
作者&投稿:漫天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我叫懒懒,一九八三年的初夏我来到这个世界上,我已经不记得那个降生的过程了,只是在后来问母亲我是从哪来的时候,母亲指着自己肚子上一条长长的伤疤说, “就是从这里来的!”我想我从在母亲肚子里开始就不是一个听话的孩子吧,否则怎会让母亲为迎接我的到来而付出如此大的代价。





小学毕业那年,天天在一起玩的七个死党相约初中还要在一个班,可惜学校不允许我们自由组合,我们别无情的分开了,开学第一天,我们抱在一起哭得很是伤心。更令人沮丧的是,我们其中有一个因为家庭的原因,离开了县城,去邻县上学了。在他走后两个月,我们剩下的人在一个周末, 骑自行车一起去看他,骑了整整五个小时才到。我们都是第一次去,那时还没有电话可以联系,就这样在老天的眷顾下,我们竟然找到了他家。这么多年过后,我已经不再有当年那种想干什么就干什么的勇气和冲动了,现在总有很多顾忌在脑中徘徊,影响着我的决定。有时很想回到那个时候。










An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident

Yesterday afternoon, I happened to witness a terrible traffic accident on my way home from school. It was 5:30 p.m., I was riding my favorite Giant back home. When I got to the last crossing on the Golden Lion Street, the red light was on. So I applied the brakes, along with a long queue of vehicles waiting to pass.

Just at that moment, a heavy-load truck with earth roared forward at my side and bumped against a private Accord of Honda travelling eastbound. As a result, the windshield of the lorry was broken into pieces and its driver got fatally wounded on the head on the steering wheel. The driver of the Accord and his girlfriend, the only passenger in the car, only got minor injuries, but his car lost its rear axel and two wheels and was totally dead.

As for the cause of the accident, I think the driver of the lorry should be held responsible: the light was red then; he should have stopped and waited. It was he who had broken the traffic regulations. In addition, the bad weather was part of the cause. It was drizzling then, and the road was quite slippery. Finally, drunk driving was probably an important factor. As the police discovered on the spot, there was a heavy alcoholic smell on the dead body of the lorry driver.

A car accident of which I was the victim occurred a few months ago at Hoping Road and Chiho Road. The memory of that harrowing experience can still make my heart go pit-a-pat. One day when crossing a street intersection I was suddenly enthralled by the sight of a beautiful girl in miniskirt walking on the sidewalk. For a moment I was oblivious of the onrushing traffic then shrills of alarm arose and I woke up from my daydream with a start. But it was too late, I was hurtled to the ground by a passing car. I can't think why I was so careless at that point. What a fool I was to cross a busy intersection when I was dangerously distracted by the sight of an attractive girl. If only such a terrible experience had never happened to me! I wish I could see her again, but certainly not at a street intersection and not when I was behaving like a fool.


Whenever I look in the mirror and see the scar on my face I remember that cad accident. I t was a dirk night. I had a very good time at a marvelous birthday party thrown for a friend of mine. We ate and drank and danced happily. I thought I had drunk too much to drive home; however, when the party was over, I jumped into my car and drove away lightheartedly. There were only a few cars on the highway, so I drove faster and faster. Suddenly I screamed and fell unconscious. The next thing I knew was that I was in a hospital, and a few days later when I checked out I found my face was indelibly scarred. I was so put out by the accident. I wish it hadn't happened. Why on earth didn't I drive more slowly? I f only I hadn't drunk so much and what a fool I was to have a drunken driving. That accident has surely taught me a lesson and I think it is not only a good lesson but also an unforgettable experience.


On a holiday morning I drove home from my uncle's. The streets were as usual not crowded. I enjoyed a leisurely driving. Nearing a crossroads, I saw the yellow traffic light flashing off and on. A highway bus was running toward me, but it was still a safe distance away. I drove on. Then, to my horror, I was aware that the big bus was rushing head-on to me. I swerved my car and applied the brake, but it was too late. I heard a loud crash when the bus sideswiped the right door of my car in the middle of the street. At the sight of the big bus standing close by, I was rather frightened. Why on earth didn't I stop and wait till it passed? I should have remembered that caution is all that matters in safe driving. The bus driver seemed to give me a warning; a small car should yield its right of way to a bigger one. What a fool I was to put myself at the mercy of a big bus! I have learned that it is better to give way to a big bus than to take a chance with the dubious considerateness of its driver and be ruined. If only my small car were as strongly built as a tank!

This afternoon on my way home I could see few people in the street.Perhaps people preferred to stay at home because of the cold Weather. So I rode very quickly when I was to cross a lane. Suddenly, a bike rushed out of the lane at high speed. We crashed into each other. I fell to the ground so heavily that I broke my left leg.


Yesterday after school,i and mate saw one serious car accient i called police just on time.After that we did not walk away, we volunter ourself help them rescue the victim.At last,police officer appreciated us.....


pretend ! who pretends ?actors pretend. in this project,you will be actors. with a small group of classmates, you will pretend that someone has had an accident . Don't forget to show your classmates :how the accident happened what happens next each person in your group will ...

