
作者&投稿:汝晶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ebook/electric book 电子书


choosing books to take on holiday has got more difficult in recent years. Now it is a question not just of what to read but how – on paper, tablet, e-reader, or perhaps even a phone – and people have strong opinions on which is best. But is there any more to the decision than cost and convenience? On this question, the answer suggested by numerous studies into the neuroscience and psychology of reading in different formats is an emphatic yes.
There is no shortage of people warning of the risks attendant on the rise of “screen culture”, as the neuroscientist Susan Greenfield calls it. Greenfield has repeatedly expressed concern that, as technology takes us into unknown territory, “the brain may be adapting in unprecedented ways”. Though she tends to stress that these changes might be good or bad, that hasn’t stopped her more negative speculations being picked up in the media and amplified in far more strident terms.

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On the other side of the two cultures divide, the novelist and critic Will Self recently argued that the connectivity of the digital world was fatal for the serious novel, which requires all the reader’s attention. Looking ahead 20 years, he posed a question: “If you accept that by then the vast majority of text will be read in digital form on devices linked to the web, do you also believe that those readers will voluntarily choose to disable that connectivity? If your answer to this is no, then the death of the novel is sealed out of your own mouth.”
E-reading is certainly on the rise. The Pew Research Center reports that, as recently as 2010, hardly anyone in the US had an e-reader or tablet. Now half do. The proportion of the population who have read an ebook in the past year rose from 17 per cent in 2011 to 28 per cent just three years later. In the UK, figures from Nielsen, which monitors book sales, showed that one in four consumer titles bought in 2013 was an ebook, up from one in five a year earlier.
Is this cause for concern? There is some evidence that reading on screen can result in less comprehension and even affect sleep patterns. But the research here is complex and inconclusive and, in any case, it is actually doing something far more interesting than telling us which medium is superior. It’s making us think more about what it means to read.
As researchers examine the differences reading in different media make, they are also having to distinguish carefully between the different things that we do when we read. Take, for instance, the difference between “deep reading”, when you really get immersed in a text, and “active learning”, when you make notes in margins or put down the book to cross-reference with something else.
When Anne Campbell of the Open University in Scotland looked at how students used Kindle readers and paper books, she found that the electronic devices promoted more deep reading and less active learning. This appeared to be a direct result of design. “They’re less distracted using this very basic Kindle,” she told me. “They’re almost being forced to focus on it because of the very lack of ability to do things like flick forward and flick back.” Another related, widely replicated finding, is that people read more slowly on screens than from paper.
Sara Margolin of the State University of New York has also conducted research in this area. She says that “slowing down may actually allow us to spend more time consolidating what we have read into a more cohesive mental representation of the text”; furthermore, “not skipping around during reading” could be “a good thing in that it forces the reader to read the text in order, and preserves the organisation the author intended”. However, it also discourages rereading, which is known to help with “metacomprehension” – readers’ ability to recognise whether or not they have understood what they just read.

看到这里,我默默的起身去吧台结了账,然后转身骑着自己的自行车回家了。回家之后,我把钱包拿出来,你们还别说,他们还真挺有钱的 11.书籍是人类进步的阶梯,电子书就是人类进步的电梯。12.我:你这是在给谁上香友:前男友。我:擦,人家又没死。室友:走的时候,他给我留了一句话:就当我死了...



人应该忘记过去的伤感说说 如果忘了,就不重要
11.书籍是人类进步的阶梯,电子书是人类进步的电梯 12.有的时候,劳累会使你忘记思考,而忘记思考不失为一种幸福。 13.我们有太多借口忘了很多事,.忘了吃饭,忘了睡觉,忘了生活,忘了包容,忘了体谅,忘了用心,忘了倾听,忘了诉说。我们总吝啬自己的语言,那一句我想你哽在喉咙里却怎么也说不出口。爱一个人,一定...


买书看书的励志说说 一、买书如山倒,看书如抽丝的20xx年的我。 二、最无助的时候我选择了一个人出行,08年国庆节,提前买票只有无座的没买,鬼知道开车前两个小时有了卧铺票,火速把孩子送到奶奶家然后去车站,去了郑州开封洛阳,第六天回来,第七天去买了个现车,有个喜欢的车型需要等两个月我都没有耐心。从此我...


手机、平板、kindle三者都有,除了各位所提到的续航、屏幕等优点,我再补充一下吧。 1. 正版书库 亚马逊作为全球最大的电子书市场,旗下的kindle自然也享受到了这份好处,在国人的正版意识逐渐抬头的当下,花几块钱享受无错字的阅读也是一件美事。 2. 沉浸式阅读 相信每个人都试过在手机平板上看着看着就点开了各...

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我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 电子书有哪些格式? 其实你所说的电子书就是指TXT格式的文本文件。主流手机现在都支持TXT文件直接阅读,老点的机型是JAR(仅Nokia),也可以下载阅读工具来辅助打开TXT文件。别的手机大致也如此,格式名称不同而已。 不对要想电子书看还要看你机子能不能支持TXT格式,不能的话...

盘龙区17625643378: 电子书的优点,能用英语给我说说吗? -
有券板蓝:[答案] 1. 电子书促进阅读.人们花费在屏幕前的时间更多了,在印刷书籍前的时间更少了.2. 电子书利于环境.电子书挽救树木,减少旧纸书回收的挖坑回填,节省运输成本和与减少航运书籍至全国或世界各地的环境污染问题.3 .电子书易...

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有券板蓝: the advantage of e-book e-book can be a very excellent creation.it is in different sizes.it is something that can be read by some devices instead of texts printed in papers.with more and more people use it,e-book sells well .. what makes it so popular...

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有券板蓝: GOOGLE 搜索 E-BOOK ADVANTAGE 即可找到相关文 E-Book is the short form of Electronic Book. It is generally read on personal computers. Some users also use it on their cell phones, rather, smart phones. It is mainly meant for readers who ...

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有券板蓝: As the world has been more and more modern,a lot of old things had changed,like the internet has taken place the possion of TV and the Ebook is taking place the possion of the traditional book. At first,we have to admit that Ebook is a cheaper way...

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有券板蓝: was very sample,我们应该知道如何使自己高兴,它会鼓励我们.而如果你不爱听音乐没有非常好的兴趣爱好,它会在你不得意的时候拉你一把.However someone didn', it is not convenient in the sense of borrowing/,it will let us happy:save ...

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有券板蓝: there are more and more ways to study today.first,use the textbook is the earliest and convenient way.it's can protece our eyes,and also can help us to learn more knowledge from them.

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有券板蓝: E-Books Are GoodIt's reported that school students in Korea will use e-books from 2011. What good news this is! E-books have many advantages.Most importantly, they are good for the environment, since they can save lots of paper and ...

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