
作者&投稿:肇沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

作业还是要自己做的好。。。这么点财富值要别人做三页+汉语意思 = =
1. Oh! It's six fifteen now
2. I'm going to meet Skygirl at the bus stop at six twenty-five
3. We're going to have dinner with our friends at six thirty-five
4. I must be quick
5. Sorry. I'm late: It's six forty now. The dinner has already started.
6. You're not late. It's only six twenty. Look at your watch.
7. Oh! My watch is fast.
8. Poor Spaceboy! Don't be sad! let's go to the restaurant now. The dinner will start at six thirty-five.
可怜的Spaceboy! 别伤心!我们现在一起去餐厅吧。晚餐将在6点35分开始。
What time will Ben and Kitty arrive at the hospital?
They'll arrive at nine fifteen.
Ben 和 Kitty 将在何时抵达医院?
2. What will they do first?
First, they'll talk to Doctor Chen at nine thirty
3. What will they do next?
Next, they'll visit some sick people at 9:50
4. What will they do then?
Then they'll see the new babies at ten forty
5. Finally, what will they do?
Finally, they'll go to the restaurant for some cakes and drinks at eleven twenty-five
Sunday, 13 Nov
Yesterday was Open Day at the hospital
Ben and I arrived at the hospital at nine fifteen
First, we talked to Doctor Chen at nine thirty
Next, we visited some sick people at nine fifty
Then, we saw the new babies at ten forty
Finally, we went to the restaurant for some cakes and drinks at eleven twenty five
最后说一句,作业这东西最好还是要自己做的。 一次两次依赖网络可以,但是最好还是不要像这样直接提问别人。 下次至少先试着做一下,等到有不会的再问。

I am taller than my mother.
I am five years older than him.
She has long hair.
My hands bigger than yours.

1.Tom is lighter than Tony.
Tony is ______ ______Ton. (heavier than)

2.The Chagjiang river is longer than the Yellow Rrver
The Yellow River is ______ ______the the Changjiang River. (shorter than)

3.You mother is older than you.
you _____ ______than your mother. (are younger)

4.This old man is weaker than that old man.
That old man is_________this old man. (这你估计写错题了?我估计答案是这个stronger than)

5.A horse is faster than a cow.
A cow is _______ ________a hors. (slower than)

6.Tom is taller than ken.
ken is _______ _______Tom. (shorter than)

1.Bk 10 is ______(easy)than Book 11. (easier)

2.Tim Congratulaticn. You are the ______(win) (winner)

3.Today is ______ _______(hot)day of the year. (the hottest)

4.The moon is much______(small)than the sun. (smaller)

5.Tom is ______(late)than yesterday. But Mary is______ ______(early)in her class. (later) (the earlyest)

6.This book is not_____I often read is by______(me) (mine) (myself)

估计这是你的作业吧? 部分答案不是100%确定,你参考一下吧.不过以后作业还是自己做`毕竟学到的还是你自己的哦.

1.heavier than
2.shorter than
3.are younger
4.stronger than
5. slower than
6.shorter than

3.the hottest
5.later the earlist
6.mine myself

1.Tom is lighter than Tony.
Tony is heavier than Ton
2.The Chagjiang river is longer than the Yellow Rrver
The Yellow River is shorter than the the Changjiang River.
3.You mother is older than you.
you younger than your mother.
4.This old man is weaker than that old man.
That old man is weak this old man.
5.A horse is faster than a cow.
A cow is slower a hors
6.Tom is taller than ken.
ken is shorter than Tom.
1.Bk 10 is easier(easy)than Book 11.

2.Tim Congratulaticn. You are the winner(win)

3.Today is hottest(hot)day of the year.

4.The moon is much smaller(small)than the sun.

5.Tom is later(late)than yesterday. But Mary is earlier(early)in her class.

6.This book is not meI often read is by myself(me)

1.My computer keeps going funny.我的计算机老出故障。2.He hacked into the bank's computer.他侵入了这家银行的计算机。3.He was busy tapping away at his computer.他埋头敲着电脑键盘。4.My computer can't read the disk you sent.我的电脑不能读你送来的盘。5.Does the computer beep...

这个年级段英语不会特别难 简单的字母 单词

( )1.A. copybook B. train C. storybook ( )2.A. peach B. grandmother C. grandfather ( )3.A. yellow B. black C. bag ( )4.A. rubber B. pencil C. key ( )5.A. nine B. minus C. twelve ( )6.A. orange B. banana C. chair ( )7.A. nine ...

二、在数学方面:要在仔细一点不要粗心;做题时要明确的知道什么是已知条件,什么是要求的的未知条件;理解透彻每个概念的意思。 三、在英语方面:坚持每天听磁带;把单词写好;把单词记好;读一些有关英语的小短文、小故事。 四、在学校的综合表现:要做好老师的小助手;和同学之间搞好关系;老师要求参加的活动能参加的尽...

