
作者&投稿:睢发 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

An accurate description of company's products, while competitors to grasp the relevant circumstances.
2, to promote company products to university libraries, public libraries, local information which, research institutes, large enterprises and institutions, units that have intentions to follow up until the signing of a contract to return to models.
3, development of call plans and careful execution, the same time, a return visit to customers to carry out the work.
4, concerns related to units of local tenders, follow-up project, is responsible for all matters relating to the tender.
5, the use of the product tracking, timely organization of training seminars for customers, improve product efficiency and competitiveness.
6, to professional standard demands on themselves, for the company to establish positive public image and customer trust deeply.
Questions added: Please help a friend do not use the translator, if I use the translator to know why at the Baidu help, translator turned out all syntax errors Lianpian, shit unreasonable, if there is fluent in English and Chinese friends to help human translation, sub-Huan may be additional.

seems blue at a distance, but



An accounting position offering the opportunity to utilize my professional financial expertise,extensive business experience, and ability on a worldwide basis.

*Accountant and Administrative Manager of mediun-sized motor components manufacturing and distribution company serving national and international markets.
*Hands-on experience with firm of certified public accountants and auditors.
*Certified public accountant and auditor.

*Managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of company and its overseas offices in London and New York *Controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure
*Reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for client base of about 200.
*Established and maintained close relationships with bank executives,auditors,and attorneys,ensuring compliance with all regulatory bodies.

1985-1988 RABINO PRODUCTS, Meadville, PA
*Developed and implemented corporate and project-oriented financial strategies.
*Provided financial overview and leadership for all major operating considerations and activities, including development of business and profit plans.
*Controlled line management for all accounting,production costing,EDP,and financial functions.

1981-1983 MANNINGS,DAWE,AND BOND,Pittsburgh,PA
*Auditor private companies,listed companies,partnerships,and individual businesses.
*Prepared financial statements and schedules.

Bachelor's Degree,with major in Accountancy,Marketing, and Business Finance,1981

Summary of qualifications highlight candidate's strengths.

Bullets make resume easy to read.


帮我翻译几个小文章啊 ,谢谢 哥哥姐姐
我来试一下,纯手工操作,这几个小幽默不错,呵呵 1.Bedtime Prayers 床前祈祷 Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God," she said, "make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy."朱丽叶睡觉前正在祈祷。“上帝求求您把那不勒斯变成意大利的首都吧。把...

1.London is busy,noisy,crowded and excting .But it's too expensive.伦敦是个繁忙的,吵闹的,拥挤的,精彩的城市,但是它太贵了.2. I go to a gym twice a week with my friends .We swim and work out there.我和我的朋友每周去两次体育馆,我们在那里游泳游到筋疲力尽.3. He's ...

1.我非常荣幸能为大家做这次演讲。I'm honoured to have this opportunity to give you this speech.2.我今天演讲的题目是 My topic today is 3.希望大家能从我以下的演讲中得到一些启示。It's a great honour to me if you can get anything from my speech.4.我的演讲到此结束,你得到些...

Now, although we had different schools, but we are still good friends, I will continue to treasure the friendship.O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,毕业留言吗? 祝你心想事成哦~~

3.I have five young children , and now my wife has a baby girl,and I do not know where the money is to come from to feed and clothe them all. We are very poor and I fear I cannot work hard enough.3. 我有五个小孩,目前我妻子还有一个女婴儿,我不知道从哪儿去搞到钱来...

1、香港元朗青山公路牛潭尾段DD104段 Lot DD104, Ngau Tam Mei, Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long, New Territory, Hong Kong 2、深圳市凤凰建设机械有限公司 Shenzhen Phoenix Construction Machine Company Limited 3、深圳凤凰建设机械城商检(检验中心)Shenzhen Phoenix Construction Machine City Inspection...

product Planning Department 仓库办公室 storeroom office 品管部 product management office 生产主管办公室 chief manager offce of product 采购部 purchase department 因为关系到专业术语,所以有个别我不知道。同时这些对企业有很大关系,你最好请专业人士翻译。还有注意每个单词的开头字母都要大写。

16.每个工作日内的8小时 8 hours each working day 17.译 员到达时间2011年12月5日 Arrival time of the interpreter 5 Dec 2011 18.翻译与设备使用时间 Hiring Period of the Interpreters and the interpretation equipment 19.2011年12月5-7日(三天) 5-7 Dec 2011 ( 3 days)20翻译与...


1;我前天和朋友去KTV唱歌,他们说我唱歌有很大的进步,我终于摘掉了走音王的帽子了,心情自然愉快.several days ago, I went to sing in KTV with my friends. they said i've got a great improvement in singing. I felt very happy that i finally took off the hat of "bad singer" .2:...

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 英语翻译请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英文,1.让我们享受一下这个周末吧.2.我爷爷经常在下午散步.3.来参观一下我们的新学校吧! -
谯晨安万:[答案] Let's enjoy this weekend My grandfather often goes walking in the afternoon Come and visit our new school!

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 谁能帮我翻译几句话啊?把这几句翻成英文.要求没有语法错误且地道的英文.1.从小到大,我们有过许多朋友,但是像这样的朋友又有多少呢?2.许多我们称之... -
谯晨安万:[答案] 1.Since we were young,we have made many friends,but how many such friends are there? 2.Are many so-called friends really our friends? 3.Some people even regard those who only talked with them for several times as friends,and some classify friends...

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 关于英语翻译的问题下面是分好几个句子 希望哪位朋友能帮我翻译一下.1Holes keep opening up in the net as old friends move away.2i said mostly to her back ... -
谯晨安万:[答案] 1 当老朋友搬走时,网里的漏洞越来越大2 我大多数都是在她背后说的3 我已决定了,偶然发生的关系并不能在生活的变化中存活.主句动词为decided,从句动词为survive4 实际上,交朋友花的时间或精力并不多5 邻居们拥有的唯...

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 谁能帮我把几个句子翻译成英文啊
谯晨安万: 高二的英语啊!! 1.The constitution is the foundation law of a country 2.The Chinese government has built more than 50 economic zones 3.You will get a free seven-day trip tu Europ for two by the younth travel agency 4.It is necessary to set up a ...

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 有没有高手能帮我翻译几句话,翻成英文.谢谢. -
谯晨安万: "Before a dream you have to close your eyes first, When eyes closed, people's sight on you makes no sense. you can face yourself only when your ey...

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 请英文好的朋友帮我把几句中文翻译成英文 谢谢了· -
谯晨安万: 1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者. The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations. 2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁. The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship . (介词...

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 帮我翻译几个句子,翻译成英文 -
谯晨安万: 1.We're going to play the basketball.The basketball game is held on January 1st. 2.All the kids are very happy on Children's Day.

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 有谁帮我翻译几句句子!英语!急!急! -
谯晨安万: I want to buy a house before I died, second, get a car, take my family and my friends to travel around the world with the car. last thing is to buy and feed a Huskey in my rest of life. I wish those thing will become true before I died.

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译几个句子?高手,要用后面括号里给出的词啊,使用翻译软件的就不要了,要真人翻译的1. 在现代,人们要承担的家庭责任比以前更... -
谯晨安万:[答案] 1.In modern times, people take on less family responsibility than before , but must face more social challenges. 2.In this society we cannot desdain anyone, perhaps sometiome he have more prospects compared to you. 3.The generation of person born ...

伊金霍洛旗17775116622: 谁帮我把这几句话翻译成英语?
谯晨安万: I hope we will be friends for ever,even if we are apart one day,we'll never change.

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