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When learning that he_had__ _got__first in the English exam in his class,he stood speechless with surprise.

What he has done proves that he is noble-minded,which makes others _show__ _respect__to him.

Will our team _get__ _through__the second round of tight competition.

1.请先确认你的打印机连接上了网络(be connected to)
First make sure your printer is connected to the Internet.

2.电脑的使用迅速增长(growth;the use of)
The growth of using computer is growing fast.

3.你是无法让她放弃这个计划的(make sb do sth)
You can't make her abandon the plan

4.很明显这个老人听不清楚(it is obvious that...)
It is obvious that this old man can't hear clearly.

5.随着越来越多的人使用私家车,交通问题将会变得更加严重(with the increasing use of...)
With the increasing use of private cars,the traffic problems will get worse and worse.

6.我们应该对我们的未来持乐观态度(be optimistic about)
We should be optimistic about our future.

7.天真热!我想喝冷饮(what感叹句;fancy sth)
What a hot day, I'm fancing cold drink.

8.一个女人的服装是她外貌的一部分(a part of;appearance)
A woman' cloths are a part of her appearance.

晕 早知道这么多人就懒得打了。。。

tom is good at science,while his brother is not
he tried to combine theory with practice
the boss asked him to leave , in other words, he was dismissed

Tom is very good at science, and his brother, but know nothing about this

He tried to combine theory and practice

The boss asked him to leave, that is to say, he was fired

tom is good at science,while his brother knows nothing .
he tries to combine theory with practice.
the boss asked him to leave, in other words, he was fired.

We don't know each other,but I want to say,you are a lazy student,First,Why don't you write the sentences?Why do you just give us the photo?if you write the sentence,you know the key when you need to write the words.Sceond,you know ask help on net,why don't y...

只有完全检查完,此可以出院,因此用分词的完成时态。2. We must remember the fact that there are still a number of people in the world (endure hunger 挨饿)every day.(hungy)挨饿有几种表示办法:endure hunger(忍受饥饿)、go hungry(挨饿)、suffer hunger(遭受饥饿的痛苦)3. (Gavin m...

我的钱用完了。My money has___.学校可不是一个对不良行为听之任之的地方。There is not a school___bad___.今天下午我要去送一位朋友。I___a friend___this afternoon.我们的每分钟都必须充分利用起来。Every minute of ours should ___full___.这个国家的陆地面积有三百六十平方公里。Thi...

1.never have been 2.regretted didn't listen to 3.keep the without dust 4, is very good equiped 5.waiting for another hour 6. live a comfortable life(不知道用lead怎麼讲)7.avoid sunburn

1.She used to be _engaged_in(忙于;从事于) her job,but she feels sleepy all the time 2.The play,written by an American _humorist(幽默大师)__Mark Twain,made the audience laugh all through it 3.He was really brave enough to save the drowning(溺水的)__boy from the ...

First make sure your printer is connected to the Internet.2.电脑的使用迅速增长(growth;the use of)The growth of using computer is growing fast.3.你是无法让她放弃这个计划的(make sb do sth)You can't make her abandon the plan 4.很明显这个老人听不清楚(it is obvious that.....

英语4句话完成句子 高一 宇航员如何吃饭睡觉和行走
你好,很高兴为你解答。保证正确率~!正确答案是:【解析】:完成句子 1.【That Yangliwei landed on the earth safely 】 from space made all Chinese excited and cheerful.2.It is still unknown 【whether \/ if Yangliwei will be sent into space.】3.【How astronauts sleep and walk】...

高一英语完成句子?1.These students will graduate from the university...
1.then,by which time;2.which they both take pride of,of which they both take pride;3.to which you paid a visit,which you paid a visit to.

1.Johnson__could not be at sleep_(不可能在睡觉),for i saw him go out with his mother just now.(sleep)2._To take what measures__(该采取什么措施)to prevent such a dangerous material spreading is still under discussion .(measure)3.i_did not find my purse stolen __(发现...

高一 英语题 完成句子(每空一词)由一个村民的领路,我们毫不费劲找到了...
1. leading . . . no problem finding 2. consists of 3. riding . . . run into . . . facing toward him 4.With the development of . . . more and more important 5. it very difficult to deal with

绍兴市19569215057: 高一英语完成句子
兴巧环欣: should have come a little earlier have difficulty in be loyal to get along all terms well with congratulate you Whether they could finish In order to make good use of At the moment I saw him funning

绍兴市19569215057: 求英语高手帮忙做3道高一题!!!
兴巧环欣: happened on their way here it was that (强调句型) share happiness and shorrow 以过六级的身份保证绝对正确!!

绍兴市19569215057: 三道高一英语完成句子题(题目见图片手机用户勿入)
兴巧环欣: 7. It was not until he was in his thirties that he got married.句式:It was not until <A> that <B>.直到 <A> 这件事情发生了,才发生 <B> 这件事情.两件事情都用过去时. 第8题正确. 9. He walked slowly to the bus stop, cold and hungry.形容词有这样的用法,放在那个位置形容 he 当时的状态. 10. With the problem solved, we went on smoothly.此介词词组表达 because 子句同样意思.

绍兴市19569215057: 求帮写高一英语完成句子 请带题号
兴巧环欣: 太湖了看不清楚啊!1, good at swimming 2,why not in need 3,hardly time 4,give up public place17,farmers busy 18,that three times 19,go if 20,made popular 21, if feel tired 22, from to 23,came true 24,even yourself 25,am going 会的就只有这些了 希望可以帮到你!

绍兴市19569215057: 高一英语完成句子.一共10小题.1.He commanded that the students____ - the classroom before he returned.(go)他命令学生在他回来之前不要走出教室.2.A ... -
兴巧环欣:[答案] 1、don't go 2、were sent 3、what part China wiil play 4、to turn it off 5、went straight

绍兴市19569215057: 高一英语完成句子 -
兴巧环欣: 1.dramatic2.encouraged3.cancel4.divorce5.occasion6.function7.approached8.Various9.protected10.received11.general12.defend

绍兴市19569215057: 高一英语完成句子 -
兴巧环欣: 1、hadn't been2. regretted not following3. keep them from dust.4. is well equipped with 5. waiting for another hour6. have led a comforatble life7. avoid being sunburnt

绍兴市19569215057: 英语,3道完成句子的题
兴巧环欣: 1、 改简单句I don't know how I study well.I don't know ___how____ to_______study ________well. 2、 改同义句He gave up smoking last year.He _____stop__ smoking________last year. 3、 改复合句The old man was too tired to walk on.The old man was ___so_____ tired ___that____ he ___couldn't____ walk on

绍兴市19569215057: 高一年级英语: 完成句子
兴巧环欣: 第一个关心:took care of 第二个碰巧:It happened that

绍兴市19569215057: 高一英语..完成句子
兴巧环欣: 1.three days earlier than expected 2.that be allowed 3.arguing something worth 4.smoking isn't allowed 5.Whatever you say To my interest

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