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Dear Ming,i am sorry to hear that you lost an arm in an accident. how much better do you recovery now?it is a hard time for you, we have same feeling as you have too. whoever he is, it can be a great challenge to live without arm. since it had happend, you have ...

我和大家分享一个经历。那是2年前的事,那时候我还没有领取驾驶证。出于兴趣和好奇,我偷偷地开了爸爸的车。由于没有驾驶经验,我的“冒险”导致了一场小车祸。虽然没有出现特别大的事故,但是我还是受到了惩罚。从那次事件中我明白了一个道理: 我们每个人都要遵守交通规则,不要因为冲动而盲目地...

车祸慰问英语作文篇三 june 16, 2005 dear tom,i just can’t tell you how sorry i was to learn of your accident. your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days,i’m certainly relievedto know ...

in recent years, a lot of news about people injured or killed by cars on roads can be heard or seen, which shows us that traffic accidents have been increasing.but why are there so many such magic events? is it just because more cars are running on the roads with the ...

to be a good doctor has always been an inspiration to me. I will study hard to make sure that my dream will come true in the future.当有人问我:你的中国梦是什么?我会毫不犹豫的回答:当一个好医生。我当医生的原因就是为了救助更多的人。当我年纪还小时,我遇到了很严重的车祸。

英语作文 一场车祸咋写
An accident.描述你在哪了解或目睹的车祸,车祸细节和对大家注意安全的提醒。

Shanghai National Day holiday, the whole family together to play, uncle, and his father each a car, the way we are happy to talk about the jokes, open in front of my father suddenly saw a red light on the brakes, while the back of his uncle in the transfer station does ...

车祸急救 英语作文100个单词左右的要速度10点之前要写完 谢谢
A talent show is a live performance spectacle (sometimes on television) where contestants perform acting, singing, dancing, acrobatics, and other art forms. Talent shows have been around since the beginning of time. Some very early known works include Shakespeare plays held in ...

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势柔莪术: This afternoon on my way home I could see few people in the street.Perhaps people preferred to stay at home because of the cold Weather. So I rode very quickly when I was to cross a lane. Suddenly, a bike rushed out of the lane at high speed. We ...

同心县18634808347: 初三英文作文关于车祸的
势柔莪术: An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident Yesterday afternoon, I happened to witness a terrible traffic accident on my way home from school. It was 5:30 p.m., I was riding my favorite Giant back home. When I got to the last crossing on the ...

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势柔莪术: The class was over.My friends and I saw an traffic accident.I called the policeman at 110 in time.Then,we helped the policeman to save people.We succeeded in saving people.the policeman said thanks to us.Though we were very tired,we all felt very happy.We went home a few minutes later. 打的好累啊,给点辛苦分吧!

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势柔莪术: 交通肇事 一天晚上,李先生驾驶他的妻子下班回家.她是在一家医院当护士.这是快到午夜了,她很疲惫.她很快就睡着了.李先生看着她,笑了. 李先生是个细心,经验丰富的司机.他知道这是安全驾驶在漆黑的夜里缓慢.一段时间后,他...

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势柔莪术:[答案] An unforgettable traffic accident. I could still clearly remember the traffic accident I experienced when I was a young boy. It ... but it turned out that I fell down to the ground because of the ice on the road.And at this very moment a car coming from a unknow ...

同心县18634808347: 有关车祸的英语作文 -
势柔莪术: pretend ! who pretends ?actors pretend. in this project,you will be actors. with a small group of classmates, you will pretend that someone has had an accident . Don't forget to show your classmates : how the accident happened what happens next ...

同心县18634808347: 描述一场车祸的英语作文 -
势柔莪术: The class was over.My friends and I saw an traffic accident.I called the policeman at 110 in time.Then,we helped the policeman to save people.We succeeded in saving people.the policeman said thanks to us.Though we were very tired,we all felt very happy.We went home a few minutes later.

同心县18634808347: 写一篇关于交通事故英语作文简述车祸危害,分析事故的原因并提出建议 要求字数120左右 参考词汇超载over - loading -
势柔莪术:[答案] ①一天晚上,Lee先生开车带着他的妻子下班回家.他的妻子是一家医院的护士.快到午夜了,她十分困乏,很快就睡着了.Lee... 警察感谢他们的帮助.Lee先生和妻子乘上自己的车继续赶路回家. 【作文示范】 A Traffic Accident One night Mr Lee was ...

同心县18634808347: 英语作文 一场车祸咋写
势柔莪术: t think why i was so careless at that point. then.第三篇:whenever i look in the mirror and see the scar on my face i remember that cad accident. i t was a dirk night. i had a very good time at a marvelous birthday party thrown for a friend of mine. we ...

同心县18634808347: 写一篇关于交通事故英语作文 -
势柔莪术: ①一天晚上,Lee先生开车带着他的妻子下班回家.他的妻子是一家医院的护士.快到午夜了,她十分困乏,很快就睡着了.Lee先生看看她,笑了. ②Lee先生驾车很有经验,也很谨慎.开车走了一会儿,他注意到有一辆车在他后边,车开得...

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