【篇一】四年级小学生英语作业题 一、 根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。 ( )1.桌子 A.desk B.chair ( ) 2.在……上面 A.in B.on ( ) 3.书包 A.schoolbag B.blackboard ( ) 4.在……中间 A.behind B.between ( ) 5.在……旁边 A.beside B.under ( ) 6.老师 A.pupil B.teacher ( ) 7...

小学四年级英语暑假作业参考答案 P1 一、 1.bee蜜蜂2.fan电扇3.hey嗨4.skirt裙子5.form表格6.big大的 二、 略 三、画 1.一个红苹果2.一条黄狗3.两双绿袜子4三双蓝鞋 四、 顺序1 3 2 4 五、1.mother 2.chair 3. rice 4.room 5.forty-one 6.light P2 一、 rabbit banana pig duck watherme...

【篇一】小学三年级下册英语家庭作业 一、请找出下面句子的中文意思,写上编号。( )1.Follow me! A.不用谢。( )2.You're welcome! B.你几岁了?( )3.How old are you? C.这个是送给你的。( )4.Let's eat the birthday cake. D. 跟着我。( )5.This is for you. E.让我们一起来...


以下五年级暑假作业答案:英语内容由提供,欢迎阅读。Exercise One 一、英汉互译 1. 看一看 2.教师节 3.给你 4、three ball pens 二、补全下列单词 1.e 一支钢笔 2.u 一把直尺 3.a e 一支圆珠笔 4.a一个笔袋 5.oo 一个书签 6.e 一本笔记本 三、A F E C B D 四、Come in book...

下面是整理的三年级英语上册寒假作业答案新课标版,希望你在自己独立完成的情况下再来参照答案:听力部分 一、听音选 出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。(每题1分,共10分)1. use 2. short 3. winner 4.A lovely 5. feed 二、听音选择。将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内。(每题1分,...

松岭区19560006450: 六年级第二学期英语作业一.根据首字拼写单词1.The monkey is shorter but f______.2.I'm biger and s_____than you.3.chen Jie is taller and t_____than Liu Yun.... -
鄂楠外用:[答案] 二.按要求完成句子1.A giraffe is taller than (an) elephant2.A cat isn't (bigger) than a panda3.Which animal is smaller,a dog (or)a bear4.Is (a)liger smaller than a bird?5.My legs are longer tha...

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鄂楠外用:[答案] 看电视 watch TV 玩电脑游戏 play computer games look around 环顾四周 把它捡起来 pick it up come up to him 走向他 point to a sign on the grass 指向草坪...

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鄂楠外用:[答案] My friends I have a very good friend,her name is Xiao Wei.We often go to school,go home.I have difficulties when looking for her help,she was learning to solve the problems came to me.So we get along very pleasant,I hope that one day we can work ...

松岭区19560006450: 六年级英语作业 -
鄂楠外用: 1)It was sunning.Now it's raining.2) Ten years ago, the tree was short.Now the tree is tall.3)Before, Wu Yifan was not good at skating.Now he is doing very well/ good at skating.4)Last year, there was only one teaching building in front of/ behind the ...

松岭区19560006450: 小学六年级英语PEP作业本题(最迟5.7前)有追加分Read and writeMrs Brown is wery fat.She is now at the doctor's.D:Good morning,Madam.( )( )( M:Good ... -
鄂楠外用:[答案] what's the matter? felt Did have Did have Do you sleep i am What's for ave have have fat execrise(我忘了是不是这么写,反正是锻炼的意思)

松岭区19560006450: 小学六年级英语作业 -
鄂楠外用: 我就是6年级的,问我再好不过了1.Is it a holiday?Yes,it is.2.Where do the children meet?They meet the flim dinosaur.3.Do the children have a lot of money?No,they don't.4.What can they do at last?They can watch TV at home.

松岭区19560006450: 写一写你最喜欢的一张照片六年级英语作业 -
鄂楠外用:[答案] My favourite photo. you can see a picture in my photograph.It is a picture of my parents.I like it very much.My mother told me this is their wedding photo.That beautiful women in white dress is my mother. That handsome man in uniform is my father.They ...

松岭区19560006450: 六年级英语寒假作业冀教版陕西旅游出版社 -
鄂楠外用:[答案] 作业一 一.靴子 邀请 围巾 湿的 二.一把伞 冰箱 三.1C2A3D4A5D 四.1WEATHEV FALL 2CARROTS THE TABLE 3TIME SEVEN FOV 先抄着下次再给你发 作业二 一bedroom door lamp closet dresser windauo 二1连2 2连3 3连4 4连1 三1whose 2 ...

松岭区19560006450: 求六年级英语作文5篇以上.(5句以上,不要太少) -
鄂楠外用:[答案] 我的周末(My weekend) I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday,I'm going to do my homework.then,I'm going ... My school is very beautiful.I like my school very much. There is a big playground in my school.We have P.E.class on the ...

松岭区19560006450: 6年级英语作业 -
鄂楠外用: do housework after dessert C B what is wrong with you? it is very dirty.

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