
作者&投稿:桓毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你好,violin的意思是小提琴,音译是 梵婀琳,希望对你有所帮助,望采纳谢谢。

英 [lets] 美 [lets]
abbr. (let us的缩写形式) 让我们
例句:Let's have your gut reaction to the facts as we know them.

扩展资料Let's和Let us的区别:
1、Let's是Let us 的缩写,既包括说话人也包括听话人,在反意疑问句中要用shall we 来反问。
Let's go play basketball, shall we?
在这个句子中,us 是包括说话人和听话人等所有人在内的,学生邀请老师一起去打篮球。
2、Let us 中的us 不包括听话人在内,反意疑问句要用 will you 。
Let us go to play basketball, will you?

英 [ˈtelɪvɪʒn]美 [ˈtelɪvɪʒn]
She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes.



它将一周后,周五,一天,我,陈鹏玉,韦伯的来源也望京家,我们所谈论的很多四,学生,所以陈情绪困扰其问题时,他说-在大多数,他说,我很遗憾它… … <br>他说了很多关于此事,并他,越,他已同意,他们说的好xiankao其他重复,零零零天结束后genta廖说,他感到十分高兴陈总统说他应该,他议员...

out of his son's deep thoughts, Tianma, Dr. decided to follow his son's appearance to create a robot, he named A Boy.A Boy looks the same as with humans, the body of the blue nuclear forces to Atomu endless energy support to enable him to heaven into the earth and omni...

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Muthafucka Up (Feat. Nicki Minaj) 歌词
What the funk you beezy’s want I’m ready to hump the car I call it ele-phunk Trunk in the front Man she give me good brain cause she feel dumb I just keep going like the bunny till I feel numb Yeah these b*tches want it I put my man’s on it That 110 Sup’,...

Let it go法语版本的音译
I don't care what they're going to say je me fiche de ce qu'ils vont dire Let the storm rage on laisse - la tempête fait rage sur The cold never bothered me anyway le froid ne me dérangeait pas.It's funny how some distance c'est drôle comment un peu de ...

akinyele的《dear diary》 歌词
I'll knock your ass to the middle of next week (next week)Leaving you outdated, i'm r-rated Niggas on my dick was to fall off if i was to get castrated No need to explain I'm doper than heroin, so just take my name in vain You can't follow the ak's footmarks ...

akinyele的《the bomb》 歌词
I won't scream or holler I make mc's sit their five dollar ass down Because all they do is scream and speak in tounges Rah rah rah, but i bust your motherfuckin' lungs Burning up charts with the rhymes i spark Brain is on steroids, keeping the lyrics strong Huh, this ...

...很high,有人知道吗?歌词内容为six six six on your benny|80分给...
以下的自己听听是哪个 I want you! Need you! Love you Elvis Presley 猫王的?这首经常也能在酒吧放 Listen To Your Heart – Nick Skitz这首诗歌舞曲,听听,节奏

求Eminem《my band》歌词
Coz I'm like the lead singer of the band dude,And I think everybody's got a fuckin' problem with me dude,And they need to take it up with me after the show,Because [Chorus - Eminem]These chicks don't even know the name of my band But they're all on me like they...

1.超出表述范围了。2.单引号里的是char类型。3.前面的java Cyele是命令,是用来运行Cyele这个类的,后面的才是参数。

翔安区17579642163: sⅰtuαtⅰon怎么读? -
达奚贸复方: 读音: 英 [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn] 美 [ˌsɪtʃuˈeʃən]n. (人的)情况; 局面,形势,处境;希望能够帮到你

翔安区17579642163: This ⅰs a prⅰⅴate conversatⅰon怎么读 -
达奚贸复方: this is a 要连读,可参照音标谐音为 “代赛泽”,private conversation (私人谈话) 需要重读,可谐音为 “扑入阿艾维特 肯沃思益形”.

翔安区17579642163: teⅠeⅴⅰsⅰon的汉语是什么 -
达奚贸复方: 可以翻译成电视机、电视节目、电视系统、电视广播业

翔安区17579642163: 电话用英语怎麽拼 -
达奚贸复方: telephone [5telifEun] n. 电话, 电话机 v. 打电话 telephone AHD:[tµl“…-f½n”] D.J.[6tel*7foun] K.K.[6tWl*7fon] n.Abbr. tel.(名词)缩写 tel. An instrument that converts voice and other sound signals into a form that can be transmitted ...

翔安区17579642163: Is this a tele phone怎么读 -
达奚贸复方: 英文原文:Is this a telephone 英式音标:[ɪz] [ðɪs] [ə; eɪ] [ˈtelɪfəʊn] 美式音标:[ɪz] [ðɪs] [e] [ˈtɛləˈfon]

翔安区17579642163: televion的音标.词性(要快哦) -
达奚贸复方: televion 【医】电视

翔安区17579642163: "zoom"这个英语单词怎么读? -
达奚贸复方: "zoom"这个英语单词怎么读?, zoom这个英语单词怎么念先发z音,上下颚门牙咬紧,然后是长音u:,英 音:[zu:m] ,美音: [zum]一、翻译1、vi嗡嗡作响; 急速上升2、n嗡嗡声,隆隆声3、vt使急速上升二、造句1、A police ...

翔安区17579642163: on的读音到底是什么? -
达奚贸复方: on [ɔn] 没错,而常常会听到ʌŋ,也没错.严格来讲,on的发音在结尾时,舌头应该挨到上腭(palate),如果读 on a table,就会很自然地读出ɔn的声音,但单独读这个词,往往就不会注意把舌头点到上腭去了.shit,这个词的发音准和不准关键在/i/这个音.很多学英语的人把这个短i认为是长/i:/的简单缩短,这是错误的概念.短/i/绝不是长/i:/的缩短,而是介于/i:/和/ə/之间的一个边缘化的声音,有人说这个音是个模棱两可的音,中文里没有这样的声音.所以,既不能读成/ə/,也不能读成长/i:/.

翔安区17579642163: 报警电话110用英语应该读作 - --------. ten B.ele -
达奚贸复方: D试题分析:110用英语应该读作one one zero,所以选D.

翔安区17579642163: 单词once的音标 -
达奚贸复方: 因为发音时事[w^ns]一些单词不单词根据自己对大多数单词理解而发的就像one也是

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