
作者&投稿:巩辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #小学英语# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是 考 网为大家整理的《六年级英语阅读理解【三篇】》 供您查阅。


Buying a ticket

  Wang Bin is a football fan. There is a football match between Chinese team and American team. He wants to watch it. He comes to the box office(售票处) and gives the clerk 10 yuan. The clerk says,“please give me another 10 yuan. The price(价格) of a ticket is 20 yuan.”

  “Why?” says Wang Bin, I just watch Chinese team. I don’t want to watch the other team at all. Do you want me to buy a ticket for them? No, no, no…”


  ( )1. How does Wang Bin like football?

  A. Little. B. A little. C. Very. D. Very much.

  ( )2. Can you guess the meaning of “clerk” in the passage?

  A. 商人 B. 老板 C. 买主 D. 售票员

  ( )3. Can Wang Bin buy a ticket with 10 yuan?

  A. Yes, he can.

  B. Yes, he does.

  C. No, he can’t.

  D. No, he doesn’t.

  ( )4.“ Do you want me to buy a ticket for them?” The word “them” refers to

  A. Chinese team

  B. British team

  C. American team

  D. French team

  ( )5. Can Wang Bin watch the match?

  A. Yes, he will.

  B. Yes, he can.

  C. No, he can’t.

  D. No, he won’t


Last week I went to the cinema. I had a good seat. The film was very interesting. But I didn’t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the film. I turned round. I looked at them angrily. But they didn’t see me. At last I could not hear it. I said to them.

  “I couldn’t hear a word!”

  “It’s none of your business(没你的事),”the young man said rudely,“this is a private conversation(私人谈话).”


  ( )1. Last Sunday I went to the cinema.

  ( )2. A young man and a young woman were sitting in front of me.

  ( )3. The film was very bad, so I didn’t enjoy it.

  ( )4. They weren’t watching the film.

  ( )5. The young man thought the author(作者) would like to listen to their private conversation.

  ( )6. From this story we can see that the two young people were polite.


Lisa’s birthday is on October 18th

  . It’s on Wednesday. She is going to have a birthday party. She wants to invite Peter, Gao Wei and Li Yan to her birthday party. They can celebrate after school. Today Lisa’s parents go shopping with Lisa. They want to buy a birthday cake and some other things for her birthday party.

  M: What kind of cake would you like?

  L: I’d like a fruit cake, please.

  D: What shape would you like? A round one or a star one?

  L: I’d like the star cake. How nice!

  M: Yes, it looks lovely. L: Let’s get some ice cream, too.

  D: Yes, and I’ll get some jelly for you.

  L: Thank you. I love jelly. Can we get some round balloons and long balloons, too?

  D: Certainly.

  L: Thank you. I’ll have a great birthday party.


  1.When is Lisa’s birthday?

  2.Is her birthday on Thursday?

  3.Does Lisa invite Kate to her birthday party?

  4.What kind of cake would Lisa like?

  5.Does she want a round cake?

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