一些句子单词(名字)翻译,急!!!hello,everybody,my name is jack.

作者&投稿:虿郎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Hello,everybody.My name is Xiong Liang.这么读?~


Hello! My name is DingNing, I was a kind man.I like children. I teach English only one year, total feel restrictive. So this training although has over age, but I came. I'll keep learning.







中餐: chinese food

桔子: oranges

冰激凌: icecream

chese food
an orange
分别对应中餐 桔子 冰激凌


hello,everybody, 嗨,大伙
my name is jack. 我的名字是杰克。
i think 中餐 is the mcst important . 我认为lunch是最重要的。
Jenny 詹尼
Tina 蒂娜
I often eat chicken and some meat 我经常吃鸡肉和猪肉
I also eat an apple and or an 桔子 我也吃一个苹果或是 orange
I have a litter 冰激凌 for dessert 甜点我吃一点儿ice cream



1.律师;lawyer 2.接受公开基础教育:accept public basic education (我不赞成楼上的说法,accept和receive的意思是一样的都可以接受东西\事物的,二者的区别在于accept是主动的接受,receive 是被动的接受,在这里用accept 是比较好的)3.全身心投入... devote oneself to 4.他相信个人计算机将成为办公...

coast 海岸 side 一边 beach 海滩 central 在中心的 crop 庄稼 scenic 景色优美的 queen 女王 castle 城堡 wine 葡萄酒 culture 文化 concert 音乐会 wonderful 令人赞叹的 harbour 港湾 cable car 电缆车 delicious 美味的 restaurant 餐厅 sunshine 阳光 step 台阶 amazing 令人惊奇的 parachute 降落伞 h...

2.environmental claims 环境申明 3.hodge-podge 大杂烩 4.Consumers are being confused and misled by hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products according to a "green labeling"study published by Consumers International Fridy.国际消费者周末日---它试图用那些普通产品上的杂乱...

76. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?77. May I have your name? 能告诉我你的名字吗?78. My name is Thomas. 我叫汤姆斯.79. Just call me Tom. 就叫我汤姆吧.80. What's your family name? 你姓什么?81. My family name is Ayneswonth. 我姓安尼思华斯.82. How do you spell it...

欢迎光临,这里是七匹狼.Welcome! Here is Seven Wolves.如果您觉得喜欢就试试看,我们这的都是秋冬新款.You can try them on if you like. Here are the new styles in autumn and winter.您看这件怎么样?How about this one?夹克?Jacket?风衣? Dust coat?棉服? Cotton dress中衣(半大)...

1.The weather is cold .2.The smell of the pizza makes me hungry.3.Wering a green hat makes you look clever.4.The film is famous .5.The sweater is important in winter.6.The milk is important to make us strong.7.The story makes them sad.8.Reading bokks makes us ...

1、真是稀客。You arereally a rare visitor。2、你说的头头是道。What yousaid sounded reasonable。3、我真是反应迟钝。I am reallyslow-minded。4、你把我给搞糊涂了。You made meconfused。5、罪有应得。You deservedit。6、已经无法挽救了。There is noway out。7、别跟自己过不去。Don't...

英语陈述句式和非倒装句中用于句子开头的一般是连词。具体的是连词分类就不说了。直接给你列一些吧。And,because,so,but,then,now that,even,though,even though,even if,once...

recast a sentence;清晰、 连贯的句子 a clear and coherent sentence;把一个长句分成几个较短的句子 split a long sentence into shorter ones;把两个句子并成一句 throw the two sentences into one 中中释义 句子 [jù zi](1) [sentence]∶词和词组由句法构成的、能够表达完整意思的语言单位 这...

照片的单词是photo,造句: 1.Stand still while I take your photo. 我给你照相,站着别动。 2.I found some old photos at the back of the drawer. 我从抽屉尽里头找到一些旧照片。 3.The photos bring back lots of good memories. 这些照片唤起了许多美好的回忆。 4.I'll take a photo of you...

霍州市13520602415: 一些句子单词(名字)翻译,急!!!hello,everybody,my name is jack. -
殷勤钟绅丽: 大家好,我叫杰克.我认为中餐是最重要的.詹妮蒂娜我早餐经常吃一些鸡肉和一些猪肉我有时也吃一个苹果和或橘子我有时吃一点冰淇淋做为点心

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殷勤钟绅丽: Nice to meet you to(我也很高兴认识你) hello !(你好) 26个字母 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 望采纳!

霍州市13520602415: 翻译四个英语句子,急!不要用电脑软件翻译1.我与他人交流,没有任何困难.2.吸烟导致肺病.用lead to3.请把我的名字加在名单里.用add4.同意我的意见的请... -
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殷勤钟绅丽: 1.I have to help my sister do some housework.2.I am not feeling too well, I need to go see the doctor.3.Please come join our party. You will have a great time.4.Tom can't go to the party. He has to prepare for a chemistry test.5.Vince can't go to the ...

霍州市13520602415: 翻译英文句子,急急急急急急急....
殷勤钟绅丽: My name is???,This year 20 years old,Is located in Zhejiang of Taizhou,My job is teacher,

霍州市13520602415: 句子翻译.英语.急! -
殷勤钟绅丽: 1.My family is very happy to receive and condition is very good. 2. My interest hobby is widespread, oral English is good and like to make friends

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