all say happy birthday to her and buy her presents. I also give her a present. It is a song. I learn it hard, and sing to her on this day. She is happy to listen to my song. We have a good time.

合山市15818222870: 奶奶生活的一天英语作文五年级 -
廉祝悦子: My grandma likes gardening very much. She's over sixty,but she is still busy with her work. She grows all sorts of flowers and plants in her small garden. It's interesting that all the flowers and plants in her garden grow well. No matter when you come to...

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廉祝悦子: 我的奶奶是个和蔼的人,而且也十分爱我.在我小的时候,奶奶在我过去陪她的时候,总是笑得见牙不见眼,那时的我很奇怪,就问奶奶:“奶奶,您为什么会在我来的时候,笑得那么开心呢?”奶奶只是微微一笑,“因为我喜欢你啊...一个人...

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廉祝悦子: My grandmother is sixty-two years old this year,her head is not high,hair as white as silver,eyes laughing slender flies,forehead wrinkles as a ridge,a ditch,deeply carved with her life and the vicissitudes of life. I was six months old,in order not to affect ...

合山市15818222870: 找一篇关于写“我的奶奶”的英语小作文100字左右要是初二的写作水平哦~o(∩ - ∩)o...thank you~ -
廉祝悦子:[答案] The one I love best is my granny.The one who loves me best is also my granny .She is so kind that everyone who knows her likes her very much.But I'm sorry to say that my dear granny got cancer. It was a cold day,but my heart was even colder.I could ...

合山市15818222870: 初一上册英语作文my day+翻译,60词左右. -
廉祝悦子: 楼主你好!我在做任务,还差一个最佳,如果回答对你有帮助,请采纳!My Day Today is May Day. My mother, my father and I went to a park to have a picnic, and then visited mygrandma and grandpa.At 9 o'clock in the morning, we went to the ...

合山市15818222870: 以介绍奶奶为题写英语作文35字左古 -
廉祝悦子: I have a happy family. My family have five poeple:grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me.My grandparents live in countryside. They have six rooms. The room is big. There are two apple in the ground. They have sixteen goats and three cows. The ...

合山市15818222870: 我妈妈的一天英语作文80词 -
廉祝悦子: My mother's day Every morning,my mother often gets up early,then she'll cook for me.At 8 o'clock,it's time for go to work,so she go to the office by bus.And In the evening,my mother comes back,now,she's so tired,so she had some supper and then go to sleep very early.Therefore,I want to say:mother is great!

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