谢谢你的提醒 用英语怎么说?

作者&投稿:进寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Thanks for your reminding.
英 [rɪ'maɪnd],美 [rɪ'maɪnd]    
vt. 使想起;提醒
例句:This story reminds me of my childhood.
1、remind constantly 常常想起
2、remind grimly 恐怖地想起
3、remind laughingly 可笑地想起

v. (动词)


Thanks for your reminding
eg: Thank you for reminding me.

Thanks for reminding me. 可以加 of+事情

Thank you for your reminding。<..>

Thanks you for your remind!

Your reminding is greatly appreciated.

富裕县18923505897: 谢谢你的提醒.用英语怎么讲?这里的提醒是正面的.是真的感谢的情绪.跪谢. -
阴泊普阳:[答案] I really appreciate your reminder

富裕县18923505897: 谢谢你的提醒英语咋说好 -
阴泊普阳: thank you for your reminding

富裕县18923505897: 谢谢你的提醒 万分感谢 说英文 -
阴泊普阳: Thanks for your reminder. I'm glad for the help.

富裕县18923505897: 谢谢你的提醒用英语怎么回答 -
阴泊普阳: Thanks for you to remind me.Thanks for your warning.

富裕县18923505897: 请问“谢谢你的提醒,是我搞错地方了”这句英语怎么说? -
阴泊普阳: 谢谢你的提醒,是我搞错地方了”这句英语怎么说? Thank you for reminding me to have the wrong place.谢谢你的提醒,我为我的疏忽感到抱歉.用英文怎么讲? thank you for reminding me, I am sorry for my carelessness谢谢你纠正了我的错误.用英语怎么说. Thank you for correcting my mistakes

富裕县18923505897: 翻译 谢谢你的提醒,错误已经被更正... -
阴泊普阳: 谢谢你的提醒,错误已经被更正. Thanks for your reminding, mistakes have been corrected. 我很感兴趣你推荐的产品,请发给我关于它的详细信息. I'm very interested in you recommend products, please send me information about it.希望可以帮助到您,谢谢!

富裕县18923505897: ★★★英语常见的提问,帮我回答一下★★★ -
阴泊普阳: 1.You look pale! What`s wrong with you? --I'm alright.2.My TV set is out of order, What shall I do? --Get it fixed.3.What do you think of Tom`s work? --It was good.4.How do you like the coffee here? --Not too bad.5.I`m sorry to have lost you pen, Let ...

富裕县18923505897: ...window again.另外,“香蕉皮”怎么说?“谢谢你的提醒”怎么说?所有感谢的话都可以用“Not at all”来回答吗?★★★我要的不是翻译,★★★我要的不是翻译,是... -
阴泊普阳:[答案] 1.You look pale!What`s wrong with you? --I'm alright. 2.My TV set is out of order,What shall I do? --Get it fixed. 3.What do you ... --Ok. 10.You forgot to close the window again. --I am sorry. 另外, “香蕉皮”怎么说? --banana skin “谢谢你的提醒”怎么...

富裕县18923505897: 英语翻译谢绝机译很高兴认识你.谢谢你的提醒.我的客人也已经通知我们,让我们特别注意货物的包装.我会很慎重的转告我的同事,请他们务必注意包装的事情. -
阴泊普阳:[答案] Nice to meet you.Thank you for your advice.My customer had already informed us to pay special attention to the packing of the goods.I will pass this issue to our colleagues and make sure they take car...

富裕县18923505897: 用英语怎样说“没关系”,“不用客气”等日常用语 -
阴泊普阳: 谢谢:Thank you 不用谢:You're welcome 没关系:Never mind 不客气:You're welcome

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