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请帮我韩语翻译中文 (韩国传统结婚顺序)~

7。⑦交配(交拜):matjeol chorye该奖项在新娘和新郎的面前。
11。Hyeongugo⑪案件(见舅姑礼):新娘和父母到法律跟人打招呼。 “Pyebaek(币帛)”被调用。

韩国传统婚礼习俗和礼仪 1.婚谈 在韩国的传统婚礼举办前,男女双方家人都要通过媒人互相了解对方的家庭状况、学识以及人品等。如果互相有好感的话就先要父母们相见,所以有的时候本人结婚前并没有看到过对方。互相同意结婚后,一般男方先把“请婚书”送给女方。女方如果有结婚的想法就把“许婚书”送给男方,然后议婚成立。 2.纳采 收到许婚书,男方家会写上“纳采文”和“四柱”,用红布裹装送给新娘家。收到“四柱”的新娘家就会认真参考将要举办婚礼的新郎和新娘的出生年月,选择婚礼的日期和时间,然后在白纸上写出“涓吉”再送给新郎家。 注: ——四柱:按着六十甲子的干支,纪录出生年月和出生时间的信。 ——纳采文:对许婚的感谢文章和让对方选出结婚日期和时间的问候。 ——涓吉:在传统婚礼上接受四柱单子的新娘家把择日单子送给新郎家的事,并请男方告诉女方在举行婚礼时新郎要穿的服装号码(大小)的信。 3.纳币 新郎家从新娘家收到信(涓吉)后,把新娘在婚礼时要穿的“采缎”和“婚书”用婚书箱送到新娘家。其中,采缎一般是在婚礼前一个月送。举行婚礼之前把“币物”和 “婚书”以及“封采”装在一起跟“物品目录”一起送去,这叫做“函”。 新娘把和结婚时需要的物品以及费用一起收到的“婚书”、“纳采”和“四柱”会一辈子诚心的保管,表示自己对丈夫的一片丹心,直到人生走到尽头时,这些东西会陪伴她进棺材。 注: ——纳币:婚姻时四柱单子交换结束后,证明订婚的聘礼,新郎家把礼物送给新娘家。 ——采缎:在纳币时新郎家送给新娘家的礼物,主要装有蓝色和红色的绸缎,因此叫采缎。 ——封采:一般家庭条件富裕的话多装一些别的衣料,这叫封采。 ——币物:送给新娘的礼物。 ——婚书:婚姻时新郎家跟礼单一起送给新娘家的信。 ——函:婚书和礼单装在箱子里送给新娘家。各地风俗各有不同,大部分叫纳币或者封采。背上函(箱子)去新娘家的人一般是年纪较大、有子有女的多福之人。收到函(箱子)的新娘母亲要先保管婚书,直到出嫁的女儿生了孩子,恭敬公公和婆婆,觉得女儿不会回到娘家时才会把婚书送给女儿。 4.醮子礼 准新郎按着传统对两家的礼节活动结束后,在举行婚礼的当天,新郎要早起床,如果有祠堂的话要先到那儿,如果没有的话要让父母坐定,郑重地给他们磕头。磕头结束后,新郎要跪在父母面前感谢父母养育之恩,并说要迎接新人(妻子)好好的认真生活,向父母的恩惠表示感谢,然后来到婚礼厅。 准新娘也要在举行结婚的当天早晨向父母磕头表示感谢,然后去婚礼厅。 5.奠雁礼 新郎打理结束后,在家人的指引下前往新娘家举办婚礼仪式。“娶媳妇”时一般是步行前往新娘家,但也会有人让新郎乘坐马匹去新娘家。