
作者&投稿:古急 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Give help to others
As one child ,as well as we need love and help ,we should give love and help to others ,To help others mean to help ourselves.

In our-daily lives ,we may come across so many difficulities ,Because we don't have any brothers or sisters we have to ask parents and others for help ,If others give us a hand ,we can easily solve the problems In studying ,when have problems with our subjects ,the teachers and classmates will help us ,If we can have so many problems in our lives and studying ,others do too ,So to help others means help ourselves. You do this can make us happy ,Everyone needs help and love ,If we do so ,we can make great progress togerth .All for one for all.

Let's give help and love to others ,The world will be much more beautiful if our hearts are all full of lot and help.

还有就是,我目前上的ABC天卞英语的导师要我明白 事实上想学会英语是不难的 绝对具有符合的研习空间以及熟练口语对象 老师水平是关键,标准口音才行,坚决每日口语练习,一对一个性化学习才可以有非常.好.的进步幅度。课程结束后需要复习听取课程录音音频 把所学知识融会贯通。若真的是没有人可以指导 可以到 VOA或沪江获取课余教材阅读,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,迅速的口语会提高起来,学习效益应该可以迅速明显的。dearmum,Ihaveneverthoughtabouttowritealettertoyou.ButItnkitmaybeagoodwaytoexpressmylovetoyou.Youaremymother,youarethepersonwhogivebirthtome,andyouarealsomyclosestfriend.WhenIhavetroublewithmyhomework,you'llalwayshelpmetosolvetheproblems.WhenIgetupsetinschool,you'llalwayslistentomeandgivemesomegoodadvices.WhenIgetsick,youarethemostworriedperson,andyou'lldrivemetothehospitalimmediately.Thankyouforyourlove,mum.Iloveyou,likehowmuchyouloveme.Daughterson

Hello, everyone. As we know, Many Iraqis become homeless people because of the
war. Some of them
are children. They used to be rich but now they lost warm
houses and have no enough food to eat. The
children have no chance to go to
school. The hard living conditions made the homeless children become
laborers. What do you think of their bad life?
Let's make a
wonderful program to help these children return to live like other people. I
think we should
call for (呼吁) ending the war. We give support to these poor
child laborers through raising money. So they
can live in warm houses, get a
good education and live a happy life. We hope there will be smiles on their

faces. If you'd like to join the program, please come to our community


为了母亲的微笑 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:念给天堂里的妈妈听红|袖|言|情|小|说王雷终于拿到了市重点中学的录取通知书,寡居多年的妈妈既喜又忧,决定为儿子外出挣钱攒学费,可是一走竟音信全无。王雷常常呆坐着以泪洗面。这天,“笃笃笃”,有人敲门。“你是王雷...






在演艺圈里要想长久下去,的确需要运气的成分,甚至需要很多运气的成分。不过大家也不需要为此而灰心,因为凡事总有例外。他们从相恋到结婚已经走过了15年,如今感情却依旧十分甜蜜,他们就是王雷和李小萌。求婚 当时李小萌已经是一名即将毕业的学生了,而她也因为在校期间的优异表现,获得了代表毕业生发言的...


至于田润叶和李向前是否合适,她不在乎他们婚后是否幸福。熊睿玲早年经历 1979年,就读于新疆阿勒泰市第四地质大队子弟小学,父母均从事地质工作,从小在美丽的新疆地质队长大。1984年,小学毕业后随父母由新疆迁回老家四川乐山,同年9月就读于四川乐山丹棱中学。1987年,初中毕业,然后又继续于丹棱中学读高中...

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浦秀佳菲: Hi!My name dfjk. s,ydfi dfkj xfj xjxhf dfmnj xzdljk dyirtucy cvhgj cj cg,jl cjghn ,xz.ddjl

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 假如我是王雷,给学校写一份昌义书号召同学们帮助有困难的人英语作文的范文 -
浦秀佳菲: Give help to others As one child ,as well as we need love and help ,we should give love and help to others ,To help others mean to help ourselves. In our-daily lives ,we may come across so many difficulities ,Because we don't have any brothers or ...

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 我是王涛,我今年14岁,是一名中学生,我最喜欢的科目是科学和体育.虽然科学有点难,但它很有趣,我们
浦秀佳菲: I'm wang tao. I am 14 years old. I'm a junnior high school student. My favorite subject is science and PE. The science is hard, but it is very interesting, we often have PE class on Friday, so Friday is my favourite day!

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 作为一名中学生的英语作文 -
浦秀佳菲: I think it is not all bad for millde school student to search the Internet.Some students play games on line.I don't agree it at all.It has nothing to do with their study.And it will make them lose the interests of learning. But also it is very nessary for us to ...

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 求一篇高中英语作文 题目如下 我是王刚 是一名高中生 想向报社投稿说说自己的烦恼 1.初中成绩名列前茅, -
浦秀佳菲: Dear editor, Now I am a high school student,my name is wanggang,I am writing to you to tell you some of my worries. When I am a junior middle school student,my mark is among the best of the successful students,However,now it is hard for me to be ...

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 假设你是王鹏,是一位中学生志愿者.请你根据所给提示用英语写一篇短文 -
浦秀佳菲: We gave a lot of present to them,wo sang ang danced together and we told them so many interesting stories and played alot of funny games.The children there were all very happy,I ate my breakfast quickly and go to the orphanage with other ...

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 英语作文,假设你是王伟,是一名高中生,你经常听到你的同学吴东抱怨作业太多,找不到时间放松,休息,于 -
浦秀佳菲: Dear Dong Wu Please please please relax your self and don't give your self too much stress and pressure. I can show you how to get rid of stress, first of all, you should make a plan on your homework that you need to do, After you done, you Should ...

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 英语作文:假设你是王琳,你的朋友Amy是一名英国中学生,她对中国学生的学校生活很感兴趣.请你给她写...英语作文:假设你是王琳,你的朋友Amy是一... -
浦秀佳菲:[答案] Dear Amy: From your last letter, I know that you are very interested in our chinese school life.Now I will introduce my school life to you.I am a grade 7 students,and I have eight class a whole day,including Chinese,English,maths,history,politics and so on....

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: 这是张丽.她是一名学生.英语句子怎么写 -
浦秀佳菲: 这是张丽.她是一名学生.This is Zhang Li. She is a student.

麻阳苗族自治县13072983367: ·我是一名初中毕业生怎样用英语作自我介绍?
浦秀佳菲: Hello everyone,I'm glad to have this chance to introduce myself to all of you.my name is ……,and I graduated from number()middle school.I play basketball,badminton(sports)and I'd like to make friends to you.I think we'll have a happy time together. Thank you!

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