
作者&投稿:梁顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮帮忙 帮我把几个单词 翻译成英语~

动力: power
不要逃避:Don't escape


I felt very tired after the long journey,while I still enjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station.
2. Sue was so frightened by the noise outside that she dared not sleep in her bedroom.
3. The museum was built in 1910 which is almous 100 years old.
4.Because the student was given some advice by the famous scientist,he was not worried about his scientific experiment any more.
5.George was exhausted after a day’s work,so he took some tablets to help him feel beyyer.
6.Lucy was so very astonished at the amount of work in the new timetable that she decided to leave her job immediately.
7. I like that old private house which is built of wood and mud.
8.The room is completely empty which is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage.
9.The queen was sitting in a royal carriage which was drawn by four horses.
10. The vehicle is mentioned in the book which is unknown to me.
11. The castle is under repair which was built in 1432.

变暗Change dark
正片叠底 The positive folds up the bottom
颜色加深 Colour is deepened by
线形加深The line font is deepened by






Color burn

Linear burn


请帮我把这些英文问题 翻中文 不要翻译软体 会英语的帮忙一下
他在夏威夷长大而且在印尼待过几年。He has Kenyan and Indonesian half – siblings.他有些肯尼亚和印尼的同父异母\/同母异父弟兄姐妹 Is his multi cultural background an advantage or disadvantage for him as president of the United States ? why do you think so?他的多元文化背景对于他身为...

张扬了人民群众的神勇斗志,干出了一番轰轰烈烈的大事业。人物简介:宋江:豪爽,义气,仗义疏财 李逵:鲁莽,孝顺,勇猛 武松:有勇又谋,打抱不平,是一位英雄好汉 事件: 1.桃园三结义 2.曹操煮酒论英雄 3.刘玄德三顾茅庐 4.诸葛亮舌战群儒 5.关云长刮骨疗毒 希望这对你有帮助。

我的 帮帮忙,我想要这几款鸡尾酒的介绍 我想要下列每款鸡尾酒的英文名字,口感,原料,制作方法,具体的来由黑俄罗斯,干马天尼,红粉佳人,长岛冰茶,日出,螺丝刀,b52,玛格丽特,特奇拉,新加波司令,雪球,自由古巴,白... 我想要下列每款鸡尾酒的英文名字,口感,原料,制作方法,具体的来由黑俄罗斯,干马天尼,红粉佳人,长岛...


E e 0.05根据上面提供的信息,回答下列问题:(1) 在统计表中,a的值为 ,b的值为 ;(2)甲同学说:“我的体育成绩是此次抽样调查所得数据的中位数. ”请问:甲同学的体育成绩应在什么分数段内?(填相应分数段的字母)(3)如果把成绩在35分以上(含35分)定为优秀,那么我市今年11300名九...

我的会计很多不会,要考试了,希望高手帮忙下 ,帮我解几道习题!
(四)4)应该是“元”,而不是“万元”吧!一、1、计算公司该项应收票据的贴现期、到期值、贴现利息和贴现收入:(1)贴现期:4+31=35(天)(2)到期值:10 000×(1+7.2%×5\/12)=10 300(元)(3)贴现利息:10 300×9%×35\/360=90.13(元)(4)贴现收入:10 300-90.13=...

1. 齐洛洛 2. 叶枫泽 3. 杨茗蕊 4. 黎嘉 5. 苏玉 6. 石布妍

1.저는 중국사람입니다.2.아버지는 교수입니다.3.저는 중국유학생입니다....

铁不炼不成钢,人不炼不健康.出生(入)(死 ) 名存实(亡 )高瞻远(瞩)(秉)烛夜游 描写人物外貌的:和蔼可亲 盛气凌人 描写人物神态的:目瞪口呆 愁眉不展 垂头丧气 描写人物动作的: 目瞪口呆 描写景物的:一尘不染 翠色欲流

包头市19452975463: 帮帮忙 帮我把几个单词 翻译成英语 -
实河白葡: 嫉妒:Jealousy 羡慕:admire;envy;begrudge 动力: power 超越:surpass;overstep;transcend;exceed 不要逃避:Don't escape 望采纳,谢谢,新年快乐!

包头市19452975463: 帮我把下列词语翻译成英语
实河白葡: 1. Treatment, to cope with ~ 2. Out, extending ~ 3. By ferry ~ 4 Alarm ~ 5 ~ 6 controversy waiting to stare at someone ~ 8 ~ 7 to speak with someone stealing something from a person ~ 9 ~ 10. Rush catch on board ~ 11 ~ 13 ~ 12 to escape a few ...

包头市19452975463: 帮忙把以下词语翻译成英文,按顺序排,谢谢! -
实河白葡: French remy Martin 97 years dry red and the staple food, yangzhou rice, Fried rice, ribs wild-pigs rice, roast duck dinner and barbecued pork rice, the pig food, cook the meals, pork rice, chicken rice, chicken rice, LaWei rice, grilled chicken rice!

包头市19452975463: 英语翻译请帮我把以下单词翻译成英语,希望小学爱心支教活动看忘临终老人活动社区英语大讲堂奉献自己的爱心 -
实河白葡:[答案] Goodwiling Teaching Assistance to Project Hope primary schools.Visiting the Dying Aged 个人觉得不用这么直白,Visiting the Weak and Aged(看望虚弱,老人)可能好些English Lecture in CommunitiesShowing Compa...

包头市19452975463: 谁能帮我把以下六个单词翻译成英语英语习语的七种翻译方法:直译法,意译法,套译法,释译法,加注法,补译法,改造法 -
实河白葡:[答案] 直译法literal translation 意译法free translation套译法adapted translation释译法 interpretation加注法filling-up translation补译法 supplement translation改造法modified translation

包头市19452975463: 急!中译英!!!(帮忙把下面的翻译成英文!谢谢) -
实河白葡: 1.乐观,活泼,坦率,自尊心强,思想开朗,适应力强. Optimistic, active, frank, strong self-dignity, open mind, strong adaptability. 2.有很好的判断能力,有处理紧急事物的才能. With good discretion and the talent to deal with emergency.3.富崇...

包头市19452975463: 帮我把以下的短语翻译成英语 -
实河白葡: 1. play drums 2. the piano 3. clause 4 to 5. the trumpet rock band 6. school opened 7. be chinese kungfu 8.一点9. mailbox 10. want someone to go to school, up 11: 12. 13. take a showerTo work at 14. clause 16. take the bus to work in 17. bring ...

包头市19452975463: 麻烦帮我把下面这些翻译成英文. -
实河白葡: All my answers are above,and I still hope that you can tell me what's those means though I've already know a lot.Have you recieved the photos I send today?楼上的一...

包头市19452975463: 帮我把下面这两个单词翻译成英语
实河白葡: so deside give up

包头市19452975463: 帮忙把下面的中文翻译成英文 (需用括号里的单词) 谢谢~~
实河白葡: 1.In order to protect the building, only a number of people are admitted to enter it every day. 2.The conversation destroyed the friendship between the two friends completely. 3.The children are whispering in the corner. 4.There are three elder ...

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