新郎到达新娘家的大门前时,新娘家的代表出来迎接客人,把他们引入家里。 新郎进了大门时要跨越在院子里放着的“火”盆,这意味着赶走恶鬼的意思。 新郎把带来的大雁放在桌上,然后磕头两次。这时丈母娘出来端着大雁桌走进屋里。 大雁象征着白头偕老,表示一次结缘终生不变。过去用的是活的雁,现在使用的是木头做的雁。 注: ——奠雁礼:婚姻仪式的第一个程序,新郎送大雁的仪式叫奠雁礼。让人们学习大雁拥有的三种德: 第一:大雁代表一旦约定爱情就永远遵守。活着的时候如果失去了自己的伙伴,决不会再找另一个伙伴。 第二:大雁飞的时候排着行列遵守上下的规矩,前面飞的大雁叫出声后面的大雁也会回应,表示尊重礼仪。 第三:大雁到过的地方都会留下自己来过的痕迹,借鉴大雁的这种习性,表示要为自己的人生留下优秀的业绩,永远多福的生活。 6.交拜礼 新郎奠雁礼结束后,站在新娘家的大厅或者院子里已经准备好的大礼桌的婚礼厅东边。在屋里等待的新娘,从新郎进大门后开始在头上戴簇儿(也叫簇冠),为了喜庆的日子不让恶鬼接近新娘,新娘的左右脸上还要贴上用红纸做的胭脂,眉心也要贴上一个,然后准备去婚礼厅。新郎和新娘在婚礼厅见面,相见结束后新郎和新娘对拜,按着东方哲学宇宙观的阴阳原理,单数为阳,双数为阴,新郎为阳,新娘为阴,尤其是在“冠婚祭礼”的大礼时,要用双倍的数量磕头,因此新娘向新郎拜两次,新郎回拜一次,新娘新郎再重复一次。 7.合卺礼 交拜礼结束后合卺礼开始,新郎跪下新娘坐着,旁人在绕青丝、绕红丝的酒盏上斟酒,新娘弯腰揖礼。旁人把酒盏先端到大礼桌左边,再端到右边,然后才端到大礼桌上面给新郎,这时新郎要舔一舔酒再给新娘,最后把酒盏拿开。这时候的酒叫合欢酒,合卺礼结束后,客人们把放在大礼桌上的大枣、栗子都装在新郎的兜里,预示让小夫妻早生孩子。 8.新婚之夜 在新娘家结束婚礼仪式后,到了晚上安排他们住的房间叫“新房”。他们过初夜时有一种风俗就是偷看新房。偷看新房的由来很多,其中一个是说:过去为了早点传宗接代,存在早婚的风俗,平时单相思新娘的人或者偷偷有交往的青年,在初夜时把新娘抢走,所以开始守护新房;还有一个说法是“好事多魔”,喜庆时怕恶鬼接近,因此守护新房。 9.于归新行 在新娘家的婚姻仪式结束后,要留在新娘家逗留3天,然后新郎跟新娘一起回家,这叫于归或者新行。于归日之前,新娘家准备送给婆家的大枣和肉之类的币帛饮食。新行时几乎所有的新娘都要坐上轿子去新郎家。到了新郎家后,人们出来撒大豆、小红豆、棉籽、盐等,并在大门里面燃起柴火,让新娘跨过去,这表示赶走杂鬼的意思,这些风俗现在也能看到。 ——币帛饮食:新娘首次相见公公婆婆时在桌上摆的大枣等的饮食。 10.币帛礼 从新娘家带来的饮食放在桌上,夫妻在公公婆婆面前行礼,并介绍家人和亲戚的顺序。这时只有新娘给家人磕头,新郎则站在桌子旁边给新娘介绍家人。如果祖父祖母在的话会给他们另准备一桌,先给父母磕头后再给祖父祖母磕头,在给直系兄弟磕头后才会给叔叔以及家人磕头。










