
作者&投稿:冷详 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.这支乐队二十世纪八十年代凭借那张专集一举成名This orchestra 1980s rely on that special collection to become famous overnight

2.冒险一下吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机率会增加 Take risks, you possibly or can lose, but wins theprobability can increase

The scientist is studying vigorously cures the AIDS theeffective prescription
Now we have known the network significance: Mouse old canknow the world important matter
5.一些人认为政府迟早会将克窿人类的研究纳入规范Some people thought the government sooner or later can bringinto line with the gram hole humanity's research the standard

The George culture ined a stew, decided a night schoolstudies Chinese

Reporters learned Diana must come the news which this cityvisits, rapidly rushes the airport gain news

After 2 month-long unremitting endeavors, the police in asouth city had finally found criminal's trail

Two companies already in principle reached the agreement toimplement this plan

If yours product quality not substantive enhancement, Ithought you cannot have any competitive ability in the market

11.知道原理是一回事,但要付诸实践又是另外一回事 Knew the principle is a matter, but must put to thepractice also is other matter

12.据报道慢跑可将患心脏病的可能性减少三分之二 It is reported slowly runs may contract the heart diseasethe possibility to reduce 2/3

13.据最新调查,半数英国人不知道欧元与英镑的比值 According to the newest investigation, half number ofEnglishes do not know euro and the pound ratio

This land originally should complete the park which enjoysfor everybody, but the present actually set up several apartments

Did not know whether all these correlations informationdoes add up to about his clear drawing


1.Will you go to the music concern next day?
2.How about fishing on weekend?
3.I am really busy this week, so I can't go to visit you .
4.I am willing to go to the business street with you in the afternoon.
5.Welcome to join the cultural club , come to join us quickly.
6.Thank you for inviting me to play tennis with you.
7.He did not go to bed until ten o'clock last night .
8.Read the information in the E-mail and write an invitations to your best friend .

1. You listen to the concert the day after tomorrow it?

2. Removed over the weekend how to fish?

3. I am really busy this week, so you can not go to see

4. I will be happy with you this afternoon to mall

5. You are welcome to join the culture club, Come to join us

6. Thank you for inviting me to play tennis with you

7. 10 o'clock last night before he went to bed

8. Read e-mail message to your best friend to write a sub-han invite

1.Will you do to the concert the day after tomorrow?
2.Shall we go fishing on weekends?
3.I am really busy this week,so I can not visit you.
4.I am glad to go the shopping street in the afternoon with you.
5.Welcom to join the club,please join us quickly.
6.Thank you for inviting us to play tennis with you.
7.He went to bed at 10 o'clock.
8.Reading the message in the e-mail,and writing an invitations to your best friend.

1.will you go to the concert the day after tomorrow?
2.would you like to go fishing this weekend?
3.i'm busy this week,so i can't meet you .
4.i'd love to go to the business street with you
5.welcome to the cluture club, come on!
6.thank you for inviting me play tennis with you
7.he went to bed at 10 o'clock yesterday evening
8.read the message of the email,then write your best friend an invitation.

1.Will you go to the concern the day after tomorrow ?

2.How about going fishing on weekend?

3.I am really busy,so I can't visit you this week.

4.I am willing to go to the business street with you in the afternoon.

5.Welcome to join the cultural club , come to join us quickly.

6.Thank you for inviting me to play tennis with you.

7.He did not go to bed until ten o'clock last night .

8.Read the information in the E-mail and write an invitation to your best friend .

逐句翻译,绝非电脑软件翻译!1.该去睡觉了。(两种方式)It's time to go to bed.\/ It's time for bed.(下面的句子可能你不要求用两种方式,但我还是帮你写两种表达法)2. 老师叫我们上课不要讲话。The teacher asked us not to talk in class.\/The teacher asked us to keep quilt in ...

1.我最喜欢的作曲家是聂耳 My favorite composer is Nie Er.2.我认为古典音乐太严肃了。I think classical music is too serious.3.昨天他去听音乐会了,是吗?He went to the concert yesterday,didn't he?4.不仅我,而且我弟弟也很喜欢流行音乐。Not only I but also my brother likes ...

1.中国气候怎么样?How is the climate in China?2.北部的天气常常很冷 It's usually very cold in the North.3.东部有时很热 Sometimes it's very hot in the East 4.西部有时会下雨 Occasionally it rains in the West.5.南部总是很热。It's always very hot in the South.6.在夏季...

