
作者&投稿:驹嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1,炎日的天气使我感到很不爽。(make sb do)
The hot weather makes me feel uncomfortable.

2,肖明决心这学期刻苦学习。(decide to do)
Xiao Ming decides to study hard this term.

3, 李军没有去上学是因为今天是雨天。(because of)
Li Jun didn't go to school because of the rain today .

1. 医生叫那个病人做一次深呼吸。(take a deep breath)
The doctor asks the patient to take a deep breath.
2. 那个年轻人非常具有幽默感,常常令其他人捧腹大笑。(a sense of)
The young man has such a good sense of humor that he always makes others laugh.
3. 在这片热带雨林中生活着各种各样的动物。(a variety of )
There is a variety of animals live in the rain forest.
4. 大学毕业后,jean决定在他的家乡开创自己的事业。(start one’s own business)After her graduation from university,Jean decieded to start her own business in her hometown.
5. 父母应该爱护他们的孩子。另一方面,他们对孩子也应该严格要求。(on the other hand)
Parents shoule love their kid and on the other hand they should also be strict to them.
6. 由于时间有限。我就不想谈这个话题了。(go into details)
For the time is limited,i don't want to go into details on this topic.
7. 孩提时,我一直梦想着有一天能上大学。(dream of)
When i was a child, i always dreamed of being in a university.
8. 如果你有什么要求,请告诉我,不要犹豫。(hesitate)
If you have any request,don't hesitate,just tell me.
9. 我的父亲是一个意志坚强的人。(a strong character)
My father is a strong character.
10. 大学毕业后,我选择了当记者。(choose to do )
i choose to be an journalist after i was graduated.

1. 坦白说,我非常喜欢晚饭后散步。To be honest, i like to have a walk after supper very much.
2. 我记得整个事情就好象发生在昨天一样。I remember the whole thing happened just like yesterday
3. 我们猜想他们会玩来会。We guess they might come here later.
4. 医生劝总经理休息几天。Doctor suggests general manager to take a rest for a few days.
5. 很显然。我们的任务是打扫教室。to clean the classroom is our task obviously.
6. 当我们快要到达学校的时候,看到了这次交通事故。We saw this traffic accident when we almost arrived at shool.
7. 我大概没能把自己的思想表达清楚。
Maybe i just don't explain my idea very clearly.
8. 李明代表我们班出席了这次会议。
Liming attend this conference on behalf of our class.
9. 对你的周围世界感到好奇是好事。it's a good thing to be curious about the around world.
10. 请大声朗读,好让我能听到。Please read loudly,then i can hear it.

1. 正在上学的路上on the way to school
2. 就是在昨天我遇到了张教授。i met professor Zhang yesterday.
3. 我们会想出办法的。We'll got the solution.
4. 他跑得那么快,我没能赶上他,(so… that)He ran so fast that i fail to catch up with him.
5. 请排队等空位好吗。(wait in line)Please wait in line to wait the unoccupied seat.
6. 他对伦敦很熟悉,几乎没费多大劲就找到了那所学校。(have trouble in doing)Being such familiar with london,he don't have any trouble in finding that school.
7. 这个会议室足够大,可以容纳1000人、(enough)
This meeting room is big enough to contain 1000 people.
8. 他从来不做事,整天游手好闲。(fool around)
He doesn't do anything and fool around all day.
9. 最后他们承认被击败了。(acknowledge)
At last,they acknowledged be beated down .
10. 我忍不住要逗吉姆笑。(resist)
i cann't resit to make Jim laugh.
11. 我有时候邀请学生共今晚餐。(from time to time)
i invite my students to have dinner together from time to time.


你好,分别如下:His English teacher told him not to be late for class any more.
Will it be less boring if music loses art than music has art?

Children should not depend on their parents too much.
How are you getting on with your English teacher?
Jack has trouble climbing mountains.
The factory provided the new backpacks for the children who were in the poor area last Septmember.满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

孩子们不应该过多的依赖父母。(depend on)
children should not depend on parents too much.

现在你跟你的英语老师相处得怎么样?(get on with)
how do you get on with your English teacher now?
杰克爬山有困难。(have trouble...)
Jack has trouble to climb the mountain.
September last year this factory provied new school bags for children from poor regions.
his English teacher tells him not to be late again.

is music less interesting than arts?

  1. his english  techer told that never be late again.

  2. is music  less interesting than  art?

  3. children should't   depend too much on parents.

  4. how  do you get on with your english teacher now ?

  5. jack has  troule in  clambing .

  6. last september ,this factory provide new schoolbags for thos poor  area  childrens.



i invite my students to have dinner together from time to time.终于翻完了!好多呀!

1.What really counts are whether you try your best or not.2.Due to worried the safe situation of my son,I stayed awake at whole night.3.My teacher recommend me to read more books in my summer vocation.4.Over the past decade, the great changes in my hometown have been w...

1、今天下午我将去机场接三位德国人。(meet)I will be meeting three Germans at the airport this afternoon.2、这小孩有一辆他自已的自行车。(of one's own)This child has a bicycle of his own.3、他伸手摘了树上的苹果。(reach for)He reached with his hand for an apple on the...