新郎家从新娘家收到信(涓吉)后,把新娘在婚礼时要穿的“采缎”和“婚书”用婚书箱送到新娘家。其中,采缎一般是在婚礼前一个月送。举行婚礼之前把“币物”和 “婚书”以及“封采”装在一起跟“物品目录”一起送去,这叫做“函”。 新娘把和结婚时需要的物品以及费用一起收到的“婚书”、“纳采”和“四柱”会一辈子诚心的保管,表示自己对丈夫的一片丹心,直到人生走到尽头时,这些东西会陪伴她进棺材。































1. To talk about marriage

In the traditional Korean wedding ceremony held before both men and women through the family matchmaker mutual understanding of each other's family status, knowledge and character, and so on. If you have a good opinion of each other, then parents must first meet, so sometimes I get married before and had not seen each other. Agreed to marry each other, the first man in general "marriage" to the woman. If the woman has put the idea of marriage, "Xu marriage" to man, and then proposed the establishment of the marriage.

2. Satisfied mining

Xu received a marriage, family man will be the letters "satisfied to adopt the text" and "four-post" red Buguo loaded to the bride home. Receive a "four-post" will give serious consideration to the bride's family will hold the wedding the bride and groom's date of birth, to choose the date and time of the wedding, and then write on white paper, "Juan nothing" to groom home again.


- Four-post: according to 60 Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches of the cycle, a record time of birth and date of birth of the letter.

- Mining satisfied: the marriage of many articles and thank each other so that the election date and time of the wedding greetings.

- Juan Kyrgyzstan: the traditional wedding to accept four-post list of the bride home to choose to list on the groom's family, and asked the man told the woman to hold the wedding when the groom's wear clothing number (size) of the letter.

3. Satisfied currency

The groom her family received a letter from the new (Juan Kyrgyzstan), the bride at a wedding when they wear the "satin mining" and "marriage" marriage certificate with me at home to the bride. The general mining satin wedding in the previous month to send. Prior to the wedding held in the "currency" and "marriage" and "closure" is fitted together with the "catalog items" sent together, which is called "letter." The bride and the marriage, as well as the cost of needed items along with the receipt of "marriage", "Mining satisfied" and "four-post" will be a lifetime of custody of sincerity, that he was her husband's loyalty, until life come to an end, these things She will be accompanied into the coffin.


- Steiner currency: the exchange of marriage when the four-post after the end of the list to prove that the bride price engagement, the groom give the bride a gift to family homes.

- Satin mining: in the currency satisfied when the bride and groom to the family home of gifts, mainly with blue and red silk, satin therefore called mining.

- Mining closures: general conditions of well-off family, then loaded more than some other material, the closure is called mining.

- Currency: A gift to the bride.

- Marriage: a marriage ceremony with the family when the groom to the bride's home along with single letter.

- Letter: marriage ceremony and packed in a single box to the bride's home. Around the different customs, currency or satisfied most of the call letters to adopt. Letter back (box) to the bride's home were generally older, have a son of the woman Fook and more people. Received a letter (box) of the bride's mother's first marriage custody, until an unmarried daughter gave birth to a child, respectful father-in-law and mother-in-law, that her daughter will not return to the marriage certificate will be sent to her daughter.

4. Chiu-li

Prospective groom according to the traditional courtesy of the two activities after the wedding, held in the same day, the groom to get up early, if the ancestral hall, then there first, if not, let the parents seated, solemnly kowtow to them. Kowtow After the groom to kneel in front of their parents to thank the parents of ex-rearing, and to meet new people (his wife) seriously good life, to the parents thanked favor, and then came to the Office of the wedding.

To be held in the bride's wedding day in the morning expressed his gratitude to the parents and bowed, and then to the Office of the wedding.

5. Dien Yan ceremony

After the care of the groom, under the guidance of the family to the bride's family held a wedding ceremony. "Married daughter-in-law," the general was walking to the bride's home, but it can also allow people to the bride and groom riding a horse at home. The bride and groom arrive at home in front of a large, the bride's family on behalf of the guests come out to greet them into their homes.

The groom into the door should be placed in the yard across the "fire" basin, which means that out of evil means.

Dayan brought to the groom's on the table, and then bowed twice. Dayan mother-in-law when carrying out the table walked into the room.

Dayan Xielao a symbol of old age, said a life-long Jieyuan unchanged. In the past used the live geese, wood is now used to do the wild.


- Dian-Li Yan: the marriage ceremony of the first procedure, the groom's ceremony to send Dayan called Dian-Li Yan. Dayan have to let people learn from the three German:

First: Dayan once the agreement on behalf of the love will never comply. If the lifetime loss of his partner will never find another partner.

Second: Yanfei when a row up and down the ranks to comply with the rules and regulations, flying in front of the Dayan called back to speak out in response Dayan also expressed respect for the ceremony.

Third: Dayan would have been to a place left to their own marks, from Dayan's such a habit that should be left for their outstanding performance in life, never more than the blessing of life.

