
作者&投稿:大叔亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In Hushi's lonely later years,a cake peddler who brought him a little comfort and happiness became his friend accidentally.

The peddler whose name was YuanDie likes reading in his spare time of selling cakes. He likes to discuss with people that the political systems of America and England and whose political system is better. He was disposed to adoring the America. However, he can neither explain clearly on theories nor got a satisfied answer. So he wrote a long letter hastily to scholar Hushi in order to get an answer. This happened in Oct. of 1959.

Hushi felt very happy when he knew the letter was coming from a cake peddler who was studying political system of America and England very hard by himself in the spare time. So that he replyed him. In the letter, he said:"I was so shamed that your question is too complicated that I can't give you an answer can satisfy me. I only can say that there's not big difference between the political system in America or in England. What the story "Mr. Truman havn't bring anyone" you mentioned in your letter, is the same as 丘吉尔(不会译这个名字) havn't bring anyone when he left No.10 of St.Dunning."

1. How hard they study!
2. It's said that he has spent a lot of time playing soccer.
3. Thank you for helping me with my maths.
4. The girl is old enough to go to school.
5. There are many trees on both sides of the road.


有卖麻一个圆的平坦蛋糕的一个小贩而且出其不意地在胡须适当的老年孤单环境中是他的朋友,带给他安慰和 1:00 意外事件的快乐。

小贩命名元一钢模 (一钢模) ,他做剩余的一个圆的平坦蛋糕卖一个圆的平坦蛋糕,也爱看一些书,喜欢与人讨论英国人和美语政治系统, 完全英国和美国政府稍微咬得更好的系统?他相对地向崇拜美国倾向, 但是理论上不了解, 已经是罐子不得到满意的答复。然后因此而且匆忙地写了一封长的信, 到大学,胡须适当问。这在十月,1959 年代之间是生意。

胡须适当接受这一封信, 知道当卖芝麻一个圆的平坦蛋糕的一个小贩,而且出其不意地能力是在业余者勤奋方面独学的,而且精神能穿着;问再是在胡须医生中关于英国和美国的政治上的议题的最野性的,觉得比较非常快乐, 然后笔迹写了答复的一封信。它在信中说:问题你提出太大,我非常惭愧, 我不能给你 1 而且能使我独自想满意的解决, 我能说,你说及英国系统和美国系统事实上没有大的不同。那的故事 " 杜鲁门没有带一个人 " 在你的信上描述, 也积极的与 Qiu Ji Er 在 1945 宁可离开街道第 10 个不带一个人, 是相似的。

"我能也说, 我们是这在之内那国家, 那里是一一圆的平坦蛋糕卖方, 每天的进位一领引张桶子在那之上街道呼叫卖一芝麻一圆的平坦蛋糕, 停止两者皆不的被风或者雨, 那热的太阳也不放在那思想, 但是他愿意也忙于偷一片刻的时间, 与一个国家有关到非常解释, 与英国和美国的政治系统有关, 希望国家能久走上治疗长安妮的道路……单独地是这一不寻常的发生, 足够使我乐观而且使我高兴。……如果有我帮助你, 如果呈现你书的类型不能找, 我一定想要非常做, ……" 从现在开始 , 小贩元一钢模那么完全地变成了医生胡须 " 我的朋友".
一天, 胡须完全邀请的元一钢模为做一个客人的 Nankang 的研究去中央的学会,元一钢模打开一个手手巾包裹因为带来, 在是 10个芝麻一个圆的平坦蛋糕, Huang2 Can4 Can4, 近来把芝麻发散给烤肉的敏感芬芳。在前面中完全地举行胡须, 胡须是适当的到一经连接芝麻一个圆的平坦蛋糕而且微笑地逐渐恢复 1 然后吃而且咀嚼薪资 Luo 支付被磨响的 Luo, 面对在最后一个仅仅见到的 yearses 向上接近显得一些的快乐。

他们一旧的稍微,说话非常毛骨悚然的, 胡须完全地仍然是不忘记传道 Du Wei 的哲学和进步对他的年轻朋友的教义, 稍后,他们再说到孩童时期生活。胡须适当说,他喜欢游泳, 但是鼻孔选区领袖小的块状, 在水的呼吸是不便的。元一钢模听感觉最 Qiao 而且告诉胡须适当说,他的鼻孔的内部也种植小的块状,也许是鼻子癌。胡须适当听他的话说, 然后而且立刻给台湾大学医院的高又天然指导者写封闭信, 说:这是我的朋友元一钢模, 整个的治疗费用是忍受被我。胡须是适当的虽然经济不是如此充满, 甚至连接自己去看病预先也时常离开医院, 他真诚地给一好学习年轻男人在帮助, 一种真的好安慰在他的思想顶端中。


胡须适当见到是一个麻木的圆平坦的蛋糕, 然后微笑:"我已经已经曾经吃。这是我的朋友之一做的。" 胡须也是适当的充足无辜者,如此非常想一个台北市 , 所有芝麻一个圆的平坦蛋糕是 " 我的朋友" 元一钢模一个人做。

Hu and Hawker
Hu Shih in the later years of lonely situation, a hawker selling Ma Bing, has made his friends to the accident that brought him comfort and joy.

Die-called hawker Yuan (die), his cake cake sales, it also has a little love reading books, like Britain and the United States to discuss with the political system, in the end Anglo-American political system which is better? He is less inclined to worship the United States, but he could not understand in theory, has no satisfactory answer. They hastily wrote a long letter to the university to ask Hu. This was in October 1959 between.

