
作者&投稿:上竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is for free to the forieg customers, please get the free ticket at number 37 counter.
Please go to the second floor, then please turn left to the end.

Miss Bernat comes to Mr. Wang’s booth on the last day of exhibition. She expresses her appreciation of Mr. Wang’s products. At the same time, gives her own suggestions.

B: Hi, Mr. Wang.
W: Hi there. I’m so happy to see you again. You are Miss Bernat. I remember you came to our booth on the first day of the exhibition.
S: Yes, I’m here again because your cotton textiles are very appealing to me.
W: Do you like the products we sold you?
S: Yes. The cotton cheongsams are selling well, especially the ones with the traditional Chinese patterns and characters.
W: I’m glad to hear that. I’ll send you a catalogue of our various products when I go back to China.
S: Thank you. In this exhibition, your products, presentation, and hospitality really impressed me. By the way, if your textile products have brighter colors, they will be more popular.
W: I’m glad you have a good impression of our products, Miss Bernat. And I’ll tell my general manager about your suggestion. I hope we can keep in touch and continue to cooperate. Our phone numbers and E-mail address are on the booklet I gave you. Please keep us informed about your selling of our products.
S: I will keep in touch with you. Have a safe and happy journey home!


伯纳特小姐在展览的最后一天来到王先生的展位前, 表达了对王先生产品的赞赏,同时提出了一些自己的建议。

伯纳特小姐: 你好啊,王先生。
王先生: 你好, 伯纳特小姐。很高兴再次见到你。记得开展第一天你就来参观我们的展位了。
伯纳特小姐: 是的。我再次到来是因为你们的棉织品对我很有吸引力。
王先生: 喜欢我们卖给你的产品吗?
伯纳特小姐: 是的。棉制旗袍很受欢迎,尤其是那些具有中国传统图案和文字的式样更受欢迎。
王先生: 很高兴听到这些。等我回国后会寄给你更多样的产品目录。
伯纳特小姐: 谢谢。在这次展览会中, 你们的产品、展示,还有你的热情款待都给我留下了很深的印象。顺便说一下,如果你们的纺织品采用更亮一点的颜色,会更受欢迎。
王先生: 伯纳特小姐,很高兴你对我们的产品留下这么好的印象。我会将你的建议转告给我们的总经理。希望我们能继续保持联系,并进一步合作。 我给你的小册子上有我们的电话号码和电子邮件地址,请通报我们的产品销售情况。
伯纳特小姐: 我会和你联系的。祝归国旅程安全愉快!

1. appealing to …: 对……有吸引力的. Appealing: adj. 吸引人的, 哀诉似的, 恳求似的
eg: This dress is appealing to Susan. 这件衣服很吸引苏姗.
2. presentation: 介绍, 陈述
3. hospitality: n. 好客,宜人.盛情
4. general manager: (abbr缩写:GM) 总经理
After the exhibition, Miss Jiang is expressing her appreciation to Alice, who is a member of the organizing committee of the exhibition and who has been a great help to Miss Jiang. At the same time, Miss Jiang is busy preparing to return to China
J: Thank you for your help during the exhibition, Alice.
A: It’s my pleasure. I appreciated your way of doing business. If there is anything else I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
J: In fact, there is something I am still not sure about.
A: Please tell me. What is it?
J: What should I do with the display items?
A: You can sell some of the display items. For those that you cannot sell here, you can find a transportation company to ship them back to your country.
J: That sounds good. Which transportation company do you recommend?
A: The organizers of the exhibition have already appointed a few transportation companies. Here are their telephone numbers.
J: Thank you. I will call them in a moment.



1. appreciate: v. 欣赏,鉴赏
eg: Do you appreciate good wine?
2. hesitate: v. 犹豫.踌躇,不愿
eg: He hesitated before he answered because he didn't know what to say.
3. recommend: v. 推荐,介绍
eg: Can you recommend a good dictionary?
4. appoint: vt. 约定, 指定(时间,地点), 任命, 委任
eg: to appoint a time for the meeting
eg: They appointed a place to exchange stamps.
5. in a moment: 立刻
eg: Please come back in a moment.
Mr. Li is expressing his appreciation to the Manger of the Exhibition hall at the end of the exhibition.
L: Are there any handcarts, sir? The display items are heavy.
M: Here is a handcart, sir. Let me help you.
L: Thank you. Without your help, I could hardly have met so many clients in this exhibition.
M: You are welcome.
L: I like this booth very much, and I plan to take part in the exhibition next year, too.
M: We will inform you of next year’s exhibition in advance and reserve this booth for you.
L: That’s very kind of you.




1. handcart: n. 手推车
2. client: n. 顾客.客户,委托人
3. inform …of…: 向…..通知…..
eg: Please inform me of the appointed time.
4. in advance :提前
5. reserve: v. 储备,保留,预订
eg: I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.
6.take part in: v.参与, 参加
eg: We all took part in the race.

Many enterprises think that everything is down after the exhibition. They evaluate their exhibition as good or bad according to their own opinion. As a matter of fact, attending an exhibition is time-consuming, toilsome, troublesome, and costly. So the enterprises must analyze the results carefully.

Mr. Huang just participated in an international exhibition. He is talking about the results of the exhibition with the General Manager, Mr. Li.

L: Mr. Huang, what are the results of the exhibition?
H: Not bad.
L: Could you give me some details?
H: We have established business relationships with two new clients, who ordered 20 million RMB of silk skirts.
L: Good.
H: I also got acquainted with more than 200 customers.
L: Oh, wow.
H: Customers made more than ten suggestions. There, I held a product showing meeting and a press conference. As a result, our brand has been strengthened.
L: Very good!
H: Here is the results analysis. I hope the visitors at the exhibition can be our real buyers in 3 to 6 months. What’s more, we learned a lot from other exhibitors.
L: You are right. I think you’ve done an excellent job.