6. Baili pay

Dien groom Yan after the end of the ceremony, the bride stood at home or in the yard of the hall has prepared a wedding gift of the Office of the eastern side of the table. In the house waiting for the bride, the groom into the door after the child wearing cluster (also known as cluster crown), in order to celebrate the day of evil from close to the bride, bride's face, but also about using paste made of red paper The rouge, Meixin to a paste, and then prepared to go to the Office of the wedding. The bride and groom at the wedding of the Office to meet each other after the end of the worship of the bride and groom, according to Eastern philosophy and world view of the principles of yin and yang, the number of single-yang, the number of two-yin, yang for the groom, the bride was overcast, especially in the "marriage crown Ceremonies "big time, we should double the number of victims, so the bride and groom to worship twice a Huibai groom, bride and groom can repeat it.

7. Co-Jin Lai

Bai Li paid after the end of the ceremony to start co-Jin, the bride and groom sat down, in others around the Qing Si, around the wine light on the Hong Si Zhen Jiu, the bride bent Yi-li. Others tip to the wine gift table lamp on the left and then to the right-to-before-to-face gift to the groom on the table, then the groom must give the bride Tianyi Tian liquor, wine last light away. This time the wine called Wine Trail, with Jin after the end of the ceremony, the guests on the big table jujube, chestnuts are housed in the groom's pocket, indicating small children as early as husband and wife.

8. Wedding night (Droit de seigneur)

At the end of the wedding ceremony the bride home after a night to arrange for them to live in a room called the "new house." Droit de seigneur they had when there is a custom that is new peep. Peep at the origin of many new houses, one of which is: as soon as possible in the past in order to carry on the family line, there is the custom of early marriage, the bride usually unrequited love or have slipped between the youth, in Droit de seigneur, when the bride away, the guardian of the beginning of a new house; there Is a "good number of demons," happy when close to the fear of evil, the guardian of a new house.

9. In the new line

In the bride's home after the marriage ceremony, the bride's family to remain in the 3 day stay, with the bride and groom and then go home together, or called in to the new line. In the days before the bride's family to prepare her and the date of such meat diet Bibo. When almost all of the new bride to the groom must sit sedan chair at home. To groom a home, people spread out beans, small red beans (red beans blog, news red beans, red beans say), seeds, salt and so on, and ignite fuel inside the door, so that cross-bride in the past, which means that hybrid drive away ghosts mean These customs are now able to see.

- Bibo diet: The bride's parents-in-law when they meet for the first time on the table before the date of the diet, and so on.

10. Bibo ceremony

New parents bring food on the table, the elderly couple in front of salute, and introduced the family and relatives in the order. Only this time the bride to the family and bowed while standing on a table next to the groom to the bride's family to introduce. If the grandparents, then they will prepare a separate table, and then give parents kowtow kowtow to the grandparents, brothers and bowed to the immediate after the uncle and the family will kowtow.

一、嫁妆 1. 床上用品:如床单、枕头、被子等。2. 家电用品:如洗衣机、冰箱等家用电器。3. 家具饰品:如沙发、餐桌椅等家具及装饰摆件。二、彩礼 1. 礼金:男方赠送给女方的现金。2. 聘礼:男方准备的各种礼物,如首饰、衣物等。三、婚礼仪式用品 1. 婚礼服饰:包括新郎新娘的婚纱礼服、双方父母...

一、 婚礼第一项:新人登场 鸣炮奏乐 二、 婚礼第二项:拜天地 三、 婚礼第三项:拜高堂 四、 婚礼第四项:向来宾行新婚大礼 五、 婚礼第五项:夫妻对拜 六、 婚礼第六项:交换结婚戒指 七、 婚礼第七项:喝交杯酒 八、 婚礼第八项:新郎做结婚保证 九、 婚礼第九项:证婚 十、 婚礼第十项...



结婚典礼十项流程一一揭秘 结婚礼仪程序有哪些
结婚典礼十项流程4.交换结婚信物钻戒 交换戒指是婚礼中最浪漫的环节之一。所以这个时候主持人就可以用一些创意的词来形容这个画面。同时婚礼跟拍团队也要记得把这个画面拍摄下来。结婚典礼十项流程5.新人发言 当你们交换了戒指之后,就成为了名副其实的夫妻了。在这个时候的你们心情一定是无比激动的,所以...


