中国 古今中外发明的东西 英文般

作者&投稿:苗炭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
学习外语 以后都能做什么工作啊~



1800 Frenchmen, J.M. Jacquard invents the Jacquard Loom.
Count Alessandro Volta invents the battery

1804 Freidrich Winzer (Winsor) was the first person to patent gas lighting.
Richard Trevithick, an English mining engineer, developed the first steam-powered locomotive. Unfortunately, the machine was too heavy and broke the very rails it was traveling on.

1809 Humphry Davy invents the first electric light - the first arc lamp.

1810 German, Frederick Koenig invents an improved printing press.
Peter Durand invents the tin can.

1814 George Stephenson designs the first steam locomotive.
The first plastic surgery is performed in England.
German, Joseph von Fraunhofer invents the spectrocope for the chemical analysis of glowing objects.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was the first person to take a photograph. He took the picture by setting up a machine called the camera obscura in the window of his home in France. It took eight hours for the camera to take the picture.

1815 Humphry Davy invents the miner's lamp.

1819 Samuel Fahnestock patents a "soda fountain".
René Laënnec invents the stethoscope.

1823 Mackintosh (raincoat) invented by Charles Mackintosh of Scotland.

1824 Professor Michael Faraday invents the first toy balloon.
Englishmen, Joseph Aspdin patents Portland cement, the modern building material.

1825 William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet.

1827 John Walker invents the modern matches.
Charles Wheatstone invents the microphone.

1829 American, W.A. Burt invents a typewriter.
Frenchmen, Louis Braille invents braille printing.
William Austin Burt patents a typographer, a predecessor to the typewriter.

1830 Frenchmen, B. Thimonnier invents a sewing machine.

1831 American, Cyrus H. McCormick invents the first commercially successful reaper.
Michael Faraday invents a electric dynamo.

1832 Englishmen, Louis Braille invents the stereoscope.

1834 Henry Blair patents a corn planter, he is the second black person to receive a U.S. patent.
Jacob Perkins invents an early refrigerator (really an ether ice machine).

1835 Englishmen, Henry F. Talbot invents Calotype photography.
Solymon Merrick patents the wrench.
Englishmen, Francis Pettit Smith invents the propeller.
Charles Babbage invents a mechanical calculator.

1836 Francis Pettit Smith and John Ericcson co-invent the propellor.
Samuel Colt invented the first revolver.

1837 Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.
English schoolmaster, Rowland Hill invents the postage stamp.

1838 Samual Morse invents Morse Code.

I839 American, Thaddeus Fairbanks invents platform scales.
American, Charles Goodyear invents rubber vulcanization.
Frenchmen, Louis Daguerre and J.N. Niepce co-invent Daguerreotype photography.
Kirkpatrick Macmillan invents a bicycle.
Welshmen, Sir William Robert Grove conceives of the first hydrogen fuel cell.

1840 Englishmen, John Herschel invents the blueprint.

1841 Samuel Slocum patents the stapler.

1842 Joseph Dart builds the first grain elevator.

1843 Alexander Bain of Scotland, invents the facsimile.

1844 Englishmen, John Mercer invents mercerized cotton.

1845 American, Elias Howe invents a sewing machine.
Robert William Thomson patents the first vulcanised rubber pneumatic tire.

1846 Dr. William Morton, a Massachusetts dentist, is the first to use anesthesia for tooth extraction.

1847 Hungarian, Ignaz Semmelweis invents antisceptics.

1848 Waldo Hanchett patents the dental chair.

1849 Walter Hunt invents the safety pin.

1850 Joel Houghton was granted the first dishwasher patent in 1850. The machine was made of wood and required you to hand-turn a wheel that caused water to splash on the dishes. Houghton's machine barely worked. The first practical dishwasher was invented by a woman named Josephine Cochran in 1886. Dishwashers, however, did not begin appearing in homes until the 1950s.

