
作者&投稿:喻才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

English is very important,but in daily life ,there is rarely chance to use it。It has ten thousands of vocabulary ,however only 2000 of them are usage rates 。So,it is enough for us to learn daily English 。



1.This book was based on a real story which happened in 1930.

2.Education plays an important part in people's life.
或 Education is playing an important part in people's life.

3.I recognized my pen pal at once, even if/thogh we had never met before.

4.He requested to play a part in this movie.

5.At present, there are a large number of people speaking English in China.

6.Believe it or not, they will finish the task at the end of this term.

7.We have a lot of work to do, so we must make good use of time.

1.This book is based on a real story happened in 1930 。
2.Education plays an important part in people's life。
3.I recognized my pen friend right away ,even if /though I have never seen him before.
4.He requests play this part in this film。
5.A large number of chinese people can speak English at present。
6.Believe it or not,they will finish the task at the end of the term。
7.we have a lot job to do,so we need to make use of time。

1.This book is based on a true story happened in 1930.

2.Education plays an important part in people's lives.

3.I recognized my penfriend immediately, even though we had never met before.

4.He requests to play a part in this movie.

5.There are a large number of peaple speaking
English in China at present.

6.Believe it or not, they will finish the task at the end of this term\semester.

7.We have a lot work to do, so we need to make good use of time.

1.This book is based on a true story that happened in 1930.
2.Education plays an important part in people's life.
3.He recognized my handwriting at once even if we hadn't met each other before.
4.He requested to play a part in this film.
5.At present,there are a great number of English speskers.
6.Believe it or not ,they will have finished this task at the end of this term.
7.We have a lot of work to do, so we must make good use of time.

This book is based on a true story which took place in 1930.
Education plays an important part in our hunman life.
I recognized my penfriend at once even though we didn`t met each other before.
He requested to play a part in the film.
There are a large number of people speak English in China at present.
Whether you believe or not,they`ll accomplish this task at the end of the term.
We should make good use of time for we have much work to do.

那个歌手很努力,但是还是没有得到人们的认可。That singer has been striving very hard, but still he is not recognized .2. 用了他的方法,我的学习效率提高了。My learning efficiency is greatly enhanced after using his method.3. 他是我最羡慕的人,因为他有很多成绩。I most admire ...

1她是个好医生,我们都喜欢她 She is a good doctor, and we all like her.2谁教你们英语?你们英语老师不在这里 Who teaches you English? Your English is not here.3这是一本字典,我们昨天买的 This is a dictionary (which\/that) we bought yesterday(定语从句,that\/which在从句中做宾语...

2. Secondly, you should concentrate during (English ) classes,also chat with your classmates in English after class.3. Reading is very important for learning English (你原来的说法有些不通顺,我帮你改了一点,句意不变), you should try to read some English stories, magazines, as ...

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1. As a yongster George Gershwin was a poor student, happy to spend his days playing in the streets. He eventually took up the piano and quickly showed enormous enthusiasm for music, taking lessons and studying harmony and theory.乔治•格什文年轻的时候是一个穷学生,在大街...

瓮安县17257935514: 求英语高手用心达意的帮助翻译六个句子,十分十分感谢~~~~~Keep reminding yourself of your goals, keep telling yourself why exactly you're doing what you're ... -
宾苇丹香:[答案] 保持目标感,不停的告诉自己为什么做这件事,这件事到底是个什么东西穿自己喜欢的衣服,化自己的妆.因为你的身体是属于你自己,你有权决定这一切.其他人无权过问如果J能够处理失去B ,并且可以看着他可A在一起.那么,你就可以做一切...

瓮安县17257935514: 来个大神帮我把这几句话翻译成英语!万分感谢! -
宾苇丹香: 1.I'm sorry I can't go to your house 2.These days I have no time, because I want to learn at home. 3.Please forgive me for not coming! 4.You can invite me to the party and I am very happy

瓮安县17257935514: 请英语高手帮我点评我的这些英语句子翻译,万分感谢1、离婚率上升尽管令人难过,但却是不争的事实.The increase of divorce rate although make us sad,but... -
宾苇丹香:[答案] 1 althoug 和but不能连用,时态错了 Although the increase of divorce rate makes us sad, it is an undoubted fact.2.In the past thirty years,the developing countries have made great progress in many aspec...

瓮安县17257935514: 帮我把这些句子翻译成英语 我送分 谢谢
宾苇丹香: 1.They finished writing the letter yesterday2.They are busy doing their homework . 3.He likes playing basketball4Thanks for helping me5Don't keep your friends waiting long6.Tom is good at speaking English7.How about / What about going to ...

瓮安县17257935514: 求英语高手帮忙翻译以下句子,万分感谢. -
宾苇丹香: 你在哪啊?我最最亲爱的老婆,为什么让我苦等了那么多年?我发誓,只要你不嫌弃我,我将用毕生精力去守护你直到永远.Where are you, my dear wife? Why did you let me wait for you for so many years?I swear to God, If you don't mind me, I will take care of you from now on until forever!很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!

瓮安县17257935514: 求以下几句话的英文翻译.万分感激!
宾苇丹香: Though John is a successful man, he cars liittle about his dress.He sold his house and car to prepare for studying abroad. The exhibition of the famous paintings will last until the end of the year. In some schools, foreign languages are taken as ...

瓮安县17257935514: 请帮我把这些句子翻译成英语,谢谢 -
宾苇丹香: 1.While the world is becoming desolation step by step,I am still willing to accompany you and be your adherent forever.2.I am willing to accompany you till the end of the time.Composing love chapters for you through my whole lifetime.3.Sweatheart,I ...

瓮安县17257935514: 求英语大神翻译几个句子.谢谢.. -
宾苇丹香: 1. i'm a senior, there is so much pressure in the graduating year, and there is a lot of homework.2. i found that recently, some students are staying over night to do their homework. they also spend their luck time for studying. but they fall asleep on ...

瓮安县17257935514: 帮忙把英语句子翻译,万分感谢!!
宾苇丹香: I was born in henan on May 8, 1987 and will graduate from university in July next year. I have learned English for four years. I'm very interesting in English, especially in oral and writing. I have skillful computer technology and programming. I can type 100 words per minutes.

瓮安县17257935514: 英语翻译 急求高手翻译 万分感谢 我现在万分焦急= =Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land again. They want to bring water to the ... -
宾苇丹香:[答案] 科学家们正在尝试着再次将沙漠变成良田.他们想将水引导沙漠,所以人们能够生活并种植食物.他们正在学习很多关于沙漠... 但是这些地方仍旧没有变成沙漠.这是因为那里生长了一些绿色植物.小型的绿色植物和草地对于干燥的地方来说是非常有帮助...

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