英语 翻译 为了赶上早班车,我们明天早晨必须早起。(have to )

作者&投稿:辉馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I must get up early to catch the train to Beijing tomorrow.


I tried to catch the early bus

To catch the early bus .We have to get up early tomorrow morning.亲,给好评呗!

To catch the early bus,we have to get up early tomorrow.

We have to get up early to catch the early bus

In order to catch the earliest bus, i have to get up earlier.

In order to catch the early bus, we have to get up early tomorrow morning.

新密市19336533610: 为了赶上早班车,我们明天早晨必须早起 英语翻译 -
危俗卓夫:[答案] In order to catch the early bus,we have to get up early tomorrow morning 亲!

新密市19336533610: 英语翻译为了赶上早班车,他们起得很早(写出两句,第一句用in order to,第二句用so that)我从这个故事中学到了很多他太忙了,没有时间吃午饭他过着... -
危俗卓夫:[答案] They got up early to catch the early bus. The got up so early that they could catch the early bus. I learned a lot from this story. He is too busy to have time for lunch. He lived a hard life. They work hard to make a living.

新密市19336533610: 为了赶上早班车,我们起了个大早用英语怎么写
危俗卓夫: In order to catch the early bus,we got up very early.

新密市19336533610: “他早起是为了赶上早班车”用五种不同的英语表达法怎么说? -
危俗卓夫:[答案] 1.He gets up early to catch up with the first bus. 2.The reason he gets up early is to catch up with the first bus. 3.He gets up so early that he can catch up with the first bus. 4.He gets up early be...

新密市19336533610: “他早起是为了赶上早班车”用五种不同的英语表达法怎么说?拜托了各位 谢谢 -
危俗卓夫: 1.He gets up early to catch up with the first bus. 2.The reason he gets up early is to catch up with the first bus. 3.He gets up so early that he can catch up with the first bus. 4.He gets up early because he dose not want to be late for the first bus. 5.He can't catch up with the first bus unless he gets up early.

新密市19336533610: 英语翻译1.为了赶上早班车,他6点钟就起床了.in order to catch the early bus,he got up at 6:00.2.为了取得进步,他每天背20个生词,还做一些练习In order to ... -
危俗卓夫:[答案] 2.把do改为does.是一般现在时. 5.把knowing去掉,这里累赘了. 6.blamed改为been blamed.

新密市19336533610: 下面两个答案哪一个正确我们起床很早为了赶上早班车 A We got up early this morning in order to catch the first bus.BWe got up early this morning in order to ... -
危俗卓夫:[答案] 第一个正确,虽然catch与catch up with都有'赶上'的意思,但是catch做'赶上'讲时主要是指'赶上汽车,火车等交通工具'以及'赶上看.节目',而catch up with主要是指'赶上同一方向进行的人'以及赶上抽象意义的事...

新密市19336533610: 为了能赶上早班公交车.我们必须尽可能早的起床.翻译为英语 -
危俗卓夫: 你好!翻译为:In order to catch the early bus,we have to get up as early as possible.供参考.

新密市19336533610: 他早起床为了赶上早班车.英语翻译!求速度! -
危俗卓夫: 标准的在这里,he get up early so can catch the early bus

新密市19336533610: 英语翻译1我一直睡到10点.2我直到午夜才去睡觉.3我起得很早,是为了赶上早班车.4我们努力想让他平静下来.5在20世纪前期,中国经历了太多战争.6是他故... -
危俗卓夫:[答案] A I sleeps until 10 o'clock. 2 I did not go to bed until mid-night. 3 I get up very early, is for catching the morning bus. 4 we make great efforts to let him calm down. 5 was in the earlier stage of the 20th century, China went through too many wars. 6 is that he ...

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