小语种歌曲---一首缅甸歌Kaung Ma Lay Kyite Tel So Pe 。

作者&投稿:容乔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Kaung Ma Lay Kyite Tel So Pe的歌词,中文是什么意思?喜欢这首歌好久了。~

缅甸歌曲:Kaung Ma Lay Kyite Tel So Pe
歌手:MC.Sai Sai
原歌,著名奥斯卡电影《教父》中的主题曲:speak softly love
演唱:Andy Williams
Speak Softly Love: speak softly, love and hold me warm against your heart i feel your words, the tender trembling moments start we're in a world, our very own sharing a love that only few have ever known wine-colored days warmed by the sun deep velvet nights when we are one speak softly, love so no one hears us but the sky the vows of love we make will live until we die my life is yours and all becau-au-se you came into my world with love so softly love 译文如下: 轻声诉说爱, 你把我拥入心怀 听到你的声音温柔,激动的时刻让我激情澎湃 我们在一个世界里,我们自己世界。分享只有少数人知道的爱。 醉人的日子,温暖的太阳这样慷慨。如墨的夜晚,我们紧紧相挨。 轻声诉说爱,没有人听到我们的呢喃私语,只有天籁。爱情的誓言常在,直到我们永远离开。 我的生命是你的,因为,你融入我的生命用全部的爱。

Speak Softly Love 一切都是沉默...... 英文歌词: Speak Softly, Love Speak Softly, Love Speak softly, love, And hold me warm Against your heart. I feel your words, the tender, trembling moments start. We’re in a world our very own, Sharing a love that only few have ever known. *Wine colored days warmed by the sun. Deep velvet nights when we are one. Speak softly, love, So no one hears us but the sky. The vows of love we make will live until we die. My life is yours and all Because you came into my world with love So softly, love. 中文歌词: 柔声细语,亲爱的 紧紧拥抱我,紧贴在你的胸脯。 我感受你的话,柔情时时刻,幸福战栗的我。 我们处在自己的世界, 共享爱情,只有少数人才能知道。 美酒般白昼因太阳变暖。 深色鹅绒夜当我俩合一。 柔声细语,亲爱的, 只能让苍天听我们说。 我们的爱情誓言会至死不渝。 我生命是你的, 因为你带着爱走进我的世界, 柔声细语吧,亲爱的

回答人的补充 2009-08-07 20:47 尼日利亚歌手Asa的歌,歌词如下: There is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. I wake up in the morning - tell you what I see on my TV screen I see the blood of an innocent child and everybody"s watching. Now, I"m looking out my window and what do I see? I see an army of a soldier man marching across the street, hey... Hey Mr. soldier man, tomorrow is the day you go to war Boy you are fighting for another man’s "cause and you don’t even know him What did they say to make you so blind to your conscience and reason? Could it be love for your country or for the gun you use in killing? So there is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. Hey, Mister Lover-man can I get a chance to talk to you? "cause you are fooling with a dead man"s corpse and you don"t know what you do. So you say you have a lover and you love her like no other So you buy her a diamond that someone has died on - don’t you think there’s something wrong with this? Tell me, who’s responsible for what we teach our children? Is it the internet or the stars on television? Why oh why? Why oh, why oh? Oh! So little Lucy turns sixteen and like the movie she"s been seeing she has a lover in her daddy - she can"t tell nobody till she makes the evening news. For there is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. Oh yes. One day the river will overflow and there"ll be nowhere for us to go and we will run, run...wishing we had put out the fire, oh no... For there is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no one is a’ running. So yeah, yeah, yeah! There is fire on the mountain, (fire in Africa) and nobody seems to be on the run (everywhere, can’t they see eh?) Oh there is fire on the mountain top and no-one is a’ running (no-one is a running) There is fire on the mountain (fire, fire, fire) and nobody seems to be on the run…

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花山区18386909774: 小语种歌曲 - --一首缅甸歌Kaung Ma Lay Kyite Tel So Pe - --Mc.saisai
书研郁金: http://www.songtaste.com/singer/80530/有他的2首 你在songtaste里面可以听到好多外文歌

花山区18386909774: 求推荐一些好听的小语种歌曲,十首起步 -
书研郁金: 1. Juste un instant2. Ça ira Mon amour3. A force de t'aimer4. Toi plus moi5. Je t'aime6. Les Champs Elysées 7. Je m'appelle Helen8. Ce train qui s'en va9. Je ne veux pas travailler10. Aimer comme toi11. Le papillon 12. Tu me manques13. Entre nous14. La vie en rose......

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花山区18386909774: 有什么歌是比较轻快的
书研郁金: 轻快的歌有好多好多了,我也很喜欢的, 要一一举例很困难, 不过我可以给你个建议、 多多关注一下小语种的歌曲,、 缅甸,泰国,越南,内附近的歌曲, 会有意想不到的收获. 推荐个 K-OTIC的 ถ้าเธอมีจริง. 小语种的魅力哦~

花山区18386909774: 小语种的歌曲.
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花山区18386909774: 求几首好听的小语种歌??比如东南亚 东欧 那边语言的歌曲!! 旋律好听的 -
书研郁金: 给你推荐几首西语歌吧^^ Hoja de la luna月亮之子 莎拉布莱曼的 天籁之音~~ Entrar en mi vida 走进我的生命 Rosas 玫瑰 很轻快的一首歌 非常好听 No me ames 你别爱我 一首男女对唱的歌曲 很深情 Jueves 星期四 有一点小悲情的 一段伤感的爱情 希望你喜欢哦^^

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