用现代翻译下列句子 (像)这样的事已经发生过一次就够了,怎么可以再次发生呢?用现代汉语翻译下列句子。 “听说过成百上千的道理,便认为 有人能比得上自己”的人说的就是我啊 我常常被一些博学多才的行家所嘲笑 急!用现代汉语翻译下列句子! 1 而今渐渐发达起来,以后的前程正来日方长。

1 根据现场调查,国王是被利器所杀,凶器被怀疑是匕首。According to scene investigation, the king was killed by a sharp object, and the weapon is suspected to be a dagger.2 带着国王的血的匕首在他们身上找到,他们身上也沾有国王的血迹, 他们因此成为嫌疑犯 A dagger with the king's ...

1.跳舞是有趣的(fun)Dancing is fun.2.这样的天气跳舞没兴趣( no fun )It is not fun to dance under this weather condition.3.我的爱好是唱歌(hobby)My hobby is singing.4.他想成为一名好医生(His;wish is)His wish is to become a good doctor.5.餐厅里有很多人(dining room)The ...

1.我会尽力不再犯同样的错误 I will try to not make the same mistakes.2.过马路的时候小心车 Be careful when you go across the turnings.3.我已经用光了我的零花钱 U used up all my savings.4.看到奇怪的事之后他决定报警 He decided to call the police after seeing something strange...

翻译8个英语句子 希望翻译的顺一点准确一点哦 本人高三 谢谢^^_百度...

1.He (gave me a violin) eight years ago.2.I (spend some spare time in playing) volleyball for my school team.3.During the summer of 2000,he (spent four weeks in) a summer camp.4.她要求我们想象着在一个故事里。She (asked us to imagine) that we were in a story.5....

1. 你在悉尼有多久?How long did you stayed in Sydney?【若现在还在悉尼,则用How long have you been in Sydney】2.他今天不是和你在一起吗?he was together with you today,wasn't he?【我觉得这里用反义疑问句式最合适了】3.杭州以西湖闻名遐迩。Hangzhou is famous for West Lake.4...

开县19314895285: 翻译句子 -
周邰沐欣: 1.昨天晚上十点钟他还在学习.Last night he was still studying at ten o'clock.2.昨晚从八点到十点他一直在画画.Last night, from eight to ten he was painting.3.那些日子他一直在写那本书.In tho...

开县19314895285: 英语 翻译句子 -
周邰沐欣: 1 collecting stamps is the most common hobby.2 the meeting has been last several hours.3 don't take this secret to others.And in fact, I'm not interested in this topic.And by the way, do you miss your family?6 I hair stylist, give me a bad hair cut.7 this ...

开县19314895285: 翻译句子,你必须阻止他闯进房间. -
周邰沐欣:[答案] 翻译句子,你必须阻止他闯进房间.(1) You must prevent him from going into the room (2) You have to stop him from coming into the room (3) You are sure to keep him from breaking into the room(4) You are s...

开县19314895285: 翻译句子 -
周邰沐欣: I chose this league because I like the premiership teams and star, I always focus on the league and like the league, so I just refused the system automatically assigned to me. Thank you. 或The...

开县19314895285: 翻译句子 -
周邰沐欣: You are my heart, you lose, I will surely die.

开县19314895285: 翻译几个句子 -
周邰沐欣: I don;t want to watxh over my naughty sister but my mother insist so that I do so.A coach who can train universal athletes will be very popular.I don;t want to cook for my mother when i w...

开县19314895285: 翻译英语句子 -
周邰沐欣: 1.在我国今后会有更多的数目,更少的污染 There will be more trees and less polutions in our country in future 2.当老师走进教室时,同学们立刻停止了谈话 When the teacher went into the classroo...

开县19314895285: 翻译句子 -
周邰沐欣: Look! A thief is stealing money from the pocket of that young girl. Dial 110 quickly!

开县19314895285: 翻译句子 -
周邰沐欣: 在那个尴尬时刻, 当我给她50元,而她本应找我5元零钱,但她却给30元了.(因为尴尬,钱数额找错了.)希望满意,祝您进步:)

开县19314895285: 英语翻译句子 -
周邰沐欣: 1.you don't like either working or studying, what will you do to make a living in future?2.we are so excited about our tomorrow's setting out one week sea voyage.3.don't hesita...

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