1.forty. a.sport. b.short. c.work. d.morning

作者&投稿:大叔音 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ C;B;A;C;D;B;D;C;A;A 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.A

赣县13227094378: 这是一项非常棒的运动 用英语怎么说 -
柯券吉加: This is really a cool sport

赣县13227094378: 判断下列单词的划线部分有几种发音?划线的字母是 OA.一种 B.两种 C.三种( )1.Sport word forty( )2.fork form north( )3.corn pork short( )4.sports forget work -
柯券吉加:[答案] 1、B Sport和forty是一个发音 2、A 都是发长的o音 3、A 都是发长的o音 4、C sports发的是长的o音,forget是短的/ə/音,work是长的/ə:/音

赣县13227094378: 一.判断每组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写"S",不同的写"D".( ) 1.forty work ( ) 2.sport doctor ( ) 3.girl first ( ) 4.shirt sister ( ) 5.nice come ( ) 6.child... -
柯券吉加:[答案] 为你解答.( D) 1. forty work ( D ) 2. sport doctor ( S ) 3. girl first ( D ) 4. shirt sister ( D ) 5. nice come ( S ) 6. child kite

赣县13227094378: 判断划线部分的读音划线的字母是 OA.一种 B.两种 C.三种( )1.Sport word forty( )2.fork form north( )3.corn pork short( )4.sports forget work -
柯券吉加:[答案] ( B)1.Sport[ɔ:] word[ə:]forty【ɔ:】( B)2.fork【ɔ:】form【ɔ】 north【ɔ:】( A )3.corn【ɔ:】 pork【ɔ:】 short【ɔ:】( C)4.sports【ɔ:】 for...

赣县13227094378: 判断下列单词的划线部分有几种发音??? 问题在问题补充里 -
柯券吉加: 1、B Sport和forty是一个发音2、A 都是发长的o音3、A 都是发长的o音4、C sports发的是长的o音,forget是短的/ə/音,work是长的/ə:/音

赣县13227094378: my favourite sport英语作文 -
柯券吉加: My favourite sport is play badminton.On saturday,I and my friends to play badminton in the gym.I always play badminton so that I can improve friendship and keep fit. In other words,I'm like playing badminton so much that I can't stop doing it.I will keep playing badminton foverever! 纯原创哦,望采纳~

赣县13227094378: sport和sports有什么区别 -
柯券吉加: 1.sport·sport n.(名词) (户内或户外的)运动,运动比赛, 体育活动 Football and running are sports. 足球和跑步是体育运动. 游戏;娱乐The children thought it great sport to dress up as pirates. 孩子们觉得装扮成海盗很好玩. 输得起的人;...

赣县13227094378: 音标a和ea的发音怎么样发?
柯券吉加: 1 元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat... al or au our ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport ...

赣县13227094378: ...right.( )2.- - ______ - he like PE?- - Yes,he - ________.A.Do; do B.Does;do C.Does ;does D.Do;does ( )3.—How much are these things?- - _____________.A.... -
柯券吉加:[答案] 一、 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词.(8分) (B )1.A.this B. thank C.that D.there ( C)2. A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.that's ( B)3. A.vase B.stand C.after D.father (C )4. A.puppet B.brush C.musi...

赣县13227094378: 几道连词成句题...1.have ,dollars,they,for,sports,in,shoes,white,forty2.yourself,our,come,store,see,and,for,at3.my,sports,wants,aunt,the,shoes,white,for4.yellow,for... -
柯券吉加:[答案] 1.they have forty dollars for sports in white shoes.2.come and see for yourself at our store.3.my aunt wants the white shoes for sports.4.the yellow sweaters on sale are only for $20.5.they have black...

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