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跑步时MP4放在哪合适 不会晃动~

楼主我希望你不要在听了容易把耳鼓振坏的 这个可不是 开玩笑的事情
实在想听的话 用个外音吧


Today I saw a blue MP4 lying on the ground when I was taking a walk on the playground.I picked it up and thought it might be Wang Lin’s,because I saw Wang Lin play his MP4 a few days ago.I hurried to Wang Lin’s house and I gave it to him.But Wang Lin said it wasn’t his.Wang Lin thought it might be Li Hong’s,because its color was the same as Li Hong’s.Then we found Li Hong and gave it back to her.Li Hong thanked us.We were very happy.

uch stories set us thinking, wondering what



今天下午我、美猪、刘华杰去三中拍留念照,拿着相机,做在公交车上,眼神不觉转到窗外,望着一棵棵树,快速的掠过,想,时间不就像这些树,飞快的过去,在你还没好好的欣赏它时,就一闪而过,再转脸看看其他两姐妹,心中真的怕以后会和她们变成陌生人,就算相见也是擦肩而过…… 时间与树木毕竟是少的,很快,到了暂时的...

”说罢你挣脱开我搀扶着你 的手臂,蹒跚着向前跑去。我怔住了,我的目光不由自主地停留在你那渐渐远 去的背影。那一刻,我的目光因你的坚强与执着而久久停留。在原地停顿了片 刻,我随即向你跑去。 “让我陪着你一起跑吧。

A:Good afternoon, Li Ming and Huang Wei.B and C: Good afternoon, Xiao Li.A:Do you have a ping-pong ball,Li Ming? Let's play ping-pong this afternoon.B:No, l don:t. And it sounds boring. Let's watch TV.C:That sounds boring, too. Let's play baseball.A:That...

Lost Hello! My name is Linda . I lost a set of keys in the school library this afternoon . Call me at 68129375 .Thank you !祝学习进步,天天快乐!万事如意!满意请采纳!:)


一节知识广博的语文课 400字作文 今天下午,因为今天是星期三,下午只有一节课,所以,我们上完第一节课,就回家了。 这节课,是语文课。由于,梁老师今天要到香州开一天的会议,因此,这节课是由四(2)班的语文老师,来给我们上《语文》书的第十课猫。 老师说:“听说我们四(3)班的同学的学习能力很高,现在,我就要...

Dear Tom,How are you? I'd like to go to the library with you .but I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go with you in this afternoon. Becuse I'm sick now.I not only have a high temperature ,but also have a headache.So I want to go to the hospital to see a ...

朋友像一根火柴,光亮虽然微弱,却照亮了你迷茫的道路;朋友是救生圈,在你挣扎呛水的时刻套在你的身上;朋友让彼此的心不再寂寞,朋友好比冬日里的阳光,无论何时看到都会暖洋洋、亮光光。 幼时的我不懂什么是真正的朋友,认为见到我笑的同学就称得上;小学时又认为形影不离,有共同话题的则是。当你...

南沙群岛17077844863: 今天下午你在学校操场跑步的时候捡到一个红色mp4 写英语作文 -
汝胥颈复: Today I saw a blue MP4 lying on the ground when I was taking a walk on the playground.I picked it up and thought it might be Wang Lin's,because I saw Wang Lin play his MP4 a few days ago.I hurried to Wang Lin's house and I gave it to him.But ...

南沙群岛17077844863: 英语作文跑步 -
汝胥颈复: Running I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming, running, table-tennis and badminton. But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures. Besides, it's very easy for me to running. I can run in ...

南沙群岛17077844863: 有关跑步的英语小作文 要 原级 比较级 多谢!!80词左右,单词不要太难 谢谢!!! -
汝胥颈复: This afternoon, our PE teacher for a running race. The game play to group have two people. I came in front of a dozen students than finished, it's my turn and another classmate. I see a high student, I was a little nervous. With the development of ...

南沙群岛17077844863: 有关跑早操的英语作文带 -
汝胥颈复: How to Keep Fita healthy body is very important to every one of us. when you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed.when you are healthy, you can eat well, sleep well...

南沙群岛17077844863: 有关跑步的英语作文带汉语要求4分钟 -
汝胥颈复: I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming, running, table-tennis and badminton. But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures. Besides, it's very easy for me to running. I can run in the ...

南沙群岛17077844863: 有关跑步的英语作文带汉语要求4分钟(跑步带给我们的好处及如何正确跑步) -
汝胥颈复: All take part in the fitness runners, often should pay attention to adhere to and step by step, special attention should be paid to control the amount of exercise. In addition, must learn to "self control", which is particularly important. Because ...

南沙群岛17077844863: 求关于谈论跑步英语作文 -
汝胥颈复: 例一:There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, basketball,travelling and so on. However, my favorite sport is running.In my mind,it is a good activities for people to keep healthy and relieve the pressure. After busy studying,i ...

南沙群岛17077844863: I like playing sports 100字英语作文 希望高中大学水平吧 -
汝胥颈复: There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy,such as swimming,running,and dancing.However,the sport that I like most is basketball.When I was in junior high,I started to play basketball in school.At that time,I found I had loved deeply this sport.Now,I ...

南沙群岛17077844863: 英语作文:介绍你在学校的一天,要求写出起床,刷牙,洗澡,吃早饭,跑步,上课(4门课程)从事的体育锻 -
汝胥颈复: About six o'clock i wake up than brushing.My mother are making a rich breakfask for me .After i finish my breakfask ,i jogging around my home than take a bath and ao to school. The frist four class i have to take are English , Chinese ,Science and ...

南沙群岛17077844863: 今天下午我在学校操场跑步时捡到一个红色的mp4翻译 -
汝胥颈复: I found a red MP4 this afternoon in school playground while I was running.

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