
作者&投稿:任婵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We need some students for school senter.
Can you sing?yes?can you dance?yes? Can you play the piano well ?can you play the guitar well?can you play the violin well?If you can.
Please on Monday afternoon call Ms.Rice at800-9898.


1. most students prefer to listen to pop music. however, there are still a small proportion who likes classical music.
2. listening to music is a way of relieving stress for the students
3. in school, there are music lessons where students can take the chance to perform their talents
4. personally, i like both pop and classical music. they are two very different genres and they give me two very different feelings, depending on my mood. when i am upset or bored, i like to listen to pop because it gets me high with its catchy tunes and rhythms. when i am feeling frustrated or when i need to calm myself down, i like to listen to classical music because it has soothing effects.


My name is Tom.Our school has set up a music club.If you like music.Plese to join our club .Contact us for 555-7676

除了音乐节外,你也可以在就近的LiveHouse感受音乐现场带来的快乐,在人群中放肆摇摆,疯狂pogo。北京糖果俱乐部(雍和宫店)东城区和平西里79号(雍和宫桥北)雍和宫站A出口 糖果俱乐部是北京最大的综合性娱乐场所之一,雍和宫店可以唱KTV和看演出。歌曲较全,还提供自助餐,如果参加团购,价格还是挺实惠的。

music club是什么意思?
Music Club在很多高校和社区都是非常流行的,它们为音乐爱好者们提供了很好的学习和交流平台。加入音乐俱乐部的人们,不仅仅是因为他们对音乐有所追求,更是因为他们想要在一群志同道合的人中找到安全感和自我认同感。在音乐俱乐部中,人们可以结交到许多志同道合的朋友,它们也可以一起合作创作美好音乐,...

听歌,唱歌。一听歌的好处 (1)音乐可以改善免疫功能:那些产生乐观向上情绪的音乐,能引发体内促进免疫功能的激素分泌增加,这有助于减少疾病的发生,听音乐或唱歌也能降低体内皮质醇的水平,提高免疫功能。(2)音乐可以增强记忆力:人学习过程输入的信息能激活大脑左半球,而音乐则激活大脑右半球,边听歌...

还是资深的音乐爱好者,都能在这里找到共鸣,感受到音乐的力量和魅力。多年来,JZ Club凭借其独特的艺术氛围和专业水准,赢得了业内外的广泛赞誉,成为了上海乃至中国音乐文化的一份重要地标。它不仅是音乐的舞台,更是音乐与人们的桥梁,连接着音乐家与听众的心,为城市的文化生活增添了丰富的色彩。

我很高兴听到学校里有一个音乐马戏团。作为一个音乐爱好者,我想进入俱乐部。Singing is one of my advantages.此外,我喜欢跳舞和画画。Sun,帮俱乐部做广告很容易。这是一个很好的选择,因为它是一个很好的选择。我肯定我能帮俱乐部很多。希望你能接受我的申请。也许是这样,给自己加一点吧!

join the music club 加入音乐俱乐部 如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Join the music club.例句1:Does he want to join the music club?他想加入音乐俱乐部吗?例句2:Why do you want to join the music club?你为什么想加入音乐俱乐部?join的用法 1、读音 \/dʒɔɪn\/ 2、释义 vt. 参加;结合;连接 vi. 加入;参加;结合 n. 结合;连接...



mary wants to join the music club.
mary wants to join the music club.玛丽想加入音乐俱乐部。mary wants to join the music club.玛丽想加入音乐俱乐部。

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僪骅保利:[答案] We need some students for school senter. Can you sing?yes?can you dance?yes?Can you play the piano well can you play the guitar well?can you play the violin well?If you can. Please on Monday afternoon call Ms.Rice at800-9898. 选我吧 这是我自己...

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僪骅保利: My name is Tom.Our school has set up a music club. If you like music.Plese to join our club .Contact us for 555-7676

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僪骅保利: Everybody likes to make a difference, so that they can be remembered. Being the spot can make people feel the sense of pride. But I don't like to be somebody, I just want to be nobody. I can do whatever I want and without other people's ...

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僪骅保利: JOIN OUR MUSIC CLUB Our school is going to establish a music club. Our music teacher is the leader. He will teach us to play different musical instruments. We can share our ideas about music every week. The club will hold a singing contest and concerts every year. Let's join the music club to be our members.

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僪骅保利:[答案] In modern societies, it is increasingly popular that young people volunteer on weekends in the local community service center to help the people in need. If all the youngsters do it in a regular way, the benefits are obvious to both the community and these ...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18554136604: 英语作文:你想要加入学校的音乐俱乐部 -
僪骅保利: I am glad to hear that there is an music cilb in our school.As a music lover, I am eager to enter the club.Singing is one of my advantages.Besides,I am good at dancing and painting.So, it is easy for me to help the club with advertisement.Not only ...

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