
作者&投稿:皮浩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

and then to find the excuse and small division younger sister separate. Linghu Chong and Lu monkey came to the brothel looked at a lot of beautiful women, but Linghu ready to leave, Lu monkeys still insist on to see just drink a cup of wine, Linghu Chong worry about no money. As a result, Lu monkey took out he saved money for a year, so went to drink.

and then to find the excuse and small division younger sister separate. Linghu Chong and Lu monkey came to the brothel looked at a lot of beautiful women, but Linghu ready to leave, Lu monkeys still insist on to see just drink a cup of wine, Linghu Chong worry about no money. As a result, Lu monkey took out he saved money for a year, so went to drink.

I have a lot of clothes. They are yellow, black, red and so on. But most of all I love black, because it looks very nice. I wear different clothes every day, I love them.


知道小有建树答主 回答量:169 采纳率:98% 帮助的人:36万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 紧急求助怎么写《衣服》作文 衣服初中小学生作文网 10月12日 发表评论 俗语道:“人靠衣服马靠鞍。”对生人的第一印象往往更侧重于衣服。如果你西装革履,即使你无职无业,一贫如洗,别人也会敬畏你...

服饰作文600字 篇1 我国是一个多民族的国家,各个民族的服饰都有着不同的特点。我是苗族,在这里向大家介绍一下我们这个民族的服饰。 苗族的服饰在各地各有特点。在黔西北的苗族男子都穿着带有花纹的麻布衣服,肩上还披着织有几何图案的羊毛钻;其他各地的苗族男子一般都是穿着对襟的短衣。 苗族的服饰大多都是遍施...


一件衣服作文3 周末的一天,阳光明媚,鸟语花香。 在家里,因为小明明天要去踢“小学生二年级足球比赛(总决赛)”所以小明的妈妈给他买了一个足球在家里的院子里练习。 小明高高兴兴地拿着足球来到院子里,自言自语道:“这里很宽敞,够我练足球,可是哪里当球门呢?让我想一想……有了!就拿晾衣杆上面的那件衣服当...



知道小有建树答主 回答量:190 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:32.3万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 运动场面描写的作文700字数 在这秋高气爽的九月里,我们迎着秋日的阳光,伴随着收获的季节,迎来了欢快精彩的校运动会。 一大早,全校师生就来到了运动场,他们有的安排场地,有的整理服装,有的安放运...


My English teacher is a charming lady. Her name is zhangshan. She is 45 years old now. She teaches me with a patient, careful attitude. I appreciate her teaching skills and thank her for bringing so much pleasure to me.

那放射出媚力的校服,已离我不在遥远。 4. 《拿到新校服以后》为题写一篇作文 “今儿老百姓,今儿真高兴!”打完了流感疫苗,我们去领我们的新校服喽! 听说新校服还可以,反正有新衣服穿就行嘛!校服被大排头的同学拿走了,我们便回到班里,看到一摞摞的校服堆在箱子里,每个同学都迫不及待,如断了缰绳的马,恨不得...

临颍县14753184138: 《我的衣服》100字英文作文 -
衅强乐喜:[答案] I am man of individuality,so I like clothes which is unordinary.In my wardrobe, there is a colorul clothes which is my favourite.Firstly,it looks like put together by many patches.It's very cool!secondly,the clothes was actually made from cotton,feels very ...

临颍县14753184138: 求写自己的衣服的英语作文只要8句,写什么这是我的衣橱,里面有什么衣服,我喜欢哪件.内容不要写那么多,8句就够了. -
衅强乐喜:[答案] My ClothesI have many clothes in my closet.my closet is pink.I have skirts,shirts,T-shirts,shorts,pants,longuettes.The skirts are blue.The shirts are white.The T-shirts are red.The shorts are green.Th...

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衅强乐喜: My ClothesI have more clothes.I like them very much.They are a T-shirt ,a jacket ,a shirt and a pair of shorts.The T-shirt is my favorite.I also like the pair of shorts.My favorite color is bule.So my clothes are bule.Do you like these kinds of clothes?Do you ...

临颍县14753184138: 英语作文 my fvourite clothes -
衅强乐喜: My favourite clothes There are many clothes in my closet, such as coats, sweaters, T-shirts and pants. My favourite clothes is a white dress. My father gives me a birthday gift, that is the beautiful dress. Its colour is white, I like it very much. The dress is ...

临颍县14753184138: 初一写衣服的英语作文100词左右? -
衅强乐喜: 我有许多衣服.有裙子,裤子,衬衫,毛衣.我的裙子有紫色的,橙色的,白色的.他们有很好的价格——每件只有60元!我的裤子有蓝色的和黑色的,蓝色的是35元,黑色的是45元.我的衬衫有绿色的和橙色的,绿色的是40元,橙色的是35...

临颍县14753184138: 我的衣服作文英语和翻译
衅强乐喜: my coat

临颍县14753184138: 谁能帮我写一篇关于介绍自己衣服的英语作文?(80个单词以上)谁能帮我写一篇介绍衣服的英语作文呢!赏分的.急用.求了!(80个单词的) -
衅强乐喜:[答案] clothesAs we all know,when we go out,we must wear something.And there are many clothes,such as:Jeans,dress,plants and so on,if you wear some beautiful clothes,you friends will think you are very prett...

临颍县14753184138: 英语作文我的五件衣服带解释 -
衅强乐喜: A feature of all modern human societies is the wearing of clothing, a category encompassing a wide variety of materials that cover the body. The primary purpose of clothing is functional, as a protection from the elements. Clothes also enhance ...

临颍县14753184138: my favourite clothes, 英语作文 -
衅强乐喜: There are many kinds of clothes. There are T-shirts, jeans, sweaters and so on, but I like wearing jeans the best. I like wearing jeans because they're comfortable and durable. The first pair of jeans was made by two Americans, Jacob David and ...

临颍县14753184138: 我的衣服 英语短文带翻译
衅强乐喜: 凯特,请你看一看我的新衣服 Kate,please look at my new dress.

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