黄经理刚刚参加完一次国际展, 他和公司总经理李先生谈论展览结果.
李先生: 黄先生, 这次展览效果如何?
黄先生: 效果不错.
李先生: 能否讲的具体些?
黄先生: 我们和两个新客户建立了贸易关系, 签了总量为2000万人民币的丝绸裙子的订单.
李先生: 不错.
黄先生: 我还新结识了200多个客户.
李先生: 哦.
黄先生: 客户们提了十几条建议. 在当地召开了产品展示会和新闻发布会. 品牌得到了进一步的强化.
李先生: 很好!
黄先生: 这是效果分析. 我期望3-6月后展会的参观者会成为我们真正的买家.
另外, 我们从其他参展者身上学到很多东西.
李先生: 你说的对. 我认为你们的工作完成的很卓越.

1. detail: n. 细节
2. established business relationships with…: 与…..建立贸易关系. establish: v. 建立.
3. get acquainted with…: 与…..相识,熟悉,了解. acquainted: a. 知晓的,相识的.
eg: We get acquainted with each other last month. 我们上个月相识的.
4. press conference: 新闻发布会. press: n. 新闻
5. strengthen: v. 加强,巩固
eg: The fence was strengthened with wire. 这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。
6. analysis: n. 分析, 分解.
excellent: a. 卓越的,出众的.


The Fair of Importing Initial Book

会展英语是:convention and exhibition exhibition 读法 英 [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən]n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品 短语:1、exhibition centre 展览中心 2、exhibition area 展区;参展面积 3、exhibition g...

exhibition hibit来自拉丁词habere“有”的变形,exhibition是“将自己拥有的东西拿出来”,引申为展览 [eksI5bIF(E)n]n 展览会 an exhibition of paintings 画展 They are coming to the exhibition as my guests.他们作为我邀请的客人来参观展览会。Chinese economic and trade exhibitions have promoted...

What is the exhibition, exhibition is "no smoking.重点词汇 会展conferences and exhibitions 什么what 冒烟smoke; smoking; fume

展会 英语
展会的英文:Exhibition Exhibition 读法 英 [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən]n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品 短语:1、exhibition centre 展览中心 2、exhibition area 展区;参展面积 3、on exhibition 展出中 示例...

标准展位:Standard Booth 展品运输:Exhibit Transportation 1,既然你是我们的老客户 ,我打算给你个最低的折扣.Because you are our loyalty customer, I will give you the best discount.2,一个标准展位的平均的价格是2000美元.The price of a standard booth is 2000 USD.3,你好,这里是国际纺织...


你怎么就是不信。。。唉 exhibition --- 柯林斯字典为证 exposition 词义 An exposition is an exhibition in which something such as goods or works of art are shown to the public...an art exposition.N-COUNT = exhibition (同义词)...

中文中的会展用英文表示是不是conference and exhibition?
Exhibition表示大型的会展 show和display表示小型的会展 你的conference and exhibition是中国式的英语,不对!

It is for free to the forieg customers, please get the free ticket at number 37 counter.Please go to the second floor, then please turn left to the end.

Exhibition, exhibition, exhibition practice English business communication, exhibition, exhibition, exhibition marketing copy etiquette.希望你能满意。

平乐县13015927320: 会展用英语怎么说 -
泣闹信达: exhibition or exposition(展览会) conference(大型会议)

平乐县13015927320: 会展的英语 -
泣闹信达: 你怎么就是不信...唉 exhibition ----------------------- 柯林斯字典为证 exposition 词义 An exposition is an exhibition in which something such as goods or works of art are shown to the public. ...an art exposition. N-COUNT= exhibition (同义词)

平乐县13015927320: “会展”用英语怎么说 -
泣闹信达: convention and exhibition

平乐县13015927320: 中文中的会展用英文表示是不是conference and exhibition? -
泣闹信达:[答案] Exhibition表示大型的会展 show和display表示小型的会展 你的conference and exhibition是中国式的英语,不对!

平乐县13015927320: 展会 英语 -
泣闹信达: 展会的英文:Exhibition Exhibition 读法 英 [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən] n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品 短语:1、exhibition centre 展览中心2、exhibition area 展区;参展面积3、on exhibition 展出中 示例:They came from afar ...

平乐县13015927320: 谁知道会展的英文单词是什么啊 -
泣闹信达: 简称MICE meeting [会议] , incentive travel program[奖励旅游] ,convention [节庆活动] and exhibition[展览

平乐县13015927320: 会展英语翻译(100分) -
泣闹信达: 呵呵,让我帮你解决这个问题吧~~~ (本人系广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院研究生一年级,专业是商务英语翻译) 请放心,绝不会跟你乱译或机译!!~~~ 请楼主仔细体会:n_n1.展览期间,你必须调配人员记录与包装好展览品以及相关产...

平乐县13015927320: 会展英语翻译(高分!急!)
泣闹信达: 1.会展其间,你必须要有人拆卸和安装展示品.商品也一样. 2.对于没有展示间的人移动展示品雇人更为重要. 3.在脑海里做一个移动计划. 4.展示其间可以讨稳定产品数量,调查市场目标,但是展示品的价格由生产商决定. ·定单和路线. ·常规的文...

平乐县13015927320: 在展览会上用英语怎么说展览会用exhibition -
泣闹信达: 你好!在展览会上 At the Exhibition 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢.

平乐县13015927320: 会展英语翻译
泣闹信达: 这个展览很特别的是从一个秀到另一个秀都不受到有无展览厅的干扰.在作秀的期间,你必须组织工人们撤下并包装你的陈列品,同样也可用于你的产品.

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