男方迎亲的十二样礼是什么 结婚十二礼分别是什么
结婚十二礼分别是什么 传统订婚习俗有六礼及十二礼,是男女双方都要准备,但品项会不同,有专门办六礼及十二礼的店家,可以一次买足!也有人会选择折现省事。 男方要准备的十二礼 1、盒饼-六入汉饼或是西式喜饼(现在多以西式喜饼为主) 2、日头饼-中式大饼 3、礼香炮烛-用来敬告祖先.互相祝福吉祥平安 4、六色喜糖...

中国传统的结婚流程(一) 1、三书:按照中国传统的礼法,指的是礼聘过程中来往的文书,分别是“聘书”——订亲之书,在订婚时交换;“礼书”——礼物清单,当中详列礼物种类及数量,过大礼时交换;“迎书”——迎娶新娘之书,结婚当日接新娘过门时用。 2、六礼:是指由求亲、说媒到迎娶、完婚的手续。分别为“纳采”...

二、中式婚礼流程结婚当天接亲 1. 祭祖:男方在出门迎娶新娘之前,先祭拜祖先。2. 出发:迎亲车队以双数为佳。3. 燃炮:迎亲礼车行列在途中,应一路燃放鞭炮以示庆贺。4. 等待:新郎礼车至女方家时,会有一男童侍持茶盘等候新郎,新郎下车后,应赏男孩红包答礼,再进入女方家。5. 讨喜:新郎应持...

3、婚礼礼仪之鞠躬——身体前倾15-20度即可 鞠躬是中国传统的行礼方式,鞠躬的深浅,即身体前倾的角度大小是表达向对方致意答谢程度的高低。传统的中式婚礼中,要求深度鞠躬,即90度鞠躬,以表达最高程度的谢意。不过,现在常用的鞠躬礼节并不需要完全采用深度鞠躬之礼。一般来说,身体前倾15-20度即可,并停顿2秒钟。 ...

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卞亭达先: 11种简单的韩国风俗、礼节 1.尊重长者,与年长者同坐时,坐姿要端正. 2.韩国人见面时的传统礼节是鞠躬. 3.由于韩国餐桌是矮腿小桌,放在炕上用餐时,宾主都应席地盘腿而坐. 4.吃饭时,不要随便发出声响,也不准端着碗吃,应把饭碗...

南漳县14768489667: 婚礼有哪些礼仪注意事项
卞亭达先: 1、表情礼仪.结婚是新人一生中的大事情,更是一件大喜事,所以婚礼上的最大最重要的礼仪,就是新人的表情礼仪.新人一定要充分展现出幸福而喜悦的表情,即便是...

南漳县14768489667: 一般的婚礼流程(中式西式婚礼流程)
卞亭达先: 一、一般的婚礼流程1、婚礼有两种一种是中式婚礼,另一种是西式婚礼.那么接下来就给大家详细分享下他们的流程.2、中式婚礼:3、祭祖4、男方在出门迎娶新娘之前...

南漳县14768489667: 糯米粉可以做些什么吃的? -
卞亭达先: 芒心太软(甜点) 原料:新鲜芒果2-3个,糯米粉150克,澄面20克,吉士粉10克 做法:1、芒果去皮取肉,将大部分果肉放入搅拌机打成芒果蓉,小部分果肉切成小粒待用;2、糯米粉和澄面先过筛,再加入130ml的芒果蓉和4匙糖;用手搓匀成...

南漳县14768489667: 中式传统婚礼流程有哪些(中式传统婚礼有哪些特点)
卞亭达先: 1、中式传统婚礼流程有哪些2、一、中式婚礼时汉族传统文化的精髓之一3、作为中国的民族文化,办这种婚礼主要表现的有、花轿、迎亲队、拜天地、揭盖头等等,这些...

南漳县14768489667: 70000韩元等于人民币多少元 -
卞亭达先: 70000韩元等于418.32人民币元. 按照2020年01月07日08:07的汇率计算:1韩元=0.005976人民币; 70000韩元=70000*0.005976人民币元=418.32人民币元; 因为汇率是随着时间时刻变化的,所以在兑换是,要根据兑换时的汇率计算. 扩...

南漳县14768489667: 国外婚礼有哪些习俗(不同国家的婚礼习俗)
卞亭达先: 一、一、国外婚礼有哪些习俗1、1.德国.国外婚礼有哪些习俗首先就要介绍的是德国,对于一向都冷静理智的德国人,但是他们的婚礼却是疯狂的,他们一般是以派对的...

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