
作者&投稿:平牵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

内容摘要:The programming and management of the IP address are an in the area network of the bureau very complicated with 艰 huge work.Not the norm ground the usage IP address, usually result in the IP address in the network disorder.The IP address appropriates to bring the network management safe 隐 to suffer from, resulting in to the customer inconvenience, that text analyzed the IP address to appropriate an in common use method, give correspond of guard against measure, and put forward adopting a dynamic state to install the mechanism of the MAC address.

关 键 词:Area net IP address in bureau appropriates the ARP DHCP port fixed position dynamic state MAC

This article mainly was has carried on the system analysis and the design to the teacher teaching quality appraisal system, and initially has already realized the basic function which its has. Uses this system to be allowed a fuller use already the campus environment which has, changed the past to need artificially to gather the information the method, the large scale enhancement working efficiency, decreased the working costs, had the good benefit. The teaching appraisal is each institutions of higher learning educational administration department's work center of gravity, needs to establish the good teaching quality a set to be fair, the democracy teacher teaching quality appraisal system .

在局域网络中IP地址的规划和管理是一个非常复杂和艰巨的工作。||The programming and management of the IP address are an in the area network of the bureau very complicated with 艰 huge work.不规范地使用IP地址,往往造成网络中IP地址的混乱。||The programming and management of the IP address are an in the area network of the bureau very complicated with 艰 huge work.Not the norm ground the usage IP address, usually result in the IP address in the network disorder.IP地址的盗用给网络管理带来安全隐患,给用户造成不便,该文分析了IP地址盗用常用的方法,给出了相应的防范措施,并提出了采用动态配置MAC地址的机制。||The programming and management of the IP address are an in the area network of the bureau very complicated with 艰 huge work.The Not the norm ground the usage IP address, the usually result in the IP address in the network disorder.IP address appropriates to bring the network management safe 隐 to suffer from, resulting in to the customer inconvenience, that text analyzed the IP address to appropriate an in common use method, give correspond of guard against measure, and put forward adopting a dynamic state to install the mechanism of the MAC address||The programming and management of the IP address are an in the area network of the bureau very complicated with 艰 huge work.The Not the norm ground the usage IP address, the usually result in the IP address in the network disorder.The IP address appropriates to bring the network management safe 隐 to suffer from, the resulting in to the customer inconvenience, the that text the analyzed the the IP address the to appropriate the an in the common use method, the give correspond the of guard the against measure, and put forward adopting a dynamic state to install the mechanism of the MAC address.

Content abstract: Winds the IP address plan and the management in the local area network is extremely complex and the arduous work. Not standard uses the IP address, often creates in the network the IP address confusion. The IP address embezzlement brings the security hidden danger for the network management, creates inconveniently to the user, this article has analyzed the IP address embezzlement commonly used method, has produced the corresponding guard measure, and proposed uses dynamically disposes the MAC address the mechanism.
Key word: The local area network IP address embezzles ARP DHCP port localization dynamic MAC

Content abstract: Winds the IP address plan and the management in the local area network is extremely complex and the arduous work. Not standard uses the IP address, often creates in the network the IP address confusion. The IP address embezzlement brings the security hidden danger for the network management, creates inconveniently to the user, this article has analyzed the IP address embezzlement commonly used method, has produced the corresponding guard measure, and proposed uses dynamically disposes the MAC address the mechanism.
Key word: The local area network IP address embezzles ARP DHCP port localization dynamic MAC

内容摘要:The programming and management of the IP address are an in the area network of the bureau very complicated with 艰 huge work.Not the norm ground the usage IP address, usually result in the IP address in the network disorder.The IP address appropriates to bring the network management safe 隐 to suffer from, resulting in to the customer inconvenience, that text analyzed the IP address to appropriate an in common use method, give correspond of guard against measure, and put forward adopting a dynamic state to install the mechanism of the MAC address.

关 键 词:Area net IP address in bureau appropriates the ARP DHCP port fixed position dynamic state MAC

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