
作者&投稿:咎砌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My Family
I have a big family . There are six people in my family . They are my grandparents , my parents ,my sister and I . My grandparents are old . They don't need to go to work . My parents are both teacher . My sister and I are students .We study in the same school . I love my family. My family love me , too .
祝学习进步,天天快乐, 万事如意!满意请采纳!

我有一个让人羡慕的家庭!我、爸爸和妈妈就组成了这个幸福的家!家里有很多的趣事,真是讲也讲不完呀! 第一幕:端午节时,妈妈早早就起来做美食了。我呢,还在“梦会周公”,爸爸起来看到了我的懒样,就把妈妈做好的卤蛋放到我的床前,我一闻到香味,就麻利的爬起来,穿好衣服刷牙洗脸。走进了厨房,一见到卤蛋我就两眼放光。伸手就要去拿,爸爸突然拦着我,说:“本人决定,由于你今天起晚的原因,所以取消你吃卤蛋的资格,增加狗狗吃卤蛋的资格,钦赐!说罢,爸爸拿了一个卤蛋,掰开扔给了狗狗,看到狗狗吃的津津有味,我差点就和它去抢了。“妈妈!”我撒娇的拉住妈妈的手,说:“你看爸爸,你好好看看他!”谁知妈妈装糊涂的说道:“看什么,你爸爸很好呀!怎么了?”“你!!!哎呦!爸,我错了以后一定早起早睡,行了吧!”我不满意的说道“好,知错能改,善莫大焉嘛!这次就原谅你吧!不过,早睡早起还是好的么!对吧!”爸爸傲慢的说“对!老爸说的什么都对!”我恭维的说道“好!朕心情大好,特赦免你的罪行,你可以去吃卤蛋了!”“yes!老爸太棒了!”夸完爸爸后我一溜烟跑进厨房,拿起卤蛋享受起来!!! 没想到端午一大早还会有这么一出戏,呵呵!

在向别人介绍自己家庭成员的时候,除了一些基本称呼,比如,丈夫、妻子、儿女、父母、兄弟、姐妹之外,还有很多近亲和远房亲戚的称呼说法。今天我们就来学习这些称呼的英语表达方式。在英语里,家庭成员的称呼没有汉语里分得那么细,我们通过几个情景对话来一起学习。 情景对话1:
Dong:Are you married?
Matt:Yes, you?
结了, 你呢?
Dong:Yes, I’m married too. Do you have any children?
Matt:Yes, I’ve got three daughters and a son.
Dong:Gosh – a big family! I’ve got only one son.
Matt:Well, I come from a big family – I have two sisters and two brothers and one step-sister from my stepfather.
Dong:Oh really? My family’s very small. It’ just me, my mum and my dad. And I don’t even have any aunts or uncles! How many cousins do your children have?
真的? 我们家只有我和我父母。 我没有任何姑姨叔舅。那你的孩子有几个表兄妹?
Matt:Oh lots„ Um, let me think„ 12 altogether.
很多... 让我想想...一共12个。
Dong:Wow, that’s impressive.
Wow, 真了不起!
提示:在日常英语对话中,说起亲属关系时,英国人一般不分年龄大小。比如,哥哥或弟弟都是 brother; 姐姐或妹妹都是 sister。英语里也不分母亲或父亲边的亲戚。比如,cousin 包括了所有的表兄、表弟、堂兄、堂弟、表姐、表妹; grandparents 包括外公、外婆和爷爷、奶奶。
如果想知道对方说的是妹妹还是姐姐,可以问:“ Is it your elder sister or younger sister?”。哥哥是 elder brother,弟弟是 younger brother。
Betty:We were at my great-grandma’s 100th birthday and it’s the first time in near 20 years that all family got together.
Sam:So who was at the party?
Betty:My grandparents, my parents, my brothers and sisters, all our children, my uncles and aunts, my cousins, my great-grandaunt Nelly and her children. Nearly 80 people.
我的爷爷奶奶、我的父母、我的兄弟姐妹、我们的孩子、我的姑父和姑姑、我的表兄妹、我祖母的妹妹也就是我的太奶奶 Nelly,还有她的孩子们。差不多有80人都来了。
Sam:Sounds like everyone had a great time.
Betty:Yes, we did. It was wonderful to catch up with people.
根据英国王室的传统,百岁老人centenarian在过百岁生日时会收到由英女王寄出的百岁生日贺卡 birthday card,到105岁后将每年都会收到女王寄出的生日卡。目前在世的、最年长英国老人是Ethel Lang,她今年高龄114岁。


my family

We are a family of three, father, mother and me, I am boys, usually, I Chongzhao both parents, grandfather, grandmother, grandmother and Grandpa I love are on the increase, I am happy. Father is a chief engineer of the enterprise, can be a big responsibility, to get up early every day Wangui, factory hard things can be tough. Her mother was a school teacher, in our schools, at school, can I ask for the lifting of martial law, will not let me call my mother and I really uncomfortable, it also Mozhe you! I have to learn in the future to the parents, to make a contribution to society.

介绍家人英语作文 带翻译 60词
My family 我的家庭 There are four people in my family.我家里有四口人.my parents,my grandmother and me.我父母,我奶奶和我.My family is a warm and happy.我的家庭很温馨和幸福.I’m good at sports ,I do well in running and swimming.我擅长体育运动,我在跑步和游泳上做得最好.I...