Hu received a letter, known as a hawker selling Zhima Bing, could in the amateur self-study hard, mentioned just now the spirit; asked Dr. Hu is the hottest political issues in Britain and the United States, I find great pleasure, then personally Wrote a letter. The letter said: You raised the issue too much, I am ashamed, I can not give you a view that I can make a satisfactory answer, I can say is that you say the British system and the system of the United States in fact little difference to us. You described in the letter that "Truman did not take away a person's" story is Winston Churchill in 1945 and left on the 10th Street Ning Dayton did not take away a person is the same.

"I can say that we have in this country, to have a cake sale, carrying a lead sheet barrels per day on the street selling Zhima Bing, rain or shine, hot sun do not mind, but he is also willing to Chill out, concerned about the national plan , The Anglo-American concerned about the political system, the country can look forward to embark on the long-term stability of the road ... ... just this strange, I am optimistic enough to make me happy. ... ... If I can help you help the small things, such as gift You could not find the books and the like, I will be willing to do that ... ... "From then on, hawkers Die-Yuan has become of Dr. Hu Shih," my friend ".
One day, Hu Yuan invitation to Die-South to be a guest of the Academia Sinica, Die-Yuan bring a towel to open the package, which is 10 Zhima Bing, Huang Cancan, the distribution of the new fragrance of roasted sesame seeds. Hu Pengdao before Zhima Bing Hu to take over, picked up a smiling eat it, chewing a branch 1, 10 to 1, 10 support ring, his face showed only see the joy in recent years.

They are a little old one, to talk about it very fun at all, Hu still did not forget his young friends in the team philosophy of John Dewey and reformism, and then they talked about early life. Hu said that he likes to swim, but a long nose, a small tumor, the water is not convenient to breathe. Die-Yuan listened to very skillfully, told Hu that his long nose also a small tumor, I am afraid Biai. Hu heard him say, it immediately to the National Taiwan University Hospital and president of the high natural wrote a letter, saying: This is my friend Die-Yuan, all treatment costs burden for me. Hu even though the economy is not as rich, even the often ahead of their own in-patient discharged from hospital, but he sincerely to a young man eager to learn in order to help in his mind is a great comfort.

Hu often remember the hawker friends. On one occasion his heart attack, was admitted to National Taiwan University Hospital. His friends and Helena took a Zhima Bing Hu to the ward and said: "I'll give you something to eat, so what, I believe you have not eaten."

Hu is see Ma Bing, he laughed: "I took a long time ago. This is one of my friends do." Hu was also naive enough to think that such a big one in Taipei City, are Zhima Bing, "my friend "Die-Yuan a person to do.



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because you don't love me, everything that is needed is not longer needed;because i love you, everything that should not be forgiven is forgiven.

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脂毓八珍: Dear teacher Norm, I considered for a very long time, and finally decided to tell you some of my thoughts. First of all, my English is poor, so I can't communicate in English with you, and entrust the students to translate for you in English, hoping to ...

沁源县18552717822: 高手请帮忙把中文翻译成英文 不胜感激!! -
脂毓八珍: I am wondering whether I can establish direct contact with you and send the related documents to you. If yes, please tell me your mailing address in detail.

沁源县18552717822: 英译汉问题~请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢绝机译.非常感谢.翻译的满意的话一定把所有的分送上.(虽然总共也没多少分).很着急,再次感谢~~~Many of ... -
脂毓八珍:[答案] 我们领域中许多上乘作品都是受主流学科的影响.似乎最弱的研究人员们忽视了一个真相,我们在建筑工业上面临的问题通常是我们已在其他方面遇到过的例子.我问作者和自己的研究人员一个反复的问题就是,这个问题(就是目前...

沁源县18552717822: 急急急!!!小学生演讲稿汉译英.请哪位高手帮忙翻译一下!谢绝软件翻译! -
脂毓八珍: hi everybody, I am a student in class 5 grade 4. My eyes are small and clevr, and my ears are big. I like English very much! look! I have got a photo, the boy on the photo is my cousin. He is 8 years old now. He is a student in grade 2 in primary school. ...

沁源县18552717822: 希望英语高手来帮我翻译.中译英 两段短文.不胜感谢. -
脂毓八珍: We have always to the pursuit of quality excellence, commitment, customer service for the first business policy, the majority of employees in an efficient, pragmatic, enterprising, altruistic ideals into great enthusiasm, to "let the fresh forever, public ...

沁源县18552717822: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段论文摘要(汉译英)比较急!!!万分感激!!! -
脂毓八珍: Abstract:In an increasingly competitive global environment,the integrated leadership of business leaders is crucial for the survival and development of the business organisation.This article gives an in-depth analysis of the situations both ...

沁源县18552717822: 急!!中译英——纯人工翻译,英语翻译高手速进! -
脂毓八珍: 1.我们停下来在一家 乡村小酒馆吃午饭. We stopped and had lunch at a village inn. 2.(你)车开得这么快是危险的. It's very dangerous for you to drive so fast. 3.他解出这道数学题是不可能的. It's impossible for him to solve the math ...

沁源县18552717822: 哪位高手帮我翻译一下这段话,急!!!不胜感激!!! -
脂毓八珍: July, 2008-up to now Shandong together and all the medicine industry limited company sale departmentComplete in the beam mountainous country area foun...

沁源县18552717822: 中译英,英语好的朋友们帮忙翻译一下这个句子,不胜感激!!! -
脂毓八珍: On the one hand,it's aroused by XXX, everything is causally connected, and the reason that XXX holds is the root that causes XXX, where the essence lies, that is how we discuss it in a macro point of view.

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