二、根据括号内的提示将下列句子补充完整。16. Tom and Jack like playing computer games(喜欢玩电脑游戏)after school.17. Could you tell me your car number (告诉我您的车牌号), please?18. What about renting a new flat(租一套新房子)?19. They worked on insurance(做保险业)i...

请告诉我下面句子中括号里单词的中文解释和音标 并把整句话的意思翻译一...
1、[t??isest] choice的形容词最高级,最精选的,最上等的 “但是你可以在我的礼物中选一个你最喜欢的”2、[?d?m?fa?ndid] 说不出话地,惊讶得发呆地 [?petr??fa?d] 吓呆的,惊呆的 “我说不出话来,完全吓呆了” 这个翻译没有把过去时态和被动语态直译过来,符合中文习惯表达的 3...


A一手遮天 B寸草不生 C天涯海角 D包罗万象 E铺天盖地 F一字千金 楼下包罗万象不错有道理~

他学习不努力,结果没有通过考试(as a result)Louzhu didn't work hard, as a result, he failed the exam.


英语句子翻译 高手进. 把下面十句翻译成英语,括号里是要用到的词语或 ...
ps:括号里是air 我想句中所说的“播放”应该是“广播”吧 3.黄太太接受了朋友的意见,不再吃煎炸的食物。(opinion)Mrs. Huang accepted friends' Opinion,and would not eat fried food any longer.4.急冻食物的价钱越来越贵,人们付不起钱来买。(comparative adj. + comparative adj)The ...

柯坪县15563842841: 英语翻译用括号内所给的英文提示翻译下列句子.1.我非常喜欢民乐(be into sth )2.兄弟俩正在为如何花这笔钱而争论(argue about sth)3.爷爷很喜欢给年轻... -
萧衫卤米:[答案] I'm am into the native joys very much. The brothers are arguing about how to use the money. Grandpa is very fond of giving advise to the youngs. We can get much messages from surfing the internet. The didn't understand that thing,nor do we. She solve ...

柯坪县15563842841: 英语翻译【根据括号中的提示,翻译下列句子】1.我不想使你陷入麻烦中.(get……into trouble)2.不要捉弄你的新邻居.(play a trick on) -
萧衫卤米:[答案] I don't want to get you into trouble Don't play tricks on you new neighbours.

柯坪县15563842841: 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子1.现在我们唯一能够做的事就是等待.(the only thing)2.当地人说在这个地方要小心毒蛇.(look out for)3.尽管我们不能容忍他... -
萧衫卤米:[答案] now the only thing we can do is waiting local people said that we should look out for the prison snakes though we can not bear the way he treat his father,we forgive him mary is welcomed ,that is why i am proud of having such a friend contrary to our worry,...

柯坪县15563842841: 根据括号内所给的提示,翻译下列句子.1.他起的相当早,以便能赶上火车(so that) 2.看来没有人知道这件 -
萧衫卤米: 2.4.It seems nobody kowns this thing.3.I think we should do something we like to do1.He got up so early that he can catch up the train.或He got up quite early so that he can catch up the train

柯坪县15563842841: 英语翻译根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语.1.大卫以给报社写稿子为生.(earn one's living)2.他的书店本来应该是宾客盈门的.(ought to)3.他对... -
萧衫卤米:[答案] 我自己翻译的,完全是本着信达雅的原则,应该是符合你的要求,多指教. 1.David earns his living by writing for the newspaper. 2.His bookstore ought to be full of people. 3.He is tired of living abroad,and he's considering to living back China. 4.They are...

柯坪县15563842841: 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子.:那晚我们很晚才到家,又累又饿.(形容词作状语) -
萧衫卤米:[答案] we got home very late that evening,(这里可理解为去掉了being)tired and hungry.一、形容词作状语的情况 形容词除了常见的在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足语外,也可像副词 一样在句中作状语. Overjoyed,he agreed to give it a try. Afraid of ...

柯坪县15563842841: 英语翻译根据括号里的提示翻译下列句子1.随着时间的推移,事情会变得容易些(go by)2.我们花了半个小时来找他的钥匙,不过,最终我们还是放弃了(... -
萧衫卤米:[答案] 1.As time goes by,things gonna be more easier. 2.We spent half an hour on looking for his keys,but,finally we gave up. 3.There will be ten diffrent groups work on this subject in several years. 4.They are seeking for the best food for their healthy.

柯坪县15563842841: 翻译句子 ; 根据括号内的提示,将下列句子译成英语. 1. 等等,我要把它记下来! (hang on) - _________________________________________... -
萧衫卤米:[答案] 1. Hang on a minute! I'll write it down! 2. Arnwick needs more schools buses and hospitals. 3. There are too many people and there is not enough space . 4. The small local...

柯坪县15563842841: 英语翻译根据括号内的提示,将下列句子翻译成英语1 我姑父每次来,都会给我带礼物.(every time)2 我提醒父亲他之前已经做过那件事了(remind ) -
萧衫卤米:[答案] 1.Every time my uncle comes here,he will bring me presents. 2.I remind my father that he has done that before.

柯坪县15563842841: 翻译句子; 根据括号内的提示,将下列句子译成英语. 1. 让我们尽可能多地讲英语 .( try to do sth. ) - __________________________________________... -
萧衫卤米:[答案] 1. Let's try to speak English as much as possible. 2. Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks? 3. It's a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 4. Don...

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