描写思路:介绍自己的家庭,可以从家庭成员入手,分别介绍自己家庭中父母各自的工作,最后在介绍自己,正文:I am a happy gril.I have a big family.我是一个快乐的女孩。我有一个大家庭。My mother works in a hospital. She is a doctor.She is tall with a small nose,small eyes.Her ...

英语的自我介绍主要是对自己的外表、爱好、家庭、学校及班级等进行介绍。一、可以先从自己的姓名、年龄、出生地、外表介绍起。如:Hello ! My name is XXX. My English name is XXX.I’m from XXX. I`m 8. I study in Class1 Grade 2 in The Shiyan Primary School.二、介绍自己的家庭时,...

介绍家人的英语作文 50个字带翻译
,这就是我甜蜜的家了,你能介绍一下你的家庭吗 英文介绍自己家人 I a happy family. My and mom love me so much.there are six people in my family, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister and me. My is a boss. He 39 years old. He' tall and strong. He is very...

求一篇关于做家务事的英文作文 我认为这是我们必须做些家务。 因为我们的父母都在忙于他们的工作,回到家时,他们会感到疲倦。 如果我们帮助他们做家务时,他们会感到放松,我们感到自豪。 除此之外,做家务能帮助我们放松,让我们的成长壮大。 这是我们的责任,它可以做家务令我们照顾自己更好。 I think it is necessar...

I are each students.I'm in the small school,my sister is in the big school.My mother is39 and my father is42.My mother and my father are in the same factory, they're works in the factory.This is my family.下面的人不准抄我的,这些都是我自己打出来的,抄的是狗!

一、写作思路 介绍自己的家庭,主要介绍内容有家人成员人数和成员的主要特点,要分开说明,同时也要有重点。开头可以介绍人物及数量,中间介绍人物的特点,结尾表达对家庭的态度或者情感。二、双语范文参考如下 题目:我的家庭 我的家有三口人,爸爸、妈妈和我。我爸爸爱玩电脑、爱做饭、爱逗我玩,不过不...


hello everyone,today i am very happy to introduce my family.There are my father,my mother and i in my family,my father and mother very love me,i very love them too,they can take me to play in the zoo at every weekend,i feel rather happy then.i usually help my mother...

Everyone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I. We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.每个人都有一个家。我们感到温暖。在我的家庭里有三个人,我的母亲,父亲...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 介绍自己的家庭(英语)以My family 为题介绍自己的家庭,(越简单越好,就爸爸妈妈我就可以了) -
亓从朗德:[答案] 兄弟行吧? There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I'm really happy. My ... I love my sweet warm home. 我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐. 我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 初一英文家庭介绍 -
亓从朗德: Hello everyoone,my name is XXX.I have a small family.My father is 35.He is a doctor.My Dad often comes home late.My mother is 34.She is a housewife.She does housework everyday.I am 13,and I am a student in XXX middle school.This is my family.It's small but we are very happy. 大概吧,介绍一下职业什么的,最后我爱我的家.采纳哦

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 英语 七年级 上册 《家庭介绍》怎么写? -
亓从朗德: I have s big family. there are five people in my family.My mother,my father, my two sisters and I.My father is a teacher.He teaches Chinese in a Middle School.He likes reading. My mother works in a hospital . She is a nurse. she works very hard. I have ...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 初一英语作文,介绍自己的家庭成员.(不少于7句话) -
亓从朗德:[答案] 很乐意回答你的问题^^. Hi,my name is XXX.I have a big family. My mother is a teacher,her name is XXX. She is 32 years old,and she is very kind. She can do everything for me,because she is my mother. My father is a writer,his name is XXX. He is 34 ...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 用英语介绍自己的家庭带翻译 -
亓从朗德:[答案] My Family(我的家庭) My family lives in Dalian.我的家住在大连. There are five people in my family.我家有五口人. They are my grandfather,my grandmother,my parents and I.分别是我的爷爷奶奶,父母和我. My grandparents are in their sixties.我的祖...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 英语作文《介绍我的家庭》 -
亓从朗德:[答案] 1.My family I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.... I love my family.Because I'm very happy to live with my parents together! 中文翻译: 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 初一英语介绍我的家庭作文30到40词 -
亓从朗德: my name is... i am eleven years old. i am in class one, grade six of hongxing premary school. i am tall and thin. i am friendly and kind. i like singing and dancing. i am good at english and maths. i also like reading and i often read interesting books in the evening. 从: 年龄、名字、外貌、性格、爱好等放面去介绍就可以了,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 用英语介绍自己的家庭不少于十句话 -
亓从朗德:[答案] My family 我的家庭 There are four people in my family. 我家里有四口人. my parents, my grandmother and me. 我父母,我奶奶和我. My family is a warm and happy. 我的家庭很温馨和幸福. I'm good at sports ,I do well in running and swimming. 我擅长...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 初一英语作文,介绍自己的家庭(有几个成员,家人的姓名和年龄及工作,可添加其他内容) - 别带不常见的词儿,语法别出错, -
亓从朗德:[答案] 以下是本人按题目要求写的英语作文, My Family There is my parents and me in my family.My father's name is Wang Tao,and he is 40 years old.He is a doctor.My mother's name is Li Hong,and she is 38 years old.She is a middle school teacher.I myself...

大通回族土族自治县18438567743: 请用英文介绍你的家庭情况.(翻译成英文.)我有一个幸福的家庭.我家有4口人,我的爸爸是烧电焊的,我的妈妈、爷爷、奶奶都是自由职业. -
亓从朗德:[答案] I have a happy family.I have 4 people at home,my father was burning electric welding,my mom,Grandpa and Grandma are freelance.

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