二进位制Binary system
养鱼法Fish law
赤道式天文仪The Equatorial Astronomical Instrument
十进计数制Decimal counting system

其他一定还有很多 只找到这些 希望可以帮到你

活字印刷commercial printing

those inventions in and out of China from long long ago till today

市辖区15052294970: 中国 古今中外发明的东西 英文般 -
柏溥洁丹: 1800 Frenchmen, J.M. Jacquard invents the Jacquard Loom. Count Alessandro Volta invents the battery 1804 Freidrich Winzer (Winsor) was the first person to patent gas lighting. Richard Trevithick, an English mining engineer, developed the first ...

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柏溥洁丹: 希望对你有帮助中国古代发明家 姓名 领域 年代 发明作品 简介 鲁班 建筑 春秋战国 木工用的 锯子、曲尺、墨斗、刨子、铲子、铺首、钻、凿等 鲁班--春秋战国时代鲁国人,姓 公输,名般,是中国古代著名的建筑师.鲁班他有很多发明创造,如...

市辖区15052294970: 古今中外有许多发明 你是怎样认识发明的呢?你又会怎样做呢?请一次话题,写一篇英语发言稿
柏溥洁丹: 不好意思,我不会写,但帮你找了一篇,看看有没有帮助呀! Internet is becoming more and more popular in the world. As is shown in the pictures, two persons are sitting in front of their own computer in different places. they seem to be very ...

市辖区15052294970: 古今中外,依据自然现象或生活现象而发明创造的事例不胜枚举,请试举两例.......thsans -
柏溥洁丹: 鲁班造锯,相传鲁班是被带锯齿状的草启发制造的锯 鲁班发明伞,是根据荷叶而发明的 张衡制造浑天仪是他长期对天空中星星移动观察得来的经验制造的

市辖区15052294970: “古今中外“怎么用英语说,不要用翻译器,谢谢 -
柏溥洁丹: now and then , home and abroad

市辖区15052294970: 古今中外发明的故事 -
柏溥洁丹: 张衡发明地动仪 马钧发明翻车 杜诗发明水排 毕升发明活字印刷术 蔡伦改进造纸术 黄道婆发明纺纱 沈括发明的太多了,就不具体说了 嫘祖发明了养蚕 华佗发明麻沸散(一种麻醉济)、外科手术、五禽戏 诸葛亮发明了独轮车、孔明灯 最重要的袁隆平发明杂交水稻

市辖区15052294970: 古今中外谁发明了什么 -
柏溥洁丹:[答案] 毕升——活字印刷术 蔡伦——造纸术 诺贝尔---炸药 爱迪生----电灯 罗伯特·汤姆森---第一个充气轮胎 茨(1844一1929)德国工程师 1868年,制成世界上第一辆三轮内燃机汽车 贝尔(1847—1922)美国发明家 1876年发明电话

市辖区15052294970: 古今中外有许多发明 你是怎样认识发明的呢?你又会怎样做呢?请一次话题,写一篇英语发言稿发明改变了人们的生活,发明促使人类社会不断进步.古今中... -
柏溥洁丹:[答案] 不好意思,我不会写,但帮你找了一篇,看看有没有帮助呀! Internet is becoming more and more popular in the world. As ... For example, someone wants to know the Great Wall of China, what he/she need to do is only TO OPEN AN INTERNET ...

市辖区15052294970: 古今中外的科技成就 -
柏溥洁丹:[答案] 初中课本里面,中国的古代科技成就:中医(扁鹊、华佗、张仲景、孙思邈、李时珍等)、四大发明、地理(郦道元、徐霞客)、地动仪、天文(甘石星经、夏历、大明历、授时历)、数学(九章算术、祖冲之计算圆周率)、农...

市辖区15052294970: 谁能告诉我古今中外的发明家各发明了什么? -
柏溥洁丹: 美国人富尔顿发明了蒸汽轮船,英国人史蒂芬孙:蒸汽机车,莱特兄弟:飞机,郭守敬发明“简仪”,魏晋的刘徽:割圆术;蔡伦:纸

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