
作者&投稿:郯容 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There was a ring at the door.

We ring in the mew year with the church bells.

The first bell started to ring,and then the others chimed in.

Please give me a ring after class.

vi. 按铃;敲钟;回响;成环形
n. 戒指;铃声,钟声;拳击场;环形物
vt. 按铃;包围;敲钟;套住
The telephone rang again when I left the office.
Just ring if you need anything.

I got up late because I didn't hear the ring of the clock.
Listen,the bell is ringing.

ring 英[rɪŋ] 美[rɪŋ]
n. 戒指; 指环; 环状物; 圈形的东西; 圆形标记; 圆形;
v. 包围; 环绕; 给…戴上金属环(以便将来辨认); 绕…画圆; 把…圈起来;
v. 给…打电话; 发出铃声; (使)发出钟声,响起铃声;
[例句]He rang me at my mother's
[其他] 第三人称单数:rings 复数:rings 现在分词:ringing 过去式:rang 过去分词:rung

The girl bought a ring yesterday with her husband. She was really happy.

They are playing football ,but it is raining。l am watching tv,but the doorbell is ringing。He is starting to cross, but a car is coming。Thy boy is listening to music ,but the girl is singing

ring of fire是什么意思啊?及造句是?
太平洋火圈\/地震带 Indonesia is on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire where several tectonic plates meet and often cause earthquakes.印尼位于通常所说的环太平洋地震带,是多个板块交界处,经常发生地震

what are you talking about? making love 首先,没有taik这个单词。ing的造句为 He was watch ing the crowd go by. 他注视着人群走过。ring The teiephone is ring.电话正在响 I am singing songs.

A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.一个人不能同时又吹口哨又饮酒(一心不能二用)。The parched soil drank(in) the rain.干透了的土地吸收了雨水。

has been made into 造句
Tom: Has it been made into movies? Almost every best-seller has been made into amovie.汤姆: 它被拍成电影了吗?几乎每本畅销书都被拍成电影。3.Each roll carries several copies of a new nine-chapter novella written by Koji Suzuki, the Japanese author of the horror story "Ring,...

那位好心人帮忙英语造句 句型如下 每个句型造十句(前面一般式,后面将 ...
I find it easy to swim.I find it interesting to read books.I find it hard to jump rope.I find it funny to watch little kids.I find it sad to listen to sad love songs.I find it great to exercise.I find it difficult to do my homework.I find it tirring to go to ...

回答:1.You should start saving money for the future 为了你的未来,你应该存钱。 2.I think that might be a cat over there 我想那边可能是只猫 3.he is sick in hospital 他生病住院了 4.I stayed late at the party last night 昨晚我在宴会上呆晚了些 5.I am just ...

11.Give me a ring if you need any help. 如果你需要帮助就给我打电话 12.Set yourself new goals, and try to achieve them. 给自己定些新目标,然后力图实现 13.She is a lawyer. 她是个律师 14.There are many kids under the tree. 树下有很多小孩 15.He is not as old as me....

1.They are rehearsing a new play.他们在排练一出新戏。2.Do you remember her telephone number?你记得她的电话号码吗?3.(1)租金,租费 I've got to pay my rent this morning.今天上午我必须付房租.(2)租用,租入 及物动词 They rented a cabin for their vacation (3)出租,不及物...

这句话的句子成分we heard the doorbell ring ,怎么出现了heard 和ring...

唐河县19122858324: 用ring怎么造句? -
驹姜血塞: ring 英[rɪŋ] 美[rɪŋ] n. 戒指; 指环; 环状物; 圈形的东西; 圆形标记; 圆形; v. 包围; 环绕; 给…戴上金属环(以便将来辨认); 绕…画圆; 把…圈起来; v. 给…打电话; 发出铃声; (使)发出钟声,响起铃声; [例句]He rang me at my mother's 他打电话到我妈妈家找我. [其他] 第三人称单数:rings 复数:rings 现在分词:ringing 过去式:rang 过去分词:rung

唐河县19122858324: 用ring造个句子 -
驹姜血塞: the telephone rang while I was doing my homework.我做作业的时候电话响了,谢谢采纳

唐河县19122858324: ring用另一种意思造句 -
驹姜血塞: 1、She wore several diamond rings. 她戴了好几个钻石戒指.2、We'll give him a ring as soon as we get back. 我们一回来就会给他打电话.

唐河县19122858324: ring(动词)造句带翻译 -
驹姜血塞: When the bell rings , you must go into the classroom .

唐河县19122858324: ring 用现在进行时造句 -
驹姜血塞: ring 英[r??] 美[r??] n. 戒指,指环; 铃声,钟声; 环形物; 拳击场; vt. 形成环状; 环绕; 使(例如铃)响; 打电话给; vi. 按铃,敲钟; 回响; 成环形; [例句]He rang me at my mother's 他打电话到我妈妈家找我. [其他] 第三人称单数:rings 复数:rings 现在分词:ringing 过去式:ringed 过去分词:ringed

唐河县19122858324: 词语造句ring,repeatring1.鸣,响2.打电话给repeat1.vt.重复2.vi.重做,重说两个词四个意思,我想通过造一两个句子记住电话响了,原来是妈妈打来的.她要我... -
驹姜血塞:[答案] The telephone rang,it's my mother.She called me to repeat the last sentence I'd said before,then I did.

唐河县19122858324: ring的过去式造句 -
驹姜血塞: ring——rang The clock rang at 7:00 yesterday morning.

唐河县19122858324: ring怎么读 -
驹姜血塞: ring [英][rɪŋ][美][rɪŋ] n. 戒指,指环;铃声,钟声;环形物;拳击场 vt. 形成环状;环绕;使(例如铃)响;打电话给 vi. 按铃,敲钟;回响;成环形 复数: rings 第三人称单数: rings 过去式: rang 过去分词: rung 现在分词:ringing 双语例...

唐河县19122858324: ring和sing造句 -
驹姜血塞: ring造句 He rang me at my mother's 他打电话到我妈妈家找我.As soon as he got home, the phone rang 他一回到家,电话就响了.He heard the school bell ring 他听见学校的铃声响了.sing造句 Birds were already singing in the garden. 小鸟已...

唐河县19122858324: ring sb up句型造句 -
驹姜血塞: ring sb up打电话给某人例句:He rang me up as he had any problems.他一有问题就打电话找我

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