跪求!急!在线等! 机译勿进!!

作者&投稿:姬周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I certify that I am not a “U.S. Person” as defined in Rule 902 of Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Act”), and agree to resell the securities of the Company received in connection herewith only in accordance with the provisions of Regulation S, pursuant to registration under the Act or pursuant to an available exemption from registration, and agree not to engage in hedging transactions with regard to the securities unless in compliance with the Act.
我保证我不是“美国人士”的规定为:902 S规例所赋予的定义1933年证券法修订(以下简称“公司法”),并同意转售兹收到的连接只有在与S规例的规定,根据本公司的证券,根据该法规定的登记或根据提供从登记豁免权,并同意不从事套期保值关于证券,除非在该法规定的交易。


When it turned August, Mom told me that my visa had been approved and I could go to the State very soon. She asked me whether I was happy or not. My feeling was very complicated during that moment. I didn't know whether I was happy or not. My feeling was really very complicated. I was happy because I could go to the State, a curious place to me, where I could go to visit Mickey in Disneyland, meet movie stars in Hollywood, and I could live with my dad. However, I was also very sad, because I had to leave the place where I grew up, to separate with my grandparents who raised me up, and to separate with all my best friends since childhoods. No matter I wanted it or not, I had to go and I had no choice. I withdraw from school one month ahead. The day I left, all my classmates gathered together. Everybody cried, nobody wanted to separate with me. The day I departed in the airport, I didn't cry but my mom and my grandparents did. Looking at their crying faces, I felt depress. I waved them goodbye and went aboard.


????????????是翻译吧 1楼怎么
yizhi dao in August, mother told me me the visa to get down, very quick might go to the US, but also asked that I was happy, my mood at that time was very complex, I did not know that I happy was unhappy. My mood is very complex, I happy am because I have filled curiously to the US, I very have wanted to go to the Disneyland to look at the rice to be wonderful, I also want Hollywood to look at the star, I also infer my father. But, I am unhappy, is because, I must leave the place which I live since childhood, leaves raises me since childhood grandfather paternal grandmother, leaves good friend who grows up together with me. But, no matter I want or want, the result is the same, is, I must walk. I do not have other choices. Therefore I a lunar motion began school ahead of time the school, leaves the school in me that day, our all personnel's schoolmates encircled in the same place have cried, all people did not want to separate. To airplane's that day, I have not cried, but grandfather paternal grandmother has cried with mothers, but I saw they cry, my drop of tear cannot flow unexpectedly, is only thinks constrains very much, the chest felt that is very stuffy. I wave the hand with them say goodbye, then boarded craft. to US, after alighting from a plane, my mood suddenly goes bad to the extreme, the nose good acid good acid, the tear whish all of a sudden has flowed. I thought suddenly that originally I curious place only has been this. Saw my father's time, I cried to be more ominous, probably must divulge at heart many many grievance. Perhaps is time difference's relations, also perhaps is the mood relations, also possibly both are, daddy brings with the friend I eat meal, my also cannot eat. To the US's first week, I nearly cry to live every day, one week's time, I have used up 2000 minutes calling cards. Afterward daddy brought Disney which I went to me to want, Hollywood, I played am very happy, but I was always worrying went to school matter. Because I will be afraid me to be lonely in the school, I will be afraid all am the American child, I will be afraid them to speak I not to be able to understand. But after school, originally the school is influentials ESL with the REGULAR class and grade, moreover our class's schoolmate is the same with me, is the new immigration student, moreover the majority is a Chinese, my these worried how many reduced some, but most makes my worry, English with learns from me not to be able to follow the progress.

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