戏子 英语怎么说

作者&投稿:赤凌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

要看具体语境,如果想表达戏子是带有轻蔑意味的话可用Opera jokery,如果表达的只是中性意味的就根据男女性别用actor或actress ,也可用player,无分性别。

Please don't believe he my beauty
Don't believe he my love
Under the full of greasepaints feature
I have plenty of a actor 's heart
So please is sure never to
Doesn't the my sadness take it seriously
Don't in the wake of my performance heart-broken
My dear friend 's this very life
I just a actor
In others ' story
Shed tears

戏子 player

actor 男演员

actor / actress

天等县13097987872: “戏子”的英文怎么说 -
泣爱五子: “戏子”的英文翻译_百度翻译 “戏子” "Actors" 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 actors_百度翻译 actors 英['æktəz] 美['æktəz] n. 演员(尤指男演员)( actor的名词复数 ); [例句]People often mix me up with other actors 人们常常把我同其他演员弄混. [其他] 原型: actor

天等县13097987872: “戏子”的英文怎么说?
泣爱五子: 要看具体语境,如果想表达戏子是带有轻蔑意味的话可用Opera jokery,如果表达的只是中性意味的就根据男女性别用actor或actress ,也可用player,无分性别.

天等县13097987872: 戏子用英语怎么说?
泣爱五子: 英文的戏子就是演员(playactor)

天等县13097987872: 戏子英语怎么说
泣爱五子:戏子: stage player

天等县13097987872: 求戏子的英文翻译…… -
泣爱五子: 有人将席慕容的《戏子》翻译成《The Mummer's tears》,或者是《An Actress》,但是我觉得还不够传神.“I'm just an entertainer, playing a lonely tragedy, with rouge painting on the cheek, live in the drama.” “我只是一个伶人,演一场落寞的悲剧,涂上胭脂,活在戏中 .” 这句翻译的不错!!你觉得呢?

天等县13097987872: 英文好听的网名带翻译,不要一个单词的,要短语,有哪些? -
泣爱五子: 1. No one street corner 无人街角 2. Floating dream 浮梦 3. Get old 白头 4. Silent embrace 无声拥抱 5. Your eyes 你的眉眼 6. Nanshan South 南山南 7. In the heart 转身 8. Keep me 挽留我 9. I know funny 我知可笑 10. Throw me away 把我丢弃 11. ...

天等县13097987872: 女人无情戏子无义英语怎么说 -
泣爱五子: women are always cold-blood,actors can never be trust. 还押韵呢.

天等县13097987872: 一个星期有7天的英文的短语翻译是什么 -
泣爱五子: There are seven days in a week.

天等县13097987872: 婊子无情 戏子无义的英文翻译 -
泣爱五子: Prostitutes never reveal their true heart, those thespians never have true integrity.在下的版本算属非主流~主流为Ruthless bitch, the actor that is non-sense.无情~在下认为这里...

天等县13097987872: 英语翻译RT!本人英语盲.知道的朋友说一声……万分感谢! -
泣爱五子:[答案] 有人将席慕容的《戏子》翻译成《The Mummer's tears》,或者是《An Actress》,但是我觉得还不够传神. “I'm just an entertainer,playing a lonely tragedy,with rouge painting on the cheek,live in the drama.” “我只是一个伶人,演一场落寞的悲剧,...

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