
作者&投稿:荡仲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、清白的良心是一个温柔的枕头。

A clean conscience is a soft pillow.


A man's age is the age of poetry.


A good heart is never proud.


Remember, death is a great moving day!


Life itself is the most beautiful fairy tale.


From then on, the prince and the princess lived a happy life!


Her eyes are blue, like the deepest lake.


For me, travel is the source of youthful vitality.


Every man's life is a fairy tale written by god.


We can not understand the suffering of the weak without suffering.


It is only the most beautiful when fireworks are washed up and distributed.


What can be rushed up, can give out the fireworks, are beautiful.


The sun shines on me, the wind kisses me. Oh, I was born lucky.


My name must shine, that's the only reason I'm alive.


Oh, my dear Augustin, it's all over.


As long as you are a swan egg, is born in a chicken farm is also no relationship.


For any singer, tears in the listener's eyes are the best reward.


If you are a swan eggs, even if born in the duck farm also Never mind.


I built my home on the sea, the ice blue liquid doomed my life of wandering.


To make full use of your wisdom, knowledge reserves, wisdom can be left to the.


But what he did not wear clothes ah, a child crying out.


All human life is but a fairy tale written by the hand of god.


It is not enough to live, but also to have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.


The water flow in the tireless, hard things are so it becomes smooth.


When I was an ugly duckling, I never dreamed that I would have so much happiness.


A person at a young age, can and should be put into life, and life into a piece.


As long as you have stayed in a swan eggs, even if you are born in a duck farm and there is no relationship between what.


There is no place on earth that is impossible to reach. However, to achieve the purpose, we must not be determined and confident.


It's good to climb up the ladder, but if you have the strength, it means you have to move on.


Every rose had a happy and pleased with oneself manner, as it is when we were filled with the feeling of happiness.


One day, when we went to bed, they jumped up and down in high spirits. There's a dance almost every night.


Death is just a kind of electric shock in our hearts by the freed soul riding on the wings of electricity can fly.


For me, every grass is a green tree, and every petal of yours is a fragrant flower, ah, you remind me of how much I lost.


In the distant sea, where the water is like the most beautiful cornflower blue, so clear as crystal, very deep, indeed, not deep chains to measure its depth.


There are some small results do not seek progress, which does not fit my personality. It's good to climb up the ladder, but if you have the strength, it means you have to move on.


This is no love suffer hunger and cold, the little girl had curled up in a deserted small corner, imagine the beautiful Christmas tree, fragrant Roasted Duck, warm fire and loving grandmother.


He felt very embarrassed. He hid his head in his wings and didn't know what to do. He felt so happy, but he was not proud at all, for a good heart would never be proud.


He was very pleased with the misfortunes and miseries he had suffered in the past. He now realizes that happiness and beauty are waving to him. - many big swans swam around him, kissing him with their mouths.


She is a real princess, for through the twenty mattresses and twenty eider down beds the pea, she had been able to feel. No one but a real princess would have such a tender skin.


Peony as far as possible expansion, want to open more than roses, but the problem is not huge. Tulips are the most gorgeous colors, and they know this, so they stand out so that people can see them more clearly.


He felt so happy, but he was not proud at all, for a good heart would never be proud. He remembered how he had been persecuted and ridiculed, and now he heard them say he was the most beautiful of all the birds.


So they went into the garden, in a broad tree lined road. Here the leaves fall in fall. When the lights in the palace one after another disappeared, crow took Gerda to the back door there. The door was ajar.

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