
作者&投稿:爱阮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求大神们翻译啊(不要在线翻译) 随着我国人口老龄化问题日益凸显,~

With the ageing of our population has become increasingly prominent, the increasing demand of the elderly. Offsite many seniors to choose a pension endowment. At present, are building distinctive Sun Kang base in panzhihua city, at an early stage of development in all aspects, needs effective marketing methods to promote them to a higher level. Experiential marketing as a new marketing approach, plays an important role in the development of the recreation industry.
The paper based on the theory of experiential marketing, panzhihua Sun Kang, industry studies, detailed analysis of application of experience marketing in panzhihua Sun Kang the situation, identifying the existing problems, and address the problem, and to make recommendations to the experience marketing strategy of sports industry in panzhihua.

There have been a growing number of aging population

意思是中国的老年人越来越多 中年人越来越少

  1. The problem of aging population in China is becoming more and more serious. 

  2. The problem of the ageing population is increasely deteriorating.

  3. increasingly    英[ɪnˈkri:sɪŋli]    美[ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli]    

    adv.    越来越多地; 日益,格外; 越来越…; 愈;    

    [例句]He was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions


  4. deteriorate    

    英[dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt]    美[dɪˈtɪriəreɪt]    

    vt.    使恶化;    

    vi.    恶化,变坏;    

    [例句]There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war


    [其他]    第三人称单数:deteriorates 现在分词:deteriorating 过去式:deteriorated过去分词:deteriorated    

The problem of population aging is getting worse in China

2018年6月英语六级第3套真题.pdf 链接: https:\/\/pan.baidu.com\/s\/12ytK9VGJZ2fUhakwdmeZeA 提取码: 47v7 《2018年6月英语六级第3套真题》百度网盘免费下载

回答:China‘s population is increasing at a too rapid rate.

中国有多少人口用英语能不能说What's the population in China?_百度...
不行的。 如果找你那样翻译 翻译出来应该是什么是中国人口。 这样意思就相反了。 所以不能用。 你可以不用population 换换别的。。 希望楼主采纳


1. As everyone knows, China is very rich in natural resources, this enable China to possess good requirements to develop agriculture.2. Historical records show that when it reached 16th century,China had already invented papers and had spreaded into Europe, this made the Europeans ...

Along the Aihui Tengchong line, this line of 1935 by Mr. Hu Huanyong discovered and named China population, naturaland historical geographical boundaries, we see, from that day long distance trade development beginning,permeability of interest and rights and dispersion, has fundamentally ...

——范晔《后汉书》(2)又如:是事(事事,凡事);国是(3)姓◎ 是 shì目前姓氏在中国人口普查中,总数非常少,已属极其稀有的姓氏。例如:是灏亮〈代〉(1)此,这 [this;that]是谓伐德。 ——《诗·小雅·宾之初筵》天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志。——《孟子·告子下》安有为天下阽危者若是而上不惊...


——范晔《后汉书》(2)又如:是事(事事,凡事);国是(3)姓◎ 是 shì目前姓氏在中国人口普查中,总数非常少,已属极其稀有的姓氏。例如:是灏亮〈代〉(1)此,这 [this;that]是谓伐德。 ——《诗·小雅·宾之初筵》天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志。——《孟子·告子下》安有为天下阽危者若是而上不惊...


临泽县17231033637: 中国人口老龄化越来越严重,这句话用英语怎么说 -
东郭睿伊达:[答案] The problem of the ageing population is getting worse.

临泽县17231033637: 在中国人口老龄化问题越来越严重的翻译是:什么意思 -
东郭睿伊达: 翻译如下 在中国人口老龄化问题越来越严重 The problem of aging population in China is becoming increasingly serious

临泽县17231033637: 求翻译!随着人口老龄化程度的不断提高,我国的养老问题日益突出.作为一个农业大国,我国近60%的人口为农民,农村老年人的养老问题成为我国政府和社... -
东郭睿伊达:[答案] As the population ages degree unceasing enhancement,the endowment growing problem in China.As a large agricultural nation,our country nearly 60% of the population for the farmers,the rural elderly endowment problems become China's government ...

临泽县17231033637: 英语翻译随着人口老龄化程度的不断提高,我国已进入老龄化社会,养老问题日益突出.家庭的养老功能不断弱化,机构养老成为越来越多的老年人的选择.由... -
东郭睿伊达:[答案] 上面都是机器翻的吧,都不成句子,起码也给人家通顺以下呀.我给你通了通:As the population keeps aging,our country has entered the so-called senior society,in which the senior care problem becomes increasin...

临泽县17231033637: .越来越成为问题,用英文怎么说?比如:空气污染越来越成为问题或者 人口老龄化越来越成为社会的问题 -
东郭睿伊达:[答案] 空气污染越来越成为问题air pollution is becoming increasingly problematic.人口老龄化越来越成为社会的问题 An ageing population is becoming more and more of a problem for modern society....

临泽县17231033637: 救命~~~谁能帮忙翻译一段中国老龄化问题的内容,谢谢谁能帮忙把下
东郭睿伊达: With the arrival of the inevitable ageing of population,it is quite urgent to investigate ... And so it needs our investigation into the outstanding problem of the changing structure ...

临泽县17231033637: 中国人口老龄化问题的形成原因,特点和社会后果有哪些 -
东郭睿伊达: 当人口中60岁或65岁以上的老人所占比例升高,而其他年龄组人口比例相应降低,这一过程就成为人口老龄化.它反映的是人口年龄结构的一种动态变迁过程. 人口老龄化问题将成为中国21世纪最为突出的社会问题之一.21世纪,中国人口老龄化问题将越来越严重,具有速度快和绝对数量大的特殊问题.会带来以下社会影响: 第一, 将可能带来家庭结构、社会关系、价值观念以及社会生产和消费结构的变化. 第二, 不仅使老年人增多,而且高龄老人会越来越多.需要保证这一群体的利益. 第三, 也是其他年龄结构比例下降的过程,需要重新确立权利义务关系.

临泽县17231033637: 中国人口老龄化的特征? -
东郭睿伊达: 中国人口老龄化的主要特征 老年人口规模巨大.2004年底,中国60岁及以上老年人口为1.43亿,2014年将达到2亿,2026年将达剑3亿,2037年超过4亿,2051年达到最大值,之后一直维持在3—4亿的规模.根据联合同预测,21世纪上半叶,...

临泽县17231033637: 人口老龄化带来的问题 -
东郭睿伊达: 一是养老保障负担日益沉重.2004年,中国基本养老保险的支出总额达到3502亿元,比2000年增加了65.5%,中央财政对基本养老保险的补贴支出攀升到522亿元.离休、退休、退职费用也呈现连年猛增的趋势.政府、企业、社会都已经感到养...

临泽县17231033637: 中国人口老龄化问题的现状 -
东郭睿伊达: 从2000年到2007年,我国60岁以上的老年人口由1.26亿增长到1.53亿人,占总人口的比例从10.2%提高到11.6%,占全球老年人口的21.4%,相当于欧洲60岁以上老年人口的总和.人口老龄化年均增长率高达3.2%,约为总人口增长速度的5倍....

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