
作者&投稿:束眨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



介绍江西瑞安的,你参考你的城市改改。Ruian is the People's Republic of China Jiangxi Province's provincial capital, Chinese one of 35 super cities, has the essence or quintessence of things tianbao, the human outstanding earth deities since the ancient times fine reputation.It has more than 2200 years history and the deep cultural inside story, is the People's Republic of China State Council names the historical city.Not only Nanchang is the ecological environment exquisite the Chiangnan region of rivers and lakes, Communist Party of China it the colors raise place.Has the honor to receive many times the People's Republic of China"the nation cultured and civilized city", "the national health cityadvanced city", "the Chinese outstanding traveling city", "thenational two supports model city" the title.
Nanchang is situated at middle and lower reaches Yangtze River, westPoyang Lake the Nanan, is only 11 the provincial capital city whichwith southeast the Yangtze River delta, the Zhujiang Delta and Fujianthe economic zone adjoin west, receives opens, north-south north andsouth. Beijing nine, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, the Anhui Jianxithree bar iron routes connect to this, is Beijing nine on-line theonly provincial capital city; 105th, 320, 316 federal highways gothrough vertically Nanchang; The Changbei international airport mayreach national each big city; The water transportation enters YangtzeRiver after Ganjiang River to leave East China Sea. Looked from theeconomic significance that, Nanchang has become international andeastern part the coastal developed area industry gradient shift idealarea.

Dear Jack:
I am very you are coming to China. There may be something different from the USA, so I want to tell you something helpful. Now , it is very hot and often rains, so don't forget to bring your raincoat, you should learn to use chopsticks because we don't use forks and knives to have Chinese food;I want to learn more about the USA, would you please bring me a map of America, thank you , I will show you around many places of interest in China, I hope to see you soon!
yours Li Lei


下面这个是一篇新闻,命题作文限制了题目,但是没有限制内容和文体吧,你就给他写个新闻稿好了。地点事件自己改改。啰嗦的东西删了就ok了~童心看世界,童语说社会 2006年4月11日上午,鼓楼区政府办公大厦四楼401会议室举行了一次别开生面的听证会。来自南京市力学小学四(7)班和五(4)班的同学分别就《垃圾车漏水问...



每件事情对于每个人来说,都有自己独特的看法和见解,对或错,不只是对事情,还有对人,这些都需要我们用心。下面给大家分享一些有关用心 作文 600字,希望对大家有帮助。 有关用心作文600字1 一个母亲,为家人的平安劳苦不辞,但她很幸福;一个工人,拥有着一份平凡的工作,但她很知足;一位保姆,干着繁重的活i,但...

那样有成就的梦想才是真的好!希望自己不懈的努力,会变得更加的优秀,希望看到希望的曙光!拥有自己的一片天空,那件是多美的一件事! 有梦就追,有梦就奋斗!拥有梦想才是真的好! 有关梦想的作文4 月明星稀的夜晚,我独倚窗头。望着被红绿灯光所渲染的微亮夜空,耳旁传来游人们的欢声笑语,商人们卖力的吆喝声...



有关倾听作文600字3 青春年少,是否倾听过那北海道樱花的浪漫,是否倾听过那晶莹剔透的露珠悄悄地滋润着清晨。 如音乐般的美妙,就藏在那亲近我们的大自然中。倾听我们匆匆的岁月里,有梦,有爱,有歌。只要静下心来,用明亮的心灵聆听,蓝天会更蓝,大地会更美,人生会更幸福。 用心倾听吧,听世界的声。有的声音,是...

有关家风的英语作文,内容须包含一下三个要点:①what rules do you have...

向阳区13275508700: 假如你有一个美国的笔友John(初一英语作文)根据汉语提示完成短文.假如你有一个美国的笔友叫John,他经常用电脑做作业,还经常发电子邮件.他喜欢... -
伏居韦司:[答案] i have an American pen friend whose name is Jonn,we chat with each other through the Internet.He usually does his homework by the computer,moreover,he prefers sending e-mails.His hobby is chatting on the internet,but he never plays computer ...

向阳区13275508700: 初一介绍美国笔友的英语作文介绍你一位美国笔友以及他她的家人,和他所在的天气情况,年龄,所说的语言,和他父母的工作情况 -
伏居韦司:[答案] I had a penpal.his name is XX.he has a good family.he is a good boy.he is 13 years old.he speak English very good!he parents are teacher.he sister are student.XX like his family.

向阳区13275508700: 英语作文,要求:你的美国笔友要来中国,他写信向你了解你所在城市的天气和饮食情况,请回信内容提示:1告诉他可能遇到不同于他那里的情况.2这里天... -
伏居韦司:[答案] Dear Jack: I am very you are coming to China. There may be something different from the USA, so I want to tell you something helpful. Now , it is very hot and often rains, so don't forget to bring yo...

向阳区13275508700: 英语作文:有关内容是一个美国笔友要来我住这个城市旅游,给他回信.提供旅游 -
伏居韦司: Dear Jack: I am very you are coming to China. There may be something different from the USA, so I want to tell you something helpful. Now , it is very hot and often rains, so don't forget to bring your raincoat, you should learn to use chopsticks ...

向阳区13275508700: 求一篇英语作文.要求:假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Jack来信询问你平时周末的生活情况.100词左右.格式就不用了,直接写正文就OK了. -
伏居韦司:[答案] 我们学校也考这个!我也在帮朋友找答案!顺便给你了,永城三高的交个朋友 Jack: How do you do.Be glad to receive your ... 什么是代理吗?在邮件,你要求到达 我的周末是如何生活的?等我是一个喜欢网络的人, 一般性会议呆在家里玩电脑.你呢?...

向阳区13275508700: 求一篇英语作文!是给美国的笔友Tom写一封信,告诉他自己的高中新生活及自己的计划! -
伏居韦司:[答案] 同学 自己的作文要自己写

向阳区13275508700: 初一介绍美国笔友的英语作文 -
伏居韦司: I had a penpal. his name is XX.he has a good family.he is a good boy.he is 13 years old.he speak English very good!he parents are teacher.he sister are student.XX like his family.

向阳区13275508700: 篇英语作文内容写:你的美国笔友AIex给你写了一封信,告诉你甲型流感H1N1 FIU在美国引起恐慌他非常担心.请写信告诉他预防甲流方法,平时生活应该怎... -
伏居韦司:[答案] 你好,同学,现在为你解答 Dear Alex, I'm sorry to hear that H1N1 FLU has affected America. I have a few pieces of advice: 1. If you can help it, avoid eating pork and chicken. 2. Avoid eating out ...

向阳区13275508700: 英语作文,假设你叫李平,你收到了一位美国笔友Tom的一封信他向你询问了一些问题他上个月在中国度假时,周围中国朋友见面时,总爱问他上哪儿去,吃... -
伏居韦司:[答案] 英语作文 自己多练、

向阳区13275508700: 初三英语作文:假如你叫李明,你的一位美国笔友Tony今年暑假要来西安参观并……假如你叫李明你的一位美国笔友Tony今年暑假要来西安参观并想与你共... -
伏居韦司:[答案] Dear Tony,It's so nice that you are coming to visit me! I will be very glad to have you here!I live in the streets of Xi'an No.68 Xiling,you can take off from the train station take the 10 bus or fro...

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