
作者&投稿:谷贤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1 industrial
2 tools
3 camera
4 choose
5 search
1 considered
2 centuries
3 thousand
4 encourage
5 holding

1. had worked would have finished
固定用法If ...had done sth, ...would have done sth.
2. B 同样是虚拟语气

works will finish

1.work, will finish .if从句,主句将来时,从句一般现在时。
2.B。。你题目应该打错了。。虚拟语气,后面是would have done。前面用had done sth.

1、I couldn’t keep away after twelve. If I __work____ (work) all night, I __will finish _ (finish) it in time.
2、 I didn he __B___ , he would have said hello to me.
A.would come B.had come C.came D.did come

1.worked would finish

由此可知是用于否定句,又因为所修饰的名词chance是不可数名词,所以用little。(补充:chance 表示“机会,机遇”的时候,可以做可数名词,也可以做不可数名词,具体看句意和chance后面有没有加s,如果加s的话,那这道题就填few。)

1、since2、before3、that\/when4、since5、when6、that7、that第六第七句是强调句型,第七句是"it be not until…that…句式的强调结构。第三句可以看作强调句型,也可以看作when引导的时间状语从句。关于强调句型:一、受基本结构的影响将非强调句型误判为强调句型 大家知道,英语强调句型的基本结构...

二、完形填空.(10*1=10分) Henry is a little fatter(胖) than(比) he wants to be. He 41 to lose some weight(减肥). So he is on the diet(节食).He tries not to eat too 42 and he eats very little meat because it will make him 43 . He also does exercise every 44 . He swim...

1、make progress是固定搭配 2、C there be 句型遵循“就近原则”,由于后边紧接着是a pencil sharpener ,所以用单数,又因为后边说“But where are they now? ”可知此处要用过去式,所以选C 3、D 第一个if是 是否 的意思,句意是 我不知道明天是否将会下雨,所以用will rain 第二个if是 ...

1. from 2. (1)has in mind (2) change one's mind (题中未注明为谁,所以没办法把one's变成相应的形容词性物主代词或名词所有格)(3) make up his mind 3. B 翻译:--玛丽,这是你的钢笔吗?--不是,我的钢笔更大,(它是)一只有着蓝色笔套的钢笔。解释:one为不定代词,代指...

4、When you are young,you may be able to work for long.5、The scientists are beating their brain(绞尽脑汁)trying to propose a method of dealing wiht this problem.6、There is nothing such as a free lunch.7、Students who have questions can ask the teacher for advice.8、That...

高分求详解!!! 8道关于高中英语选择名词填空的题
1、Findig information in today's world is easy .The ___is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not .A.ability C.challenge 这里要联系前面的句子,它说当今社会要找到各种信息并不难,那么后面肯定是转折,然而难的在于……\/ 整个合起来的意思是,找到信息并不难...

( )2. Tom’s parents are teachers. ___ of them teach English.A. Either B. Both C. All D. Everyone ( )3. Young man! If you ___ late again, you’ll lose your job.A. will be B. were C. are D. have been ( )4. I have been ___ Englis...

【十几道英语选词填空翻译题】 采纳加分!!!
1. John was going to discipline Mary by telling his friends how much weight she had gained.约翰要明确告诉他的朋友玛丽她得到了多少体重。2. consciousness is essential to a successful scientist; he cannot hope to make any progress if he cannot work in a controlled way.保持意识对一...

单从词义上来看便可选择了,只有重量似乎还符合点逻辑,这题不好。4. come after意思是“紧跟着、紧接着”,经常用在现在时;come next 意思是“接着、接下来”,没有come after与之前的动作衔接的那么紧密,而且经常用在将来时,因此我们常看见what will come next这样的说法。

景德镇市13935865342: 一道英语填空择题 1、I couldn't keep away after twelve.If I - ____ - (work) all night,I - ____ - (finish) it in time. 2、 I didn he - ___ - ,he would have said hello to ... -
从枫斯林:[选项] A. would come B. had come C. came D. did come 1、填写答案,这个句是什么时态?从哪看出来? 2、填选项,并解释选此项和不选其它项的原因.

景德镇市13935865342: 一道英语问题一.选择填空.1.The boy wanted to ride his bicyle in the street,but his mother told him .A.not to.B.not to do.C.not do it.D.do not to.2.The sunglassed ... -
从枫斯林:[答案] 1.The boy wanted to ride his bicyle in the street,but his mother told him .A.not to.B.not to do.C.not do it.D.do not to.选B tell sb (not)to do sth.那个男孩想在街上骑他的自行车,但是他的妈妈不告诉他不要...

景德镇市13935865342: 一道英语填空就一道很简单的~选词填空选词填空~1.That pair of white trousers____(is,are)too short for me.2.My brother as well as I____(is,am)fond of singing ... -
从枫斯林:[答案] is am goes is seems

景德镇市13935865342: 一道英语填空题,好的40分!选词填空1.keep2.opens3.make4.come5.need6.water7.grow①Where dose the flower - __ - from?What`s in that tiny seed?If I want... -
从枫斯林:[答案] 按顺序 come 从哪来的 从后面的from分析的 grow 作动词 种花 need 需要什么工具 make 制造一个花的床 keep 保持我的花被哺育 water 作动词 浇水 opens 绽放 从第三人称单数也可以选此词

景德镇市13935865342: 英语的一道题,选词填空.Bob,may l ( )(lend/borrow)your bike?Sure,bue you'd better not ( )(lend/borrow)it to others. -
从枫斯林:[答案] Bob,may l ( borrow)your bike? 对主语I来说是借入用 borrow. Sure,bue you'd better not (lend)it to others. 对主语you来说是借出用 lend 不明白的再问,多谢!

景德镇市13935865342: 一道英语选择填空 Some rainwater goes on the hills.It runs into lakes and rivers.Many peopleget it - ____. -
从枫斯林:[选项] A. here B. there C. over D. to

景德镇市13935865342: 一道英语选择题,摘自一篇完形填空选择填空题 Have you ever stopped to realize how much less self - conscious you would be on such occascious you would be ... -
从枫斯林:[答案] 我觉得应该是A 不过也不知道是否是正确答案以下是我的解释是宾语从句主句是Have you ever stopped to realize 从句是 how much less self-conscious you would be on such occascious 和you would be on such occasi...

景德镇市13935865342: 英语 一道选择填空题 Mr Thompson was busy doing the experiment,only - ______ - once in a while to have a rest. -
从枫斯林:[选项] A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped

景德镇市13935865342: 大家帮忙做一道英语选择填空题~ -
从枫斯林: 答案为besidesbesides表示除了A还有B也.而except表示除了A,其他的...例如:除了Tom每个人都来了:Everyone is here except Tom.则除了Tom没有人没来了;除了Tom没来,Peter也没来:Besides Tom, Peter also didn't come.也就是说初了Tom,还有人和Tom一样没来.

景德镇市13935865342: 一道英语选择填空题4 .____ - were 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891 .a.On her board b.On board her c.Boarding her d.On boarding ner这是新概念第三册... -
从枫斯林:[答案] 这是倒装句,属于“全部主谓倒装”,即谓语 + 主语.“部分主谓倒装”形状是 助动词(如have,do)+ 主语 + 动词这个句子里面主语是 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891谓语是 were状语是 你那四个选项中的一个.地点状...

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