
作者&投稿:锐华 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

which personality do you think is most important to a person? 一楼的quality也行,也有品质的意思,不过我个人觉得用personality更好一点吧,望楼主采纳

In England they have a saying, 'honesty is the best policy,' and I couldn't agree more. Being honest with other people will help you to gain their trust and will allow you to become closer friends. Furthermore, being honest can keep your conscious clear and take away the stress of having to lie constantly and feeling bad when you have to protect those lies with other lies in the future. But most importantly perhaps, acknowledging your flaws and being honest with yourself can bring you to a profound understanding of who you truly are and how you function in situations.

ability to love
Love is the most important thing that can make this world a better place. Because of love, human race was first created according to ADAM and EVE story from the bible. Love gives us will and strength to survive and overcome any challenges in the world.

The attitude of questioning and systematic doubt is a crucial driving force behind our social and scientific developments.

That's how we discovered that the earth was round, and the earth evolved around the sun, not the other way around. That's also how women have gained their social status today after centuries of struggle in the male-dominated society.

It's one of the most of virtues for a person to have. A person of integrity acts with conscience and honesty. It prevents us from doing wrong and helps to keep the society in order.

the most important characters of a person

the most important character of a person

品质[pǐn zhì]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?_百度...
好产品的背后往往有好人品,两者有直接的关系,品质对于人来说不仅仅限于道德,还包括人的能力、文化等因素。 做无形产品的服务行业也强调服务品质,这就侧重用户的体验了。品质是成就品牌最重要的因素。 更多→ 品质 [品质]英文翻译 quality [品质]近义词 品德 品格 品性 素质 质地 质量 [品质]相...

你好!我的译句如下:No matter what quality a hero has, the most important is the sens of responsibility.

所以我列出了一些我认为成为企业家很重要的心理品质。另一方面,如果你发现下面的这些品质给你带来压力或者不适,那么你很有可能无法从企业家的角色里发现乐趣。 [en1. ] You enjoy being thevisionaryleader. Being able to envision what the business and the industry will be like in years to ...


1. 诚实守信是为人最重要的品质。只有真诚地对待他人并遵守承诺,才能赢得他人的信任。诚实不仅让人感到你的真诚,也愿意与你交往,并愿意帮助你解决生活中的问题。诚实守信是一种传统的美德,能让你更受欢迎,并助力你的成功。2. 虽然人们需要的品质有很多,但真正具备良好品质的人却不多。不同的生活...

因此,追求完美品质,把握细节是提高品质的重点。 四、提高产品质意义大。 提高品质不仅对企业发展有至关重要的意义,还将对社会产生深远的影响。产品或服务品质是决定企业素质、企业发展、企业经济实力和竞争优势的主要因素。品质还是争夺市场最关键的因素,谁能够用灵活快捷的方式提供用户满意的产品或服务,谁就能赢得...

These people are wrong.So we should be honest with each other in life,and you will make a lot of friends.在我看来,诚实是最重要的组成友谊的部分.每个人都必须有朋友的生活.好朋友必须诚实.如果你是诚实的,您将获得所有人民的信任.在我的生命中,有许多人是不诚实的.他们总是人后面说一些...

一、诚实守信 诚实守信是一个人最重要的品质。只有诚实守信,真诚地待人,遵守对自己的承诺,才能赢得他人的信任。诚实不仅让人感到你的真诚,更愿意与你交往,还能共同面对生活中遇到的挑战。诚实守信是传承已久的美德,能让你受到更多人的喜爱,并助力你取得更大的成功。二、仁爱 仁爱是人们需要的另一...


在我看来,一个人是否优秀确实会在一定程度上影响社交,但这并不是社交中最重要的因素。我认为社交中最重要的是以下几个方面:1. 真诚:真诚是社交中最基本的品质。一个真诚的人更容易获得他人的信任,建立起深厚的友谊。在社交中,我始终保持真实、坦率的态度,以赢得他人的尊重和喜爱。2. 尊重:...

深泽县19540238338: 人最重要的品质用英文怎样介绍?急需一份《人最重要的品质介绍》,题目是What are the three most inportant qualities in a person. -
和狱调经:[答案] ability to loveLove is the most important thing that can make this world a better place.Because of love,human race was first created according to ADAM and EVE story from the bible.Love gives us will a...

深泽县19540238338: 用英文说一段话,你认为人最重要的品质是什么,不要太长,一两分钟就行 -
和狱调经: In England we have a saying, 'honesty is the best policy,'...(诚为上策) 你讲的时候要说 In England they have a saying, 'honesty is the best policy,' and I couldn't agree more. Being honest with other people will help you to gain their trust and will ...

深泽县19540238338: “你认为人最重要的品质是什么”翻译成英文 -
和狱调经: 你好!What quaility do you think is the most important to a person?地道的翻译就不能直译. 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

深泽县19540238338: “人最应该具有的品质”用英文怎么说? -
和狱调经: The quality that person should have most

深泽县19540238338: 帮忙找一些描述一个人品质的英语单词,急需! -
和狱调经: kind-hearted 善良 optimistic 乐观 good-tempered 脾气好 honest 诚实 brave 勇敢 well-knowledged 博学

深泽县19540238338: 对一个人来说,道德品质是最重要的 英文怎么说?主要是我不知道道德品质用英文怎么表达. -
和狱调经:[答案] virtue或者morality Morality outweigh anything for a person

深泽县19540238338: 写一篇英语作文:幽默感被认为是人类最重要的品质之一.请用英语写一篇短文陈述幽默的好处.
和狱调经: A sense of humor,God's greatest gift to mankind,is universally considered the most valuable personality.It is born within every person's heart,but has to be cultivated.A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers,or like a dish without ...

深泽县19540238338: 你认为朋友最重要的品质是什么?用英语回答四五句话 -
和狱调经:[答案] The most important quality of a friend is to be honest.Only being honest can two people open heart to each other; only being honest can two people trust each other; only being honest can two people last their friendship long.These are the reasons why I ...

深泽县19540238338: 请帮我找出英语 形容一个人的个性或是品质的形容词 -
和狱调经: outgoing(外向的) courtesy(礼貌的) lively(活泼的) active(活跃的) cute(可爱的) virtuous(善良的、有道德的) dissocial(自私的、不爱交际的) sonsy(开朗的) generous(慷慨的、大方的) great(伟大的、崇高的) 呼~这些该够了吧~

深泽县19540238338: 形容美好品质的英语 -
和狱调经: nice美好 cute可爱 lovely可爱 kind善良 prefect完美 friendly友好 wonderful美好 了不起 helpful有用 chastity纯洁

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