
作者&投稿:詹荆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

haven't sold
have had
did watch

When is Tom going to move?
Who did watch to see the house?
Where did you get this lovely hat?
How did they work this morning? What did they do this morning?

1. Building up confudence is tough job in life.
2. He built up his confidence through teachers' encouragement.
3. You must build up your confidence before you work things out.
4. Can you help me build up my confidence?
5. She helped his bother buiid up his confidence.
6. The teacher's encouraging words built up his confidence again.
7. Is it hard to build up confidence?
8. You can see the importance to build up your confidence,
9. What can build up your confidence?
10. Sucess in little things can help build up one's confidence/


1. His Nanny raised him up.
2. Who raised you up?
3. Raising a child up is not an easy job.
4. He raised his hands up.
5 What do you mean by raising up?
6. How to raise up a bird?
7. Try to raise up a bird and then you will understand your parents.
8. Are you gonna raise up the kid?
9. Who will raise up a loved child?
10. Don't let me raise him up.

1. Never treat your work with a negative attitude.
2. A positive attitude is a key to sucess.
3. A positive attitude means you never give up hope.
4. A negative attitude is nothing but harmful.
5. Negative attitudes will destroy a person.
6. You should try to grow a positive attitude to life.
7. Bosses do not like persons with a negative attitude.
8. How to grow a positive attitude?
9. Do you used to positive attitudes or negative one?
10. You treat life with a nagative attitude and so will the life to you.

1. Pets are fobidden to to get in.
2. It's forbidden to park here.
3. Smoking forbidden please.
4. Nobody is forbidden to do nice things.
5. Gaming is forbidden here.
6. Have you ever been to Forbidden City?
7. Playing games in forbidden during working hours.
8. Speaking loud is forbidden in hospitals.
9. The forbidden apple is a story.
10. Have you ever read the forbidden apple in the Bibles?

be keen on 或者 be interested in.


Do,keen on 在这里keen 是形容词,缺动词
Do,interested on 这里必须用动词原形,而且没有interested on 只有interest on Are interesting in 这里interest是及物动词不能单独使用
而be keen on 是一个固定词组,所以用A

be keen on固定搭配

be keen on;be interested in 是固定词组,就那么简单

Are you keen on trees?

Actually A B C D are not a good answers neither.

The best answer should be: Do you like trees?

But it's a multiple choices and we need to pick the best answers, B C D are wrong and only A has the correct gramma, so we pick A.

B错,be keen on
C,D错,be interested in

今日 皆さまと、この场でお会いできて、诚にうれしいかぎりでございます。わたくしが皆さまに申し上げたいのは、三つのはなしだけなんです。まず、この何年间、ずっと、さくら日本语社を见守ってくださった方々に、心から感谢の気持ちを申し上げます。そして、私どもの管理と教员...

Everybody has their own dreams, but each of us does have different dreams. Some want to be a teacher; some want to be a scientist.However, my dream, which has been deeply rooted in my heart for a long time, is to become a excellent teacher. The reason why I want to be...

请教粤语 广东话高手入来帮忙解答!有点专业性。
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When they were walking through the forest, a bear came at them.主句是a bear came at them。When they were walking through the forest是时间状语,正当他们走过森林时。Be careful, the train is coming.当心,火车正在向这边开过来。通常翻译为:火车要来了。按中文意思是 will come,但不...


Tú te has hecho dueña de mi realidad 你已经成了我现实中的梦想 te has convertido en mi necesidad 你已经变成了我的需要 imprescindible como el aire para respirar 像呼吸需要空气那样必不可少 ves que llora el cielo cuando tú no estas 你看到当你不在时天空都在哭泣 mi mundo ...

英语高手来..帮忙整理一下,,教小弟一些口诀 300分
下列动词只能用动名词作宾语:考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想.避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏.禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡.consider,suggest\/advise,look forward to,excuse\/pardon admit,delay\/put off,fancy avoid,miss,keep\/keep on,practise deny,finish,enjoy\/appreciate forbid,imagine,risk can't...

坎井之蛙 在一口浅井里有一只青蛙。……它对从东海中来的大鳖说:“我多么快乐啊!出去玩玩,就在井口的栏杆上蹦蹦跳跳,回来休息就蹲在残破的井壁的砖窟窿里休息休息;跳进水里,水刚好托着我的胳肢窝和面颊;踩泥巴时,泥深只能淹没我的两脚,漫到我的脚背上。回头看一看那些赤虫、螃蟹与蝌蚪一类...

甲 举一反三 乙 一举两得

高手来帮忙猜灯(字)谜 ..
夫--打一成语 ———出头之日 咄--打一成语 ———脱口而出 首富--打一人体部位 ———头发 点投状元--打一人体部位 ———头 夜来风雨声---天气预报 连名起诉--打一中央电视台栏目 ——-广而告之 实在可笑--打一食品 ———开心果 浮肿消去--打一食品名 ———面条 不露脸--打一...

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手来帮帮忙 -
廉郭生化: 1.Where does the school located?In the UK.2.Where is they going today for school trip? North Norfolk.3.Why they are going to the coastline?Because they are learing about beaches and cl...

金坛市13719877591: 英文高手来帮忙.
廉郭生化: Ah alive really hard ... I think: I am speaking of death is a relief 这个绝对 我用在线翻译翻的 没错

金坛市13719877591: 英语扩展句子,英语高手来帮忙 -
廉郭生化: 1. Hongkong has remained a prosperous financial center.2. We have finally built a city of high technology.3. The hardworking people will make this place very successful and...

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手来帮忙翻译
廉郭生化: I have said that no matter what happens, I will love you and even though you don't love me, I will be with you and never let you run away

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手来帮忙翻译一段话
廉郭生化: I love you so much that I have motivation to study English. I'll make every efforts to study English well, in order to have a look at you. Although there is a long distance between us and a lot of pretty girls around you, I don't care at all. Because I'll support you silently forever. Wish you happy. Come on!

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手来帮忙 -
廉郭生化: Sport: babe ruth (He played baseball, a baseball lengend in America, even in whole world) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babe_Ruth Writer: William Shakespeare (He is the writer of Romio and Juliet) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare ...

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手来帮忙 -
廉郭生化: Jingle Lee,Jingle是铃铛的意思,谐音是jing girl女孩晶晶

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手来帮忙造几个句子
廉郭生化: He struggled all the way from the worst player to the national champion. 他一直奋斗着从最差的选手一直成为全国冠军. The best way to do this is to fix it first. 最好的办法就是先修好它. It's very hard to understand the professor. 很难理解这个教授

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手来帮忙,速求!谢谢~ -
廉郭生化: 一、there was a race last weekend. She goes to work every day. My father was at the grocer's last Wednesday. He is painting the bookcase now. The car was the winner last year. 二、I am in the theatre last Saturday. There was a race last Tuesday. ...

金坛市13719877591: 英语高手进来下!帮帮忙! -
廉郭生化: The twin sister learned Chinese by (themselves). Do you know (who) is he? He told me he (would) come to see me the next day. Lily teaches (us) English. You